[Release] Season V + Custom

Does anyone have problem with 3rd quest here ? when you finished killing 10 mobs, return and click on the NPC. Nothing appears anyone knows ?
where i change MuHero client name to put my server name ? i changed in text.bmd but still remaining, see pict...
Multumesc pentru raspuns D1abol1k

change it in this folder " client/data/local/serverlist.bmd"

use magichand or pentium tools ,,,
I tested this file yesterday, a lot of events are not working properly. +14-15 and quest system doesn't work. Skill tree and summoner doesn't work properly. More bug will be reported :)
i can't make pc point shop to work.......someone can help me ?
Може ли някой да постне линк с Едитор за тези файлове ?
- imperial event : time to short
-inperial event : some gates no take dmg
- Double G if u put to enter without party when u enter event all players from server enters
- Golden archer drop invizible item + 12
- items disappear from inventory whae is taked from The ground
- panda ring don't work
- if u are killed a little panda apear and colect zen
- somethimes msg from happy hour is like this xp : 12343242342352 drop : 123123123 don't show correctly like xp 100 x drop 80%
- monster attack : can't put a stronger boss
- at ralikon boss don't give items with luck
- Drop for ancient in Lot is extra low
Много добри сървър файлове :)
Следвъщият ми сървър ще бъде със тези (happy)
може ли някой да ми обясни как се пуска сървара моля ви :)
100% бъглес ли са