[Release] Players Ranking + Page

Благодаря за занимавката, пич, сега ще го пробвам и ще кажа как е.

Edit: Класацийката е супер, само че имам един малък проблем, който не знам как да оправя: дори да съм в игра картинката е Offline.
Last edited:
Благодаря за занимавката, пич, сега ще го пробвам и ще кажа как е.

Edit: Класацийката е супер, само че имам един малък проблем, който не знам как да оправя: дори да съм в игра картинката е Offline.

я пробвай този код

<?php include"home.php"; ?>
<div align="center">
  <table align="center" border="1" bordercolor="#666666" bgcolor=white cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" frame="vsides" rules="none" width="760">
      <td align="left" background="images/left_bg.gif" valign="top" width="204"><p><img src="images/left_top_news.gif" height="36" width="204">
        <?php include"pictures.php"; ?>
        <?php include"ranks.php"; ?>
      <td background="images/xu.gif" height="190" width="1"></td>
      <td align="center" valign="top" width="553"><p>
require_once "sql_inject.php"; 

$_I60iQ = TRUE; 
$_I61tI = 'index.php'; 
$_I61tL = new _OQF0A('./log_file_sql.log',$_I60iQ,$_I61tI)  ; 

$_I6QfO = mssql_query("SELECT count(*) FROM Character");
$_I6Q8f  = mssql_result($_I6QfO, 0, 0);
$_I6I1C =& new _OQQF1($_GET['page'],$_I6Q8f);

$_I6j0l = $_I6I1C->_OQJ8Q();  
$_I6j8f = $_I6I1C->_OQJFR();  

$_I6joJ = 'SELECT TOP ';
$_I6joJ .= $_I6j0l + $_I6j8f;
$_I6joJ .= ' Name,Class,Resets,Money,PkCount,cLevel,CtlCode,AccountID from Character  order by Resets desc, cLevel desc, name asc';
$_I6J8j = mssql_query($_I6joJ);
$connect = mssql_query("SELECT * FROM MEMB_STAT WHERE memb___id='$$_I6joJ[7]'");
$conn =  mssql_fetch_array($connect);
$vasko = "Select GameIDC From AccountCharacter where Id='$$_I6joJ[7]'";
$darksteam = mssql_query($vasko);
$vas = mssql_fetch_array($darksteam);
echo '<TABLE border=0 bordercolor=#666666 cellPadding=0 cellSpacing=0 >
    <TD align=left vAlign=top> 
                            <TD align=center  
                              <TABLE border=0 cellPadding=0 cellSpacing=0  
<TD align=middle vAlign=center><br><font color=red size=2>Top Players</font>
<table height=10 border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" width="98%" bordercolor=#666666>               
<td valign=top align=center bgcolor=#c6c6c6 width=45><font color=#000000>Rank</td>
<td valign=top align=center bgcolor=#c6c6c6 width=100><font color=#000000>Name</td>
<td valign=top align=center bgcolor=#c6c6c6 width=60><font color=#000000>Class</td>
<td valign=top align=center bgcolor=#c6c6c6 width=60><font color=#000000>cLevel</td>
<td valign=top align=center bgcolor=#c6c6c6 width=60><font color=#000000>Resets</td>
<td valign=top align=center bgcolor=#c6c6c6 width=160><font color=#000000>Special</td>
<td valign=top align=center bgcolor=#c6c6c6 width=60><font color=#000000>Status</td>
<td valign=top align=center bgcolor=#c6c6c6 width=100><font color=#000000>Money</td>
<td valign=top align=center bgcolor=#c6c6c6 width=50><font color=#000000>PK</td>


$_I6JC6 = 'black'; 

for ($_I6JL6=0;$_I6JL6 < $_I6j0l; ++$_I6JL6) {
 	$_I66L1 = mssql_fetch_row($_I6J8j);
for($_I6fCf=0;$_I6fCf < mssql_num_rows($_I6J8j)-$_I6j0l;++$_I6fCf) {
	$_I66L1 = mssql_fetch_row($_I6J8j);

$_I6fi1 = $_I6fCf + $_I6j0l +1;

if($_I66L1[1] == 0){ $_I66L1[1] ='DW';
if($_I66L1[1] == 1){ $_I66L1[1] ='SM';
if($_I66L1[1] == 16){ $_I66L1[1] ='DK';
if($_I66L1[1] == 17){ $_I66L1[1] ='BK';
if($_I66L1[1] == 32){ $_I66L1[1] ='ELF';
if($_I66L1[1] == 33){ $_I66L1[1] ='ME';
if($_I66L1[1] == 48){ $_I66L1[1] ='MG';
if($_I66L1[1] == 64){ $_I66L1[1] ='DL';
if($_I66L1[6] == 0) { $_I66L1[6] = '<font color=green>Normal</font>';
if($_I66L1[6] == 1) { $_I66L1[6] = '<font color=darkred><s>Banned</s></font>';
if($conn['ConnectStat'] == 1 AND $vas['GameIDC'] == $_I6joJ['0']) { $status ='<img src=images/online.gif>'; }
else { $status='<img src=images/offline.gif></a>'; }

$_I68j8 = '0';
if ($_I6JC6 == 'black') {
$_I6JC6 = 'darkblue';
$_I686t = 'white';
$_I68j8 = '1'; }
if ($_I6JC6 == 'darkblue') {
if ($_I68j8 != '1') {
$_I6JC6 = 'black';
$_I686t = '#f4f4f4'; } }
if ($_I6fi1 == '1') {
$_I686t = 'darkorange'; }

