- Joined
- Jan 11, 2010
- Messages
- 1
- Reaction score
- 0

We would like to present you Player versus Player server of Polskie Centrum MuOnline!
Join us and see if you are able to overcome the hostile army of Kundun, challenge the opponents in the Castle Siege and confront other chalenges on the continent of Mu!
Server start is scheduled for 11.01.2010 at 18:30 (GMT+1)

- Website: PvP.PCMu.net
- Registration: PCM Server Registration
- Forum: MuOnline.org.pl
- Download: PCM Server Download
- IRC Channel: PCM IRC Channel
- Uptime: 24/7
- IP: pvp.pcmu.net
- Port: 44405

- Version: 1.05v+
- Exp Rate: 1000x
- Master Level Exp Rate: 100x
- Drop Rate: 80%
- Bless Bug: no
- Spots: double respawn of monsters
- Max Level: 400
- Max Master Level: 55
- Reset: no (server was created for pvp - Castle Siege, duels, Guild War, Battle Soccer)

- Dedicated Server
- Processor : Intel Xeon 2x 2,0 GHz
- RAM : 3072 MB
- Operating System : Windows 2003 Server SP2
- Hard Drive : SATA 60 GB
- Transfer : 100/100 Mbps
- Localisation : Łódź (Poland)

- Blood Castle
- Prize : Soul +1
1:45 5:45 9:45 13:45 17:45 21:45
- Prize : Soul +1
- Devil Squere
- 0:45 4:45 8:45 12:45 16:45 20:45
- Chaos Castle
- Every full hour.
- CryWolf
- Wednesday, Sunday 17:15
Failure: Exp reduced to 300x , Drop of JoGs in LoT and Kalima less about 90%.
Victory: Kundun doesn't regenerate HP.
- Wednesday, Sunday 17:15
- Nightmare
- Excellent Items, Weapons 380
- Illusion Temple
- 0:20 3:20 6:20 9:20 12:20 15:20 18:20 21:20
Victory: Excellent Items and Jewels
- 0:20 3:20 6:20 9:20 12:20 15:20 18:20 21:20
- Raklion Event
- Castle Siege
- It will not be in the first week of start.

- Kundun : Ancient Items, Weapon 380 +Option+Luck+Skill
- Selupan : Socket Items +Option+Luck+Skill
- Erohim : Weapon 380 +Option+Luck+Skill and Excellent Black Dragon / Divine / Grand Soul / Dark Steel / Ancient / Thunder Hawk
- Nightmare : Weapon 380 & Platina Staff / Daybreak / Albatross Bow / Sword Dancer / Shining Scepter / Ancient Stick
- Maya Hands : Excellent Eclipse / Ashcrow / Valiant / Glorious / Iris / Ancient
- Balgass : Excellent Dark Phoenix / Great Dragon / Dark Soul / Hurricane / Red Spirit / Dark Master / Black Rose
- Dark Elf : Excellent Black Dragon / Divine / Grand Soul / Dark Steel / Ancient / Thunder Hawk

- Dark Knight, Dark Wizard, Fairy Elf, Summoner : 5 points / 1 level
- After Marlon's Quest Blade Knight, Soul Master, Mouse Elf, Bloody Summoner : 6 points / 1 level
- Magic Gladiator, Dark Lord : 7 points / 1 level

- Chaos Machine Mix without Luck
- Chaos Machine Mix+10 : 65%
- Chaos Machine Mix+11 : 60%
- Chaos Machine Mix+12 : 60%
- Chaos Machine Mix+13 : 55%
- Chaos Machine Mix with Luck
- Chaos Machine Mix+10 : 75%
- Chaos Machine Mix+11 : 75%
- Chaos Machine Mix+12 : 75%
- Chaos Machine Mix+13 : 75%

- Jewel Of Soul without / with luck : 60% / 85%
- Jewel Of Bless without / with luck : 100% / 100%
- Jewel Of Life without / with luck : 80% / 80%

- Weapons
- Fire
- Attack speed increase +7
Maximum attack/wizardy damage +30
Minimum attack/wizardy damage +20
(Level type)attack/wizardy increase +20
AG reduction +40%
- Attack speed increase +7
- Lighting
- Excellent damage rate increase +10%
Critical damage rate increase +8%
Critical damage increase +30
Excellent damage increase +15
- Excellent damage rate increase +10%
- Ice
- Skill attack increase +37
Item strengthener +30%
Attack acuracy increase +25
Monster destruction for the mana increase xxx(xxx=mana/8)
Monster destruction for the life increase xxx(xxx=life/8)
- Skill attack increase +37
- Water
- Shield protection increase +7%
Damage reduction +4%
Damage reflection +5%
Defense increase +30
Defense rate increase +10%
- Shield protection increase +7%
- Earth
- Health increase+30
- Wind
- Maximum life increase +4%
AG value increase +3
Automatic life recovery increase +8
Automatic mana recovery increase +7
- Maximum life increase +4%
- Fire

- Plate / Sphinx / Spirit / Ancient +3+8
- Lighting Sword +3+8+s
- Silver Bow +3+8+s
- Legendary Staff +3+8
- Ancient Stick +3+8
- All Scrolls, Orbs & Quests Items
- 1/2/3 HP Potion packs, 1/3/5 MP Potion packs

- Head Admin : Włóczykij
- Technical Admin : Dudi
- Webmaster : Livo

- Official client PCM PvP Server without sound:
- GameGuard (autoupdater is very slow):

Everyone is welcome to play. However, remember that it's only a game and it's not worth to spend on it whole days and nights. Invite your friends, because more players means so much more fun.
Don't worry, if you're startin later than others. There are no resets here and exp is high, so players' levels will constantly get aligned.