[Release] Season 4 GS and GS_CS


Well-Known Member
Jun 3, 2008
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SCFMT 6.11.02

GameServer and GameServer_Castle Siege Cracked

Credits: WebZen,SCFMT & Plasma32

Download :

Guide : If fist Run You have Wrong HWID,you replace MuMsg.dll and Run again.Two file Mumsg.dll (44KB and 48KB).If you run with file 48KB and have message WrongHWID,you replace it by file 44KB.Run again!

// 1.04O+ ~ 3.00 Versions [SCFMT 6.00 Series]
. [Marry] Just Married Global Annunce [GS/GSCS]
. [Console] Filtter on SpyChat command [GS/GSCS]
. Minnor Bugs Fixs [GS/GSCS]
. [Console] New Commands [GS/GSCS]
. New Console Window [GS/GSCS]
. New Skill 234 make damage inself FIX [GS/GSCS]
. [Skill Tree] Do Much Damage FIX [GS/GSCS]
. [Reset System] Reset All Quests FIX [GS/GSCS]
. [Marry] [Command] /acceptmarry FIX [GS/GSCS]
. [GM Commands] /gmove FIX [GS/GSCS]
. [GM Commands] /gmoveall FIX [GS/GSCS]
. [SCF Events] Boss Attack Invasion Added [GS/GSCS]
. GS-Main CheckSum Enabled/Dissabled [GS/GSCS]
. [SCF Events] Happy Hour bassed on AddExperience and ItemDropPer [GS/GSCS]
. [SCF Events] All Events Remaked Optimezed - (Less Resources) [GS/GSCS]
. [Cherry Blossom] Box (EventItemBag35.txt) [GS/GSCS]
. [Cherry Blossom] Wine [GS/GSCS]
. [Cherry Blossom] Dumpling [GS/GSCS]
. [Cherry Blossom] Petal [GS/GSCS]
. [Cherry Blossom] Cherry Blossom System Added [GS/GSCS]
. [Marry] FIX /forcedivorce - Zen decrease to you [GS/GSCS]
. [Marry] FIX /forcedivorce - Zen Increase to your ex wife/husband [GS/GSCS]
. [Marry] FIX /forcedivorce - you cant use that if your wife/husband is online [GS/GSCS]
. [Marry] [Command] /tracemarry [GS/GSCS]
. [Marry] [Command] /forcedivorce [GS/GSCS]
. [Marry] [Command] /divorce [GS/GSCS]
. [Marry] [Command] /acceptmarry [GS/GSCS]
. [Marry] [Command] /marry [GS/GSCS]
. [Marry] Marry System - Commands and INI Options Added [GS/GSCS]
. Cant enter to Kalima if over level 400 [GS/GSCS]
. [GM Commands] /clearinv is only for GM with ID=32 [GS/GSCS]
. [GM Commands] /clearinvall is only for GM with ID=32 [GS/GSCS]
. Can dissable SkillTree [GS/GSCS]
. Summoner Nail and Sahamutt skills have very low damage (increase dmg by 20x) [GS/GSCS]
. [GM Commands] /gg <Text> (global chat with your nick) [GS/GSCS]
. [GM Commands] /gmoveall <Map> <X> <Y> [GS/GSCS]
. Allowed to drop QUEST Items [GS/GSCS]
. [GM Commands] /gmove <Char> <Map> <X> <Y> | and normal /move for GMs [GS/GSCS]
. GMs of [gm_list.ini] Now can use the normal GMs Commands [GS/GSCS]
. DK Swelling orb settings [single+party][Too much HP] [GS/GSCS]
. Summoner Life Fix [GS/GSCS]
. Crash Fix [GS/GSCS]
. [SCF Events] Hit And Up Event Added [GS/GSCS]
. Allowed to sell QUEST Items [GS/GSCS]
. GM System UNIQUE [gm_list.ini - Name, Server_Code, GM_Code] [GS/GSCS]
· When you put JOH option, you need to relog to see it [GS/GSCS]
· When you dissolve the joh option and all pink colored items you cant add JOH [GS/GSCS]
. Neil Skill Simple Attack Fix [GS/GSCS]
. Save Short Keys Fix (Q,W,E) [GS/GSCS]
. [GM Commands] /fireworks <Map> <X> <Y> <Count> [GS/GSCS]
. Added Symbols Auto-Dissabled in 24 Hours [GS/GSCS]
. Extra Vip Experience for Vip Users in Non Vip GameServer [GS/GSCS]
. SCF_GMSystem.ini for GM Unique System [GS/GSCS]
. Can Load Saved File with Spawn Command [SCF_SpawnMonsters.txt] [GS]
. Can Save File with Spawn Command [SCF_SpawnMonsters.txt] [GS/GSCS]
. [GM Commands] /AddBuff <Char> <Add, Remove> [GS/GSCS]
. [GM Commands] /clearinv <char> (clear inventory, only the underside) [GS/GSCS]
. [GM Commands] /clearinvall <char> (clear all inventory) [GS/GSCS]
. [GM Commands] /AddSkill <Char> <Skill> <Add, Remove> [GS/GSCS]
. [GM Commands] /Spawn <MobNum> <Map> <X> <Y> <Count> <Save In File> [GS/GSCS]
. Added Symbols Features [GS/GSCS]
. PCPoints Monster Give Point configuration [SCF_PCPoint.txt] [GS/GSCS]
. PCPoints Shop config reading FIX [sometimes reads 1 item more] [GS/GSCS]
. AntiAFK Safe Zone Config reading FIX [GS/GSCS]
. NPC 406=Priest Devin, 407=Wolf dissapear [CryWolf State Change related] [GS/GSCS]
. Sleep Skill (sometimes if die monster appear and cant move again) [GS/GSCS]
. SkillTree Pasive Skills Finished at 70% [GS/GSCS]
. Sleep Skill and Others Fix [GS/GSCS]
. DS1 to DS6 Enter Fixed [GS/GSCS]
. Chain lighting fo summoner is attacking only 1 monster [GS/GSCS]
. SCFdb Much CPU Ussage (sometimes) FIX [SCFDB]
. Triple Shot (Skill Tree) FIXED [GS/GSCS]
. New SCFdb CS [SCFDB]
. New SCFdb Recv Connection [GS/GSCS]
. Fixs on New Skills of Elf and DW in Skill Tree [GS/GSCS]
. Remove bad Saves to DB (if u dont add points or recv points) [GS/GSCS]
. New Skills [GS/GSCS]
. SCFdb Lost Connection wait for Reconnection  [GS/GSCS]
. All SQL to SCFdb [GS/GSCS]
. Drink Books (Skills) [GS/GSCS]
. Summoner Sleep Skill After Mob Dead Fix [GS/GSCS]
. PCPoints Only For GMS Option [GS/GSCS]
. SCFdb ProtocolCore [GS/GSCS]
. SCFdb Implementation [GS/GSCS]
. Summoner Sleep Skill Fix [GS/GSCS]
. PCPoint Some Slot Fixs [GS/GSCS]
. PCPoint Shop Default file name option FIX [GS/GSCS]
. BloodCastle Users Play State crash FIX [GS]
. Skill Tree data save on action [LevelUp, AddPoint,Move Server] FIX [GS/GSCS]
. Skill Tree SQL Result Set crash FIX [GS/GSCS]
. MG and DL wrong Devil Square 1-6 entry levels FIX [GS/GSCS]
. MG and DL wrong Blood Castle 1-7 entry levels FIX [GS/GSCS]
. Skill Tree after max level stats addition bug fixed [GS/GSCS]
. Skill Tree Mastering Experience after Maximum Level added [GS/GSCS]
. Skill Tree configuration added [SCF_Common.ini] [GS/GSCS]
. Added Player Die function HOOK to Map 56, 57, 58 [GS/GSCS]
. Added Player Die function HOOK to Map 51 [GSCS]
. Skill Tree [GS/GSCS]
. PCPointShop System [GS/GSCS]
. 3rd lvl Wings Exc options dont work [GS/GSCS]
Last edited:
SCFMT 6.11.02