$_I6tQl = $_I6JL6 + 1; 
if($_I66L1[6] == 8) { $_I66L1[6] = '<font color=red>Game Master</font>';
if($_I66L1[6] == 32) { $_I66L1[6] = '<font color=red>Game Master</font>';
if($_I6fi1 == 1) { $_I6fi1 = '<img src=images/one.gif>';
if($_I6fi1 == 2) { $_I6fi1 = '<img src=images/two.gif>';
if($_I6fi1 == 3) { $_I6fi1 = '<img src=images/tru.gif>';
if($_I6fi1 == 4) { $_I6fi1 = '<img src=images/4.gif>';
if($_I6fi1 == 5) { $_I6fi1 = '<img src=images/4.gif>';

echo "<tr>
<td valign=top align=center bgcolor=$_I686t width=45><font color=#666666>$_I6fi1</td>
<td valign=top align=center bgcolor=$_I686t width=100><font color=#666666>$_I66L1[0]</td>
<td valign=top align=center bgcolor=$_I686t width=60><font color=#666666>$_I66L1[1]</td>
<td valign=top align=center bgcolor=$_I686t width=60><font color=#666666>$_I66L1[5]</td>
<td valign=top align=center bgcolor=$_I686t width=60><font color=#666666>$_I66L1[2]</td>
<td valign=top align=center bgcolor=$_I686t width=100><font color=#666666>$_I66L1[6]</td>
<td valign=top align=center bgcolor=$_I686t width=100><font color=#666666>$status</td>
<td valign=top align=center bgcolor=$_I686t width=100><font color=#666666>$_I66L1[3]</td>
<td valign=top align=center bgcolor=$_I686t width=50><font color=#666666>$_I66L1[4]</td>






		         $_I6OQ1 = "First <b>|</b> ";
		         } else { $_I6OQ1="<a href=\"" .  $_I6I1C->_OQBE8() . "?op=rankings&page=" . $_I6I1C->_OQ8PA() . "\">First</a> <b>|</b>"; }  
					 //check to see that _OQA6E() is returning a value. If not there will be no link.
		         $_I6OQt = "<a href=\"" .  $_I6I1C->_OQBE8() . "?op=rankings&page=" . $_I6I1C->_OQA6E() . "\">Prev</a> <b>|</b> ";
		         } else { $_I6OQt="Prev <b>|</b> "; }
		       //check to see that _OQCPE() is returning a value. If not there will be no link.
		         $_I6OtQ = "<a href=\"" . $_I6I1C->_OQBE8() . "?op=rankings&page=" . $_I6I1C->_OQCPE() . "\">Next</a> <b>|</b> ";
		         } else { $_I6OtQ="Next <b>|</b> "; }
		       //check to see that _OQP8A() is returning a value. If not there will be no link.
		         $_I6oJj = "<a href=\"" . $_I6I1C->_OQBE8() . "?op=rankings&page=" . $_I6I1C->_OQP8A() . "\">Last</a>";
		         } else { $_I6oJj="Last"; }
						 //since these will always exist just print out the values.  Result will be
						 //something like 1 of 4 of 25
		          echo  $_I6I1C->_OQ6LP() . " of " .$_I6I1C->_OQ6FC() . " of " . $_I6I1C->_OQLPB() . " ";
							//print the values determined by the if statements above.
		          echo $_I6OQ1 . " " . $_I6OQt . " " . $_I6OtQ . " " . $_I6oJj;
					//end of example
Last edited:
Отлично ОТНОВО :) 10/10
Пак не, възможно ли е при мен нещо да е не както трябва ?
<?php include"home.php"; ?>
<div align="center">
  <table align="center" border="1" bordercolor="#666666" bgcolor=white cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" frame="vsides" rules="none" width="760">
      <td align="left" background="http://darksteam.net/images/left_bg.gif" valign="top" width="204"><p><img src="http://darksteam.net/images/left_top_news.gif" height="36" width="204">
        <?php include"pictures.php"; ?>
        <?php include"ranks.php"; ?>
      <td background="http://darksteam.net/images/xu.gif" height="190" width="1"></td>
      <td align="center" valign="top" width="553"><p>
require_once "sql_inject.php"; 

$_I60iQ = TRUE; 
$_I61tI = 'index.php'; 
$_I61tL = new _OQF0A('./log_file_sql.log',$_I60iQ,$_I61tI)  ; 

$_I6QfO = mssql_query("SELECT count(*) FROM Character");
$_I6Q8f  = mssql_result($_I6QfO, 0, 0);
$_I6I1C =& new _OQQF1($_GET['page'],$_I6Q8f);

$_I6j0l = $_I6I1C->_OQJ8Q();  
$_I6j8f = $_I6I1C->_OQJFR();  

$_I6joJ = 'SELECT TOP ';
$_I6joJ .= $_I6j0l + $_I6j8f;
$_I6joJ .= ' Name,Class,Resets,Money,PkCount,cLevel,CtlCode,AccountID from Character  order by Resets desc, cLevel desc, name asc';
$_I6J8j = mssql_query($_I6joJ);
$connect = mssql_query("SELECT * FROM MEMB_STAT WHERE memb___id='$$_I6joJ[7]'");
$conn =  mssql_fetch_array($connect);
$vasko = "Select GameIDC From AccountCharacter where Id='$$_I6joJ[7]'";
$darksteam = mssql_query($vasko);
$vas = mssql_fetch_array($darksteam);
echo '<TABLE border=0 bordercolor=#666666 cellPadding=0 cellSpacing=0 >
    <TD align=left vAlign=top> 
                            <TD align=center  
                              <TABLE border=0 cellPadding=0 cellSpacing=0  
<TD align=middle vAlign=center><br><font color=red size=2>Top Players</font>
<table height=10 border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" width="98%" bordercolor=#666666>               
<td valign=top align=center bgcolor=#c6c6c6 width=45><font color=#000000>Rank</td>
<td valign=top align=center bgcolor=#c6c6c6 width=100><font color=#000000>Name</td>
<td valign=top align=center bgcolor=#c6c6c6 width=60><font color=#000000>Class</td>
<td valign=top align=center bgcolor=#c6c6c6 width=60><font color=#000000>cLevel</td>
<td valign=top align=center bgcolor=#c6c6c6 width=60><font color=#000000>Resets</td>
<td valign=top align=center bgcolor=#c6c6c6 width=160><font color=#000000>Special</td>
<td valign=top align=center bgcolor=#c6c6c6 width=60><font color=#000000>Status</td>
<td valign=top align=center bgcolor=#c6c6c6 width=100><font color=#000000>Money</td>
<td valign=top align=center bgcolor=#c6c6c6 width=50><font color=#000000>PK</td>


