[Help] SCF 7.4 reset system


May 14, 2009
Reaction score
Hi There,
how does scf 7.4 reset system work please? anyone know??

I'm using darkmaster season 4 (scf 7.4) files and I want to setup auto reset!

I noticed there is SCF_Reset.ini file under muserver\gameserver but not sure how to use it?

Anyone can help me with this plz, i really need to set auto reset!

when you reach the reset level type in-game "/reset" without " :D and if it works you should be switched from the server.. type your account and pass to login and see you should be 1 lvl
k.. the reset thing work.. however.. if i reset and i have 1000 points not used.. they will disappear once reset.. the thing is, even if I set resetsystem to 0, and set points to 0 .. it will still change to 250!! and i'm not sure where is this coming from!!

[Reset System]
SCFIsReset =1
SCFIsResetLog =1
SCFResetLevel =400
SCFResetSystem =0
SCFResetPoints =0
SCFResetIsZenAutoIncrement =0
SCFResetZen =50000
SCFResetClearQuests =0
SCFResetClearSevinaQuest =0
SCFResetClearEvolutions =0
SCFResetClearInventory =0
SCFResetClearStats =0
SCFResetClearSkills =0
SCFResetIsStringSend =1

how can i change this so that when they reset, they keep the points that they havnt used??

That sounds like bug also I can't see the configuration for not reseting lvluppoints. Just don't use the reset system it makes a lot of bugs trust me. I had before my own s4 server and the reset system fu** up everything.

I suggest you to wait better files then try to use reset system, for now let them to reset from site.