[AD] RapCityMu 1.0L Max EXP Max DRop

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New Member
Apr 27, 2008
Reaction score

Server Name: RapCityMu
Server Version: 1.0L
Server Exp: 5000x
Server Drop: 80%
Reset Level: 400
Server location: Greece
Server Uptime: 24/7
Server Speed: 24mbs
Admin: MadBoy
Friendly Admins
Blessbug: ON Creation
EveryWhere spots... And soon more ;)
Box +1+2 to shop,Bless,Soul,creation, +11 all items
No Lag..
Enjoin you Have fun.

Vote For Server Every 12 hours!!

WebSite: http://rcmu.zapto.org
Forum: http://rapcitymu.zforum.biz
Last edited:
Murder How can i Delete the Chedits from Login account and Vote code??? please say me..
Boy.. Do you know how i secure it.. please...:wasntme:

PM sent ;]
i see you're with XP SP2, use Sygate FW + Windows FW (always on - both) :}
Good Luck ::):
PM sent ;]
i see you're with XP SP2, use Sygate FW + Windows FW (always on - both) :}
Good Luck ::):

you have any idea or nothing... to secure my server.. i leave it 24/7 uptime and i scary to not hack me :sweat:
I already sent u a PM (Personal Message) ;]
please Help me to Delete that... of login account

this is not located in user.php it's located in includes/character_manager.php delete the first <? ............ ?> and it will be gone
sorry man my mistake its in modules/user/characters.php attach it and i will fix it...
Here you are :


  • characters.rar
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