$_I6JC6 = 'black'; 

for ($_I6JL6=0;$_I6JL6 < $_I6j0l; ++$_I6JL6) {
 	$_I66L1 = mssql_fetch_row($_I6J8j);
for($_I6fCf=0;$_I6fCf < mssql_num_rows($_I6J8j)-$_I6j0l;++$_I6fCf) {
	$_I66L1 = mssql_fetch_row($_I6J8j);

$_I6fi1 = $_I6fCf + $_I6j0l +1;

if($_I66L1[1] == 0){ $_I66L1[1] ='DW';
if($_I66L1[1] == 1){ $_I66L1[1] ='SM';
if($_I66L1[1] == 16){ $_I66L1[1] ='DK';
if($_I66L1[1] == 17){ $_I66L1[1] ='BK';
if($_I66L1[1] == 32){ $_I66L1[1] ='ELF';
if($_I66L1[1] == 33){ $_I66L1[1] ='ME';
if($_I66L1[1] == 48){ $_I66L1[1] ='MG';
if($_I66L1[1] == 64){ $_I66L1[1] ='DL';
if($_I66L1[6] == 0) { $_I66L1[6] = '<font color=green>Normal</font>';
if($_I66L1[6] == 1) { $_I66L1[6] = '<font color=darkred><s>Banned</s></font>';
if($conn['ConnectStat'] == 1 AND $vas['GameIDC'] == $_I6joJ[0]) { $status ='<img src=images/online.gif>'; }
else { $status='<img src=images/offline.gif></a>'; }

$_I68j8 = '0';
if ($_I6JC6 == 'black') {
$_I6JC6 = 'darkblue';
$_I686t = 'white';
$_I68j8 = '1'; }
if ($_I6JC6 == 'darkblue') {
if ($_I68j8 != '1') {
$_I6JC6 = 'black';
$_I686t = '#f4f4f4'; } }
if ($_I6fi1 == '1') {
$_I686t = 'darkorange'; }

$_I6tQl = $_I6JL6 + 1; 
if($_I66L1[6] == 8) { $_I66L1[6] = '<font color=red>Game Master</font>';
if($_I66L1[6] == 32) { $_I66L1[6] = '<font color=red>Game Master</font>';
if($_I6fi1 == 1) { $_I6fi1 = '<img src=images/one.gif>';
if($_I6fi1 == 2) { $_I6fi1 = '<img src=images/two.gif>';
if($_I6fi1 == 3) { $_I6fi1 = '<img src=images/tru.gif>';
if($_I6fi1 == 4) { $_I6fi1 = '<img src=images/4.gif>';
if($_I6fi1 == 5) { $_I6fi1 = '<img src=images/4.gif>';

echo "<tr>
<td valign=top align=center bgcolor=$_I686t width=45><font color=#666666>$_I6fi1</td>
<td valign=top align=center bgcolor=$_I686t width=100><font color=#666666>$_I66L1[0]</td>
<td valign=top align=center bgcolor=$_I686t width=60><font color=#666666>$_I66L1[1]</td>
<td valign=top align=center bgcolor=$_I686t width=60><font color=#666666>$_I66L1[5]</td>
<td valign=top align=center bgcolor=$_I686t width=60><font color=#666666>$_I66L1[2]</td>
<td valign=top align=center bgcolor=$_I686t width=100><font color=#666666>$_I66L1[6]</td>
<td valign=top align=center bgcolor=$_I686t width=100><font color=#666666>$status</td>
<td valign=top align=center bgcolor=$_I686t width=100><font color=#666666>$_I66L1[3]</td>
<td valign=top align=center bgcolor=$_I686t width=50><font color=#666666>$_I66L1[4]</td>






		         $_I6OQ1 = "First <b>|</b> ";
		         } else { $_I6OQ1="<a href=\"" .  $_I6I1C->_OQBE8() . "?op=rankings&page=" . $_I6I1C->_OQ8PA() . "\">First</a> <b>|</b>"; }  
					 //check to see that _OQA6E() is returning a value. If not there will be no link.
		         $_I6OQt = "<a href=\"" .  $_I6I1C->_OQBE8() . "?op=rankings&page=" . $_I6I1C->_OQA6E() . "\">Prev</a> <b>|</b> ";
		         } else { $_I6OQt="Prev <b>|</b> "; }
		       //check to see that _OQCPE() is returning a value. If not there will be no link.
		         $_I6OtQ = "<a href=\"" . $_I6I1C->_OQBE8() . "?op=rankings&page=" . $_I6I1C->_OQCPE() . "\">Next</a> <b>|</b> ";
		         } else { $_I6OtQ="Next <b>|</b> "; }
		       //check to see that _OQP8A() is returning a value. If not there will be no link.
		         $_I6oJj = "<a href=\"" . $_I6I1C->_OQBE8() . "?op=rankings&page=" . $_I6I1C->_OQP8A() . "\">Last</a>";
		         } else { $_I6oJj="Last"; }
						 //since these will always exist just print out the values.  Result will be
						 //something like 1 of 4 of 25
		          echo  $_I6I1C->_OQ6LP() . " of " .$_I6I1C->_OQ6FC() . " of " . $_I6I1C->_OQLPB() . " ";
							//print the values determined by the if statements above.
		          echo $_I6OQ1 . " " . $_I6OQt . " " . $_I6OtQ . " " . $_I6oJj;
					//end of example

я опитай този код
И с този не става, може ли да става разминаване на пътя към картинката ?
И с този не става, може ли да става разминаване на пътя към картинката ?