GameServer and GameServer_Castle Siege Cracked

Download :

Guide : If fist Run You have Wrong HWID,you replace MuMsg.dll and Run again.Two file Mumsg.dll (44KB and 48KB).If you run with file 48KB and have message WrongHWID,you replace it by file 44KB.Run again!

Ето какво открих още когато излезнаха все още това с Mumsg.dll не работи на всички ПЦта ;) на пцто на моя сървър не работи а на мойто ПЦ работи :) все пак ако ви тръгне файловете са добри и стабилни :)
Ето какво открих още когато излезнаха все още това с Mumsg.dll не работи на всички ПЦта ;) на пцто на моя сървър не работи а на мойто ПЦ работи :) все пак ако ви тръгне файловете са добри и стабилни :)

And SCFMT 7.04.02 is stable !
More :) for me on my pc is stable for Server pc don`t know have not test it :)
In my PC Work GS_CS without problems only problem is GS and GS_CS is diffrent versions ...
DOnt have cracked GS_CS for 7.04.02 :p only GS and from the GS_CS is the most of the problems !
Why different and old version - dont have more of the extras :p
This is not the bug list for 6.11.02 its for 6.00.00 to 6.99.99 versions :O
Are there major bugs in these files? Can i use them to setup a server online?
ем някой който има с4 сървър да го сложи и да тества
все пак това е 6.11.. и си има доста бъгчета.. искате да разберете какви? ами прочетете change log-a на SCFслед тази версия и ще видите какво е поправено..

п.с мисля, че този changelog не отговаря на 6.11..
cmon, dont use 4storing, upload to other sites please
защо на повечето от другите страни линкът от 4сторинг не бачка :о