Download MuWeb 0.9 Free
* If you use other links to download the Free version aside from what MuWeb has provided, we will not take responsibilty as it might contain worms and other exploits. Again, in case you download MuWeb 0.9 different from what MuWeb have provided, then download at your own risk
- Sendspace: Download MuWeb 0.9 Free.rar from - send big files the easy way
- Rapidshare: RapidShare: 1-CLICK Web hosting - Easy Filehosting
2. Edit with your settings
- Copy WZ_MD5_MOD.dll in c:\program files\microsoft sql server\80\tools\binn
WZ_MD5_MOD.dll can be found in folder INSTALL STUFF\WZ_MD5_MOD.dll- Run the next code in SQL QUERY ANALYZER using Master database:
---------------------------------------------------------------PHP:exec sp_addextendedproc 'XP_MD5_EncodeKeyVal', 'WZ_MD5_MOD.dll'
- $muweb['db_host'] - Host where sql server is hosted
- $muweb['db_name'] - MU Online default database (MuOnline)
- $muweb['db_name2'] - MU Online secondary database (Me_MuOnline)
Note: If you use only 1 database (MuOnline) leave MuOnline- $muweb['db_user'] - SQL access user
- $muweb['db_password'] - SQL accesss password
- $muweb['connection_type'] - Connection of MuWeb 0.9 with SQL SERVER
+ ODBC - Run the reg file before install MuWeb 0.9, can be found in folder INSTALL STUFF\MuWeb.reg
3. Enable MOD REWRITE - Go to apache\conf\httpd.conf , open it, find #LoadModule rewrite_module modules/, delete # from the front save and restart webserver
4. Run in browser install.php
- Step 1 - Required Apache Mods
+ GD Image Library - Can be enabled from php.ini, search for ;extension=php_gd2.dll, delete ; from the front close document and save
+ Mssql - Can be enabled from php.ini, search for ;extension=php_mssql.dll, delete ; from the front close document and save
+ Mod_Rewrite - In xampp this mod is already enabled, in others webservers you can enable it from httpd.conf- Step 2 - Connecting To Databases
- Step 3 - Checking,Altering Tables
- Step 4 - Password Encryption Type
+ NO MD5
+ MD5 ENCRYPTION - Make sure you have complete Step 1. from the top of INSTALL NOTES- Step 5 - Create Administrator Account
- Step 6 - Install Finished
And Some Mirrors:
Download MuWeb 0.9 Free from MEGAUPLOAD
Download MuWeb 0.9 Free from
Download MuWeb 0.9 Free from SeeUpload
Download MuWeb 0.9 Free from Rapidshare.DE
Download MuWeb 0.9 Free from FileFront