неможе да е там защото ако имаше разминаване то щеше да ти показва на вместо офлайн 1 прозрачно квадратче което значи че пътя на картинката е грешно ще го оправа утре :) сега си пипам социален сайт :)
Няма проблеми, благодарен съм за това, което правиш :)
Няма проблеми, благодарен съм за това, което правиш :)

я кажи ква версия ползваш да знам на къде да се ориентирам :D
е тоя вече трябва да работи аз съм тапак

<?php include"home.php"; ?>
<div align="center">
  <table align="center" border="1" bordercolor="#666666" bgcolor=white cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" frame="vsides" rules="none" width="760">
      <td align="left" background="http://darksteam.net/images/left_bg.gif" valign="top" width="204"><p><img src="http://darksteam.net/images/left_top_news.gif" height="36" width="204">
        <?php include"pictures.php"; ?>
        <?php include"ranks.php"; ?>
      <td background="http://darksteam.net/images/xu.gif" height="190" width="1"></td>
      <td align="center" valign="top" width="553"><p>
require_once "sql_inject.php"; 

$_I60iQ = TRUE; 
$_I61tI = 'index.php'; 
$_I61tL = new _OQF0A('./log_file_sql.log',$_I60iQ,$_I61tI)  ; 

$_I6QfO = mssql_query("SELECT count(*) FROM Character");
$_I6Q8f  = mssql_result($_I6QfO, 0, 0);
$_I6I1C =& new _OQQF1($_GET['page'],$_I6Q8f);

$_I6j0l = $_I6I1C->_OQJ8Q();  
$_I6j8f = $_I6I1C->_OQJFR();  

$_I6joJ = 'SELECT TOP ';
$_I6joJ .= $_I6j0l + $_I6j8f;
$_I6joJ .= ' Name,Class,Resets,Money,PkCount,cLevel,CtlCode,AccountID from Character  order by Resets desc, cLevel desc, name asc';
$_I6J8j = mssql_query($_I6joJ);
$connect = mssql_query("SELECT * FROM MEMB_STAT WHERE memb___id='$_I6joJ[7]'");
$conn =  mssql_fetch_array($connect);
$vasko = "Select GameIDC From AccountCharacter where Id='$_I6joJ[7]'";
$darksteam = mssql_query($vasko);
$vas = mssql_fetch_array($darksteam);
echo '<TABLE border=0 bordercolor=#666666 cellPadding=0 cellSpacing=0 >
    <TD align=left vAlign=top> 
                            <TD align=center  
                              <TABLE border=0 cellPadding=0 cellSpacing=0  
<TD align=middle vAlign=center><br><font color=red size=2>Top Players</font>
<table height=10 border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" width="98%" bordercolor=#666666>               
<td valign=top align=center bgcolor=#c6c6c6 width=45><font color=#000000>Rank</td>
<td valign=top align=center bgcolor=#c6c6c6 width=100><font color=#000000>Name</td>
<td valign=top align=center bgcolor=#c6c6c6 width=60><font color=#000000>Class</td>
<td valign=top align=center bgcolor=#c6c6c6 width=60><font color=#000000>cLevel</td>
<td valign=top align=center bgcolor=#c6c6c6 width=60><font color=#000000>Resets</td>
<td valign=top align=center bgcolor=#c6c6c6 width=160><font color=#000000>Special</td>
<td valign=top align=center bgcolor=#c6c6c6 width=60><font color=#000000>Status</td>
<td valign=top align=center bgcolor=#c6c6c6 width=100><font color=#000000>Money</td>
<td valign=top align=center bgcolor=#c6c6c6 width=50><font color=#000000>PK</td>


$_I6JC6 = 'black'; 

for ($_I6JL6=0;$_I6JL6 < $_I6j0l; ++$_I6JL6) {
     $_I66L1 = mssql_fetch_row($_I6J8j);
for($_I6fCf=0;$_I6fCf < mssql_num_rows($_I6J8j)-$_I6j0l;++$_I6fCf) {
    $_I66L1 = mssql_fetch_row($_I6J8j);

if($conn['ConnectStat'] == 1 AND $vas['GameIDC'] == $_I6joJ[0]) { $status ='<img src=images/online.gif>'; }
else { $status='<img src=images/offline.gif></a>'; }

$_I6fi1 = $_I6fCf + $_I6j0l +1;

if($_I66L1[1] == 0){ $_I66L1[1] ='DW';
if($_I66L1[1] == 1){ $_I66L1[1] ='SM';
if($_I66L1[1] == 16){ $_I66L1[1] ='DK';
if($_I66L1[1] == 17){ $_I66L1[1] ='BK';
if($_I66L1[1] == 32){ $_I66L1[1] ='ELF';
if($_I66L1[1] == 33){ $_I66L1[1] ='ME';
if($_I66L1[1] == 48){ $_I66L1[1] ='MG';
if($_I66L1[1] == 64){ $_I66L1[1] ='DL';
if($_I66L1[6] == 0) { $_I66L1[6] = '<font color=green>Normal</font>';
if($_I66L1[6] == 1) { $_I66L1[6] = '<font color=darkred><s>Banned</s></font>';

$_I68j8 = '0';
if ($_I6JC6 == 'black') {
$_I6JC6 = 'darkblue';
$_I686t = 'white';
$_I68j8 = '1'; }
if ($_I6JC6 == 'darkblue') {
if ($_I68j8 != '1') {
$_I6JC6 = 'black';
$_I686t = '#f4f4f4'; } }
if ($_I6fi1 == '1') {
$_I686t = 'darkorange'; }

