[Release] Repack by Oski 7.11.56 (GS+SUB+CS) Ver:4.9.8

In the server is players getting stuck at maps like crywolf because my friend said he got stuck at my crywolf map and now he cannot relog back in sometimes happens to few of my friends ias anybody else getting this problem?
I have a problem,

in duel systen if you die you get stuck.

I am using the latest patch
Well before i use anybody elses Server files i got to Learn how to move all the Accounts from my server and put them on the new files because everytime i try new Server files i lose everybody accounts in my game if anybody can help me with this problem i be very greatful ? and btw the NPCs in Crywolf are dissapearing needs to be fixed.
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teleport swamp crywolf raklion loren maps disconnect.Your account is already connected.Please Translate English Buff.Where save screenshot???
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In the server is players getting stuck at maps like crywolf because my friend said he got stuck at my crywolf map and now he cannot relog back in sometimes happens to few of my friends ias anybody else getting this problem?

teleport swamp crywolf raklion loren maps disconnect.Your account is already connected.Please Translate English Buff.Where save screenshot???

double check your mapserverinfo.dat and the mapserverinfo_cs.dat in both servers
3rd class, select skill on CS server = DC


Sry, my english Very LOL (chuckle)
Edit: Not only CS server, on the normal server too. :(
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Devias shop ->>>cord :221 40 disc when click , arena after fountain cant move , Sky Event 4 dont work.this is for now.....

Very good files but osky pls if you can fix client.....Eng buff and other stuff
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guys a bad problem here lol.

when i load up client and try choosing a server then it laags lil bit and then it becomes blank no login box pops up....

i puted my sytes.net ip in mapserverinfo..
when make someone exc item in chaos machine and switch item gone....
GS_CS is double massage Bug..... Where save screenshot ? Where Drop 3rd Quest Items? :D
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Can some 1 Help me with my Disconnection problem when ppl warp to the CS Maps like CryWolf, or Santa's Town or Barrecks ppl get dissocnnected and when they try to relog back in game my server says they are already in my game and they cannot get back in the game unless i Restart the servers and no 1 can do 3rd quest because this problem can some 1 help me plss ?

Also the Dueling System has SD Bugg needs Fixing and can some 1 show me a Guide to Back up my DataBase please so i do not lose my Members accounts accounts from my server
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Reactions: dmx_vladi
Make in moduls "Quest.php" and paste this code work only MuWeb 0.8:
<script language="JavaScript" type="text/JavaScript">
function validate(form)

if (form.acc.value =="") {
        alert("Въведете Акаунт.");
        return false;
    var filter  = /^([a-zA-Z0-9\-\_])+$/;
    if (!filter.test(form.acc.value)) {
        alert('Невалиден Акаунт ползвайте само букви (a-Z) и цифри (0-9).');
        return false;
    if (form.acc.value.length<4) {
        alert("Акаунтът не е достатъчно дълъг (4~10).");
        return false;
if (form.pass.value =="" ) {
        alert("Въведете парола.");
        return false;
        var filter  = /^([a-zA-Z0-9\-\_])+$/;
    if (!filter.test(form.pass.value)) {
        alert('Невалидна Парола ползвайте само букви (a-Z) и цифри (0-9).');
        return false;
    if (form.pass.value.length<4) {
        alert("Паролата не е достатъчно дълга (4~10).");
        return false;
if (form.character.value =="") {
        alert("Въведете герой.");
        return false;
    var filter  = /^([a-zA-Z0-9\-\_])+$/;
    if (!filter.test(form.character.value)) {
        alert('Невалиден герой ползвайте само букви (a-Z) и цифри (0-9).');
        return false;
    if (form.character.value.length<4) {
        alert("Името на героя не е достатъчно дълъг (4~10).");
        return false;
<table width="331" border="0" align="center" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
    <td><div align="center">
<form action="" method="post" name="quest_from" id="quest_from">
                    <table align="center"  width="100" border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="2">
                        <td><div align="right" class="normal_text_white">Акаунт</div></td>
                        <td colspan="4"><div align="left">
                            <input name="acc" type="text" class="input" id="acc" size="14" maxlength="10" value="">
                        <td><div align="right" class="normal_text_white">Парола</div></td>
                        <td colspan="4"><div align="left">
                            <input name="pass" type="password" class="input"  id="pass" size="14" maxlength="10" value="">
                        <td><div align="right" class="normal_text_white">Герой</div></td>
                        <td colspan="4"><div align="left">
                            <input name="character" type="text" class="input"  id="character" size="14" maxlength="10" value="">

      <input name="quest" type="hidden" id="quest" value="quest">
    <input type="submit" name="submit" value="Изпълни questa" class="button" onClick="return validate(document.quest_from);">
</FORM> </div></td>

$query=mssql_fetch_row(mssql_query("select connectstat from memb_stat where memb___id='$account'"));
$query2=mssql_query("select name,class,clevel from character where name='$character' and accountid='$account'");
$query3=mssql_num_rows(mssql_query("select memb___id from memb_info where memb___id='$account' and memb__pwd='$pass'"));
if($query3 < 1){$error=1;
 show_error("$warning_start Грешен акаунт или парола. $warning_end");  }
 show_error("$warning_start Няма такъв герой $character в акаунта $account! $warning_end");  }
 elseif($row[1]==0 or $row[1]==16 or $row[1]==32 or $row[1]==80){$error=1;
 show_error("$warning_start Преди да изпълните 3-тия quest трябва първо да сте изпълнили questa za SM, BK , ME, BS! $warning_end"); }
 elseif($row[1]==2 or $row[1]==18 or $row[1]==34 or $row[1]==50 or $row[1]==66 or $row[1]==82){$error=1;
 show_error("$warning_start Вече сте изпълнили 3-тия quest! $warning_end"); } 
 elseif($row[2] < 400){$error=1;
 show_error("$warning_start Трябва да сте 400 левел, за да изпълните 3-тия quest! $warning_end");  }
elseif($query[0] > 0){$error=1;
 show_error("$warning_start Акаунтът е в игра! $warning_end");  }

if($row[1]==48 or $row[1]==64){$class=$row[1]+2;} else{$class=$row[1]+1;}

$run=mssql_query("update character set class='$class',quest=convert(varbinary(50),0xAAEAFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF) where name='$character'");

show_error("$ok_start 3-тият quest на героя $character е успешно изпълнен.  $ok_end");

Credits: Damian
Sky Event 4 dont work.Translate EffectBuff. Please Oski :))))
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Sky Event 4 dont. WizardShop in Davias disconnect.Translate EffectBuff. Please Oski :))))

Go to MuServer Data shop files and look for wizard shop in davais and put items in her u getting dc because she has nothin in the shop.
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Reactions: SonUx
Fix Next Update: 4.9.8'
- Exc drop items in eventimbags Red Chaos Box, Cherry Blossom Box.... & tested - 100%
- Fix Drop ancient items (Kundun) - 100%
- Fix Auto DC in Shop 7 (Devias) - 100%
- Fix socket items - 100%
- Fix mix wings 3 lvl & tested - 100% (add screens)
- Fix Erohim Drop exc items (Land of Trial) - 100%
- Fix new Patch 1.05T+ ver:4.10.1 (I'm Sorry 1.05X+ is Wrong) - 100%

Coming Soon !