$_I6tQl = $_I6JL6 + 1; 
if($_I66L1[6] == 8) { $_I66L1[6] = '<font color=red>Game Master</font>';
if($_I66L1[6] == 32) { $_I66L1[6] = '<font color=red>Game Master</font>';
if($_I6fi1 == 1) { $_I6fi1 = '<img src=images/one.gif>';
if($_I6fi1 == 2) { $_I6fi1 = '<img src=images/two.gif>';
if($_I6fi1 == 3) { $_I6fi1 = '<img src=images/tru.gif>';
if($_I6fi1 == 4) { $_I6fi1 = '<img src=images/4.gif>';
if($_I6fi1 == 5) { $_I6fi1 = '<img src=images/4.gif>';

echo "<tr>
<td valign=top align=center bgcolor=$_I686t width=45><font color=#666666>$_I6fi1</td>
<td valign=top align=center bgcolor=$_I686t width=100><font color=#666666>$_I66L1[0]</td>
<td valign=top align=center bgcolor=$_I686t width=60><font color=#666666>$_I66L1[1]</td>
<td valign=top align=center bgcolor=$_I686t width=60><font color=#666666>$_I66L1[5]</td>
<td valign=top align=center bgcolor=$_I686t width=60><font color=#666666>$_I66L1[2]</td>
<td valign=top align=center bgcolor=$_I686t width=100><font color=#666666>$_I66L1[6]</td>
<td valign=top align=center bgcolor=$_I686t width=100><font color=#666666>$status</td>
<td valign=top align=center bgcolor=$_I686t width=100><font color=#666666>$_I66L1[3]</td>
<td valign=top align=center bgcolor=$_I686t width=50><font color=#666666>$_I66L1[4]</td>






                 $_I6OQ1 = "First <b>|</b> ";
                 } else { $_I6OQ1="<a href=\"" .  $_I6I1C->_OQBE8() . "?op=rankings&page=" . $_I6I1C->_OQ8PA() . "\">First</a> <b>|</b>"; }  
                     //check to see that _OQA6E() is returning a value. If not there will be no link.
                 $_I6OQt = "<a href=\"" .  $_I6I1C->_OQBE8() . "?op=rankings&page=" . $_I6I1C->_OQA6E() . "\">Prev</a> <b>|</b> ";
                 } else { $_I6OQt="Prev <b>|</b> "; }
               //check to see that _OQCPE() is returning a value. If not there will be no link.
                 $_I6OtQ = "<a href=\"" . $_I6I1C->_OQBE8() . "?op=rankings&page=" . $_I6I1C->_OQCPE() . "\">Next</a> <b>|</b> ";
                 } else { $_I6OtQ="Next <b>|</b> "; }
               //check to see that _OQP8A() is returning a value. If not there will be no link.
                 $_I6oJj = "<a href=\"" . $_I6I1C->_OQBE8() . "?op=rankings&page=" . $_I6I1C->_OQP8A() . "\">Last</a>";
                 } else { $_I6oJj="Last"; }
                         //since these will always exist just print out the values.  Result will be
                         //something like 1 of 4 of 25
                  echo  $_I6I1C->_OQ6LP() . " of " .$_I6I1C->_OQ6FC() . " of " . $_I6I1C->_OQLPB() . " ";
                            //print the values determined by the if statements above.
                  echo $_I6OQ1 . " " . $_I6OQt . " " . $_I6OtQ . " " . $_I6oJj;
                    //end of example
great Rankings Style But shit i cant use it for Muweb 0.9 :/

if(read_module(20) == 0){ echo locked('For the moment this page is closed...Please try again latter.','370'); }else{ $db_updates_times = file("sys_/muweb_db/".statistics_updates_tDB.""); $id=1; foreach($db_updates_times as $r_c){ $r_c = explode("|", $r_c); if($r_c[0] == $id){ $time = time(); $time_count = ($r_c[1]-$time); $time_left = $time_count; if($time_left <= 0){ global $db_primary,$muweb; $g_r = $db_primary->Execute("Select top ".$muweb['top_rankings']." mu_id,name,class,clevel,resets,ctlcode,leadership from character order by resets desc, clevel desc"); $no_command = 0; if(!$g_r){ $g_r = $db_primary->Execute("Select top ".$muweb['top_rankings']." mu_id,name,class,clevel,resets,ctlcode from character order by resets desc, clevel desc"); $no_command = 1; } for($i=0;$i < $g_r->numrows();++$i){ $s_r = $g_r->fetchrow(); if($no_command == 1){ $new_ranking .= "$s_r[0]|".md5_encrypt($s_r[1])."|$s_r[2]|$s_r[3]|$s_r[4]|$s_r[5]|$s_r[6]|$s_r[7]|$s_r[8]|$s_r[9]|0|\n"; }else{ $new_ranking .= "$s_r[0]|".md5_encrypt($s_r[1])."|$s_r[2]|$s_r[3]|$s_r[4]|$s_r[5]|$s_r[6]|$s_r[7]|$s_r[8]|$s_r[9]|$s_r[10]|\n"; } } $new_top_ranking = "sys_/muweb_db/".top_characters_tDB.""; $open_file = fopen($new_top_ranking,'w'); fputs($open_file, $new_ranking); fclose($open_file); $g_r = $db_primary->Execute("Select top ".$muweb['top_rankings']." G_name,G_Mark,G_Score,G_Master from Guild order by G_Score desc"); for($i=0;$i < $g_r->numrows();++$i){ $s_r = $g_r->fetchrow(); $get_id = $db_primary->Execute("Select mu_id from character where name=?",array($s_r[3])); $get_id = $get_id->fetchrow(); $get_number = $db_primary->Execute("Select name from GuildMember where G_name=?",array($s_r[0])); $get_number = $get_number->numrows(); $new_guild_ranking .= "".md5_encrypt($s_r[0])."|".urlencode(bin2hex($s_r[1]))."|$s_r[2]|".md5_encrypt($s_r[3])."|$get_id[0]|$get_number|\n"; } $new_top_ranking = "sys_/muweb_db/".top_guilds_tDB.""; $open_file = fopen($new_top_ranking,'w'); fputs($open_file, $new_guild_ranking); fclose($open_file); $time_ = time()+$r_c[2]; $old_db = file("sys_/muweb_db/".statistics_updates_tDB.""); $new_db = fopen("sys_/muweb_db/".statistics_updates_tDB."", "w"); foreach($old_db as $old_db_line){ $old_db_arr = explode("|", $old_db_line); if($id != $old_db_arr[0]){ fwrite($new_db,"$old_db_line"); }else{ fwrite($new_db,"$id|$time_|$r_c[2]|$r_c[3]|$r_c[4]|$r_c[5]|".time()."|\n"); } } fclose($new_db); } break; } } !$_GET['op2'] ? $_GET['op2'] = "Characters" : clean_variable($_GET['op2']); $rankings_content = '
<table width="530" align="center" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
    <td width="140"><table width="540" align="center" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
        <td align="left" class="full_title"><em>Sub Category :: '.ucfirst($_GET['op2']).'</em></td>
        <table width="540" align="center" border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="0">
            <td align="left"><ul>
                <li><a href="#" onclick="sub_page(\''.$muweb['servername'].'-Rankings-Characters.html\');">Characters Rankings</a></li>
              <li><a href="#" onclick="sub_page(\''.$muweb['servername'].'-Rankings-Guilds.html\');">Guild Rankings</a></li>
              <li><a href="#" onclick="sub_page(\''.$muweb['servername'].'-online.html\');">Online Ranking</a></li>
              <li><a href="#" onclick="sub_page(\''.$muweb['servername'].'-Rankings-Topkiller.html\');">Killer Ranking</a></li>
echo html($rankings_content);
         function CalculateStat($iStat_DWORD) // Int64
  if ($iStat_DWORD < 0)
   $iStat_DWORD = $iStat_DWORD  + 65535 + 1; // Positive integer + zero
   return $iStat_DWORD;
  return $iStat_DWORD;
         $s_file = file("sys_/muweb_db/".statistics_updates_tDB.""); foreach ($s_file as $t){ $t = explode("|",$t); if($t[0] == 1){ $time_r = $t[6]; } } switch ($_GET['op2']){ case "Characters": if(read_module(201) == 0){ echo locked('For the moment this page is closed...Please try again latter.','370'); }else{ $r_file = file("sys_/muweb_db/".top_characters_tDB.""); $ch_content ='<br>
   <table width="530" align="center" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" class="rankings-table">
   <thead><tr><td>#</td><td>Name</td><td>Class</td><td>LEVEL</td><td>STR</td><td>AGI</td><td>VIT</td><td>ENG</td><td>COM</td></tr></thead>'; $count=0; $tr_color_2 = "even"; $tr_color_1 = ""; foreach ($r_file as $show_ch){ $show_ch = explode("|",$show_ch); if($muweb['rankings_gm'] == 1){ if(!isset($_GET['op3'])){ if($show_ch[9] == 0 || $show_ch[9] == 32 || $show_ch[9] == 8){ $count++; $tr_color = ($count % 2) ? $tr_color_1 : $tr_color_2; switch ($show_ch[10]){ case 0: $show_ch[10] = "--"; break; }$ch_content .='<tr class="'.$tr_color.'">
               <td width="60"><span class="r_link"><a href="#" onClick="sub_page(\''.$muweb['servername'].'-Character-'.$show_ch[0].'.html\');">'.htmlentities(md5_decrypt($show_ch[1])).'</a></span></td>
               <td>'.$show_ch[3].'[<span class="rankings_text_reset">'.$show_ch[4].'</span>]</td>
               </tr>'; } }else{ $class = clean_variable($_GET['op3']); if(($show_ch[9] == 0 || $show_ch[9] == 32 || $show_ch[9] == 8) && ($show_ch[2] == $class)){ $count++; $tr_color = ($count % 2) ? $tr_color_1 : $tr_color_2; switch ($show_ch[10]){ case 0: $show_ch[10] = "--"; break; }$ch_content .='<tr class="'.$tr_color.'">
               <td width="60"><span class="r_link"><a href="#" onClick="sub_page(\''.$muweb['servername'].'-Character-'.$show_ch[0].'.html\');">'.htmlentities(md5_decrypt($show_ch[1])).'</a></span></td>
               <td>'.$show_ch[3].'[<span class="rankings_text_reset">'.$show_ch[4].'</span>]</td>
               </tr>'; } } }else{ if(!isset($_GET['op3'])){ if($show_ch[9] == 0){ $count++; $tr_color = ($count % 2) ? $tr_color_1 : $tr_color_2; switch ($show_ch[10]){ case 0: $show_ch[10] = "--"; break; } $ch_content .='<tr class="'.$tr_color.'">
               <td width="60"><span class="r_link"><a href="#" onClick="sub_page(\''.$muweb['servername'].'-Character-'.$show_ch[0].'.html\');">'.htmlentities(md5_decrypt($show_ch[1])).'</a></span></td>
               <td>'.$show_ch[3].'[<span class="rankings_text_reset">'.$show_ch[4].'</span>]</td>
               </tr>'; } }else{ $class = clean_variable($_GET['op3']); if(($show_ch[9] == 0) && ($show_ch[2] == $class)){ $count++; $tr_color = ($count % 2) ? $tr_color_1 : $tr_color_2; switch ($show_ch[10]){ case 0: $show_ch[10] = "--"; break; }$ch_content .='<tr class="'.$tr_color.'">
               <td width="60"><span class="r_link"><a href="#" onClick="sub_page(\''.$muweb['servername'].'-Character-'.$show_ch[0].'.html\');">'.htmlentities(md5_decrypt($show_ch[1])).'</a></span></td>
               <td>'.$show_ch[3].'[<span class="rankings_text_reset">'.$show_ch[4].'</span>]</td>
               </tr>'; } } } } $ch_content .='<tr><td colspan="9" align="right"><span class="full_author">Last Update '.decode_time($time_r,time(),'long','1 second').' ago</span></td></tr></table>
      <table width="530" align="center" border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="0">
   <tr><td align="left" width="20">Class</td>
   <td align="left"><form name="change_class">
   <select class="field" onChange="MM_jumpMenu(\'parent\',this,0)">
   <option value="'.$muweb['servername'].'-Rankings-Characters.html">-Select One-</option>'; $c = class_list('list','long'); foreach ($c as $cc => $v) { $ch_content .='<option value="'.$muweb['servername'].'-Rankings-Characters-'.$cc.'.html">'.$v.'</option>'; } $ch_content .='
echo html($ch_content); } 
case "Guilds": if(read_module(202) == 0){ echo locked('For the moment this page is closed...Please try again latter.','370'); }else{ $r_file = file("sys_/muweb_db/".top_guilds_tDB.""); $guild_content ='<br>
      <table width="530" align="center" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" class="rankings-table">
      <thead><tr><td>#</td><td align="left">Name</td><td align="left">Owner</td><td align="center">Score</td><td align="center">Members</td><td align="center">Logo</td></tr></thead>'; $count=0; $tr_color_2 = "even"; $tr_color_1 = ""; foreach ($r_file as $show_ch){ $count++; $tr_color = ($count % 2) ? $tr_color_1 : $tr_color_2; $show_ch = explode("|",$show_ch); $guild_content .='<tr class="'.$tr_color.'">
         <td align="left">'.md5_decrypt($show_ch[0]).'</td>
         <td align="left"><span class="r_link"><a href="#" onClick="sub_page(\''.$muweb['servername'].'-Character-'.$show_ch[4].'.html\');">'.htmlentities(md5_decrypt($show_ch[3])).'</a></td>
         <td align="center">'.$show_ch[2].'</td>
         <td align="center">'.$show_ch[5].'</td>
         <td align="center"><img src="GuildMark-'.$show_ch[1].'.png" width="20" height="20"></td>'; } $guild_content .='<tr><td colspan="9" align="right"><span class="full_author">Last Update '.decode_time($time_r,time(),'long','1 second').' ago</span></td></tr></table>'; echo html($guild_content); } 
case "Toponline":
$online_content ='<br>
      <table width="530" align="center" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" class="rankings-table">
	  <td align="left">Name</td>
	  <td align="left">Hours Online</td>
	  $tr_color_2 = "even"; 
	  $tr_color_1 = "";
	  global $db_primary,$muweb; 
	  $online = $db_primary->Execute("SELECT memb___id, OnlineHours FROM MEMB_STAT WHERE OnlineHours > 0 ORDER BY OnlineHours DESC");
	  while($on = $online->fetchrow()){
	  $tr_color = ($count % 2) ? $tr_color_1 : $tr_color_2;
	  $online_content .='<tr class="'.$tr_color.'">
						 <td align="left">'.$on[0].'</td>
						 <td align="left">'.$on[1].'</td>
	  $online_content .='</table>';
echo html($online_content);	  
case "Topkiller":
$killer_content ='<br>
      <table width="530" align="center" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" class="rankings-table">
	  <td align="left">Name</td>
	  <td align="left">PK Count</td>
	  $tr_color_2 = "even"; 
	  $tr_color_1 = "";
	  global $db_primary,$muweb; 
	  $top_killers = $db_primary->Execute("SELECT name, PkCount FROM Character WHERE PkCount > 0 ORDER BY PkCount DESC");
	  while($killers = $top_killers->fetchrow()){
	  $tr_color = ($count % 2) ? $tr_color_1 : $tr_color_2;
	  $killer_content .='<tr class="'.$tr_color.'">
						 <td align="left">'.$killers[0].'</td>
						 <td align="left">'.$killers[1].'</td>
	  $killer_content .='</table>';
echo html($killer_content);	  
} } ?>
uuuuuu Shits Coding ... Mather Fucking Sorce Code :D :D :D
И с този скрипт не става, версията ми е 99b+
<?php include"home.php"; ?>
<div align="center">
  <table align="center" border="1" bordercolor="#666666" bgcolor=white cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" frame="vsides" rules="none" width="760">
      <td align="left" background="http://darksteam.net/images/left_bg.gif" valign="top" width="204"><p><img src="http://darksteam.net/images/left_top_news.gif" height="36" width="204">
        <?php include"pictures.php"; ?>
        <?php include"ranks.php"; ?>
      <td background="http://darksteam.net/images/xu.gif" height="190" width="1"></td>
      <td align="center" valign="top" width="553"><p>
require_once "sql_inject.php"; 

$_I60iQ = TRUE; 
$_I61tI = 'index.php'; 
$_I61tL = new _OQF0A('./log_file_sql.log',$_I60iQ,$_I61tI)  ; 

$_I6QfO = mssql_query("SELECT count(*) FROM Character");
$_I6Q8f  = mssql_result($_I6QfO, 0, 0);
$_I6I1C =& new _OQQF1($_GET['page'],$_I6Q8f);

$_I6j0l = $_I6I1C->_OQJ8Q();  
$_I6j8f = $_I6I1C->_OQJFR();  

$_I6joJ = 'SELECT TOP ';
$_I6joJ .= $_I6j0l + $_I6j8f;
$_I6joJ .= ' Name,Class,Resets,Money,PkCount,cLevel,CtlCode,AccountID from Character  order by Resets desc, cLevel desc, name asc';
$_I6J8j = mssql_query($_I6joJ);
echo '<TABLE border=0 bordercolor=#666666 cellPadding=0 cellSpacing=0 >
    <TD align=left vAlign=top> 
                            <TD align=center  
                              <TABLE border=0 cellPadding=0 cellSpacing=0  
<TD align=middle vAlign=center><br><font color=red size=2>Top Players</font>
<table height=10 border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" width="98%" bordercolor=#666666>               
<td valign=top align=center bgcolor=#c6c6c6 width=45><font color=#000000>Rank</td>
<td valign=top align=center bgcolor=#c6c6c6 width=100><font color=#000000>Name</td>
<td valign=top align=center bgcolor=#c6c6c6 width=60><font color=#000000>Class</td>
<td valign=top align=center bgcolor=#c6c6c6 width=60><font color=#000000>cLevel</td>
<td valign=top align=center bgcolor=#c6c6c6 width=60><font color=#000000>Resets</td>
<td valign=top align=center bgcolor=#c6c6c6 width=160><font color=#000000>Special</td>
<td valign=top align=center bgcolor=#c6c6c6 width=60><font color=#000000>Status</td>
<td valign=top align=center bgcolor=#c6c6c6 width=100><font color=#000000>Money</td>
<td valign=top align=center bgcolor=#c6c6c6 width=50><font color=#000000>PK</td>


$_I6JC6 = 'black'; 

for ($_I6JL6=0;$_I6JL6 < $_I6j0l; ++$_I6JL6) {
     $_I66L1 = mssql_fetch_row($_I6J8j);
for($_I6fCf=0;$_I6fCf < mssql_num_rows($_I6J8j)-$_I6j0l;++$_I6fCf) {
    $_I66L1 = mssql_fetch_row($_I6J8j);

$_I6fi1 = $_I6fCf + $_I6j0l +1;

if($_I66L1[1] == 0){ $_I66L1[1] ='DW';
if($_I66L1[1] == 1){ $_I66L1[1] ='SM';
if($_I66L1[1] == 16){ $_I66L1[1] ='DK';
if($_I66L1[1] == 17){ $_I66L1[1] ='BK';
if($_I66L1[1] == 32){ $_I66L1[1] ='ELF';
if($_I66L1[1] == 33){ $_I66L1[1] ='ME';
if($_I66L1[1] == 48){ $_I66L1[1] ='MG';
if($_I66L1[1] == 64){ $_I66L1[1] ='DL';
if($_I66L1[6] == 0) { $_I66L1[6] = '<font color=green>Normal</font>';
if($_I66L1[6] == 1) { $_I66L1[6] = '<font color=darkred><s>Banned</s></font>';

$_I68j8 = '0';
if ($_I6JC6 == 'black') {
$_I6JC6 = 'darkblue';
$_I686t = 'white';
$_I68j8 = '1'; }
if ($_I6JC6 == 'darkblue') {
if ($_I68j8 != '1') {
$_I6JC6 = 'black';
$_I686t = '#f4f4f4'; } }
if ($_I6fi1 == '1') {
$_I686t = 'darkorange'; }

$_I6tQl = $_I6JL6 + 1; 
if($_I66L1[6] == 8) { $_I66L1[6] = '<font color=red>Game Master</font>';
if($_I66L1[6] == 32) { $_I66L1[6] = '<font color=red>Game Master</font>';
if($_I6fi1 == 1) { $_I6fi1 = '<img src=images/one.gif>';
if($_I6fi1 == 2) { $_I6fi1 = '<img src=images/two.gif>';
if($_I6fi1 == 3) { $_I6fi1 = '<img src=images/tru.gif>';
if($_I6fi1 == 4) { $_I6fi1 = '<img src=images/4.gif>';
if($_I6fi1 == 5) { $_I6fi1 = '<img src=images/4.gif>';
$connect = mssql_query("SELECT * FROM MEMB_STAT WHERE memb___id='$_I66L1[7]'");
$conn =  mssql_fetch_array($connect);
$vasko = "Select GameIDC From AccountCharacter where Id=$_I66L1[7]'";
$darksteam = mssql_query($vasko);
$vas = mssql_fetch_array($darksteam);

if($conn['ConnectStat'] == 1 AND $vas['GameIDC'] == $_I66L1[0]) { $status ='<img src=images/online.gif>'; }
else { $status='<img src=images/offline.gif></a>'; }

echo "<tr>
<td valign=top align=center bgcolor=$_I686t width=45><font color=#666666>$_I6fi1</td>
<td valign=top align=center bgcolor=$_I686t width=100><font color=#666666>$_I66L1[0]</td>
<td valign=top align=center bgcolor=$_I686t width=60><font color=#666666>$_I66L1[1]</td>
<td valign=top align=center bgcolor=$_I686t width=60><font color=#666666>$_I66L1[5]</td>
<td valign=top align=center bgcolor=$_I686t width=60><font color=#666666>$_I66L1[2]</td>
<td valign=top align=center bgcolor=$_I686t width=100><font color=#666666>$_I66L1[6]</td>
<td valign=top align=center bgcolor=$_I686t width=100><font color=#666666>$status</td>
<td valign=top align=center bgcolor=$_I686t width=100><font color=#666666>$_I66L1[3]</td>
<td valign=top align=center bgcolor=$_I686t width=50><font color=#666666>$_I66L1[4]</td>






                 $_I6OQ1 = "First <b>|</b> ";
                 } else { $_I6OQ1="<a href=\"" .  $_I6I1C->_OQBE8() . "?op=rankings&page=" . $_I6I1C->_OQ8PA() . "\">First</a> <b>|</b>"; }  
                     //check to see that _OQA6E() is returning a value. If not there will be no link.
                 $_I6OQt = "<a href=\"" .  $_I6I1C->_OQBE8() . "?op=rankings&page=" . $_I6I1C->_OQA6E() . "\">Prev</a> <b>|</b> ";
                 } else { $_I6OQt="Prev <b>|</b> "; }
               //check to see that _OQCPE() is returning a value. If not there will be no link.
                 $_I6OtQ = "<a href=\"" . $_I6I1C->_OQBE8() . "?op=rankings&page=" . $_I6I1C->_OQCPE() . "\">Next</a> <b>|</b> ";
                 } else { $_I6OtQ="Next <b>|</b> "; }
               //check to see that _OQP8A() is returning a value. If not there will be no link.
                 $_I6oJj = "<a href=\"" . $_I6I1C->_OQBE8() . "?op=rankings&page=" . $_I6I1C->_OQP8A() . "\">Last</a>";
                 } else { $_I6oJj="Last"; }
                         //since these will always exist just print out the values.  Result will be
                         //something like 1 of 4 of 25
                  echo  $_I6I1C->_OQ6LP() . " of " .$_I6I1C->_OQ6FC() . " of " . $_I6I1C->_OQLPB() . " ";
                            //print the values determined by the if statements above.
                  echo $_I6OQ1 . " " . $_I6OQt . " " . $_I6OtQ . " " . $_I6oJj;
                    //end of example

я опитай така ако не драсни на скайп че вече ...
Last edited:
Много Хубаво !!! Браво Кретенчо :D :D :D