:thumbup: tt: MuTravia tt: :thumbup:
Main information:
Server version - Season 3 ep 2
Experience - 9999x
Drop - 100%
Ppl - 50/70/70
Excellent items drop - 90%
Chaos Machine - 90% - 100%
Server location - Latvia
Max stats - 65000
Server version - Season 3 ep 2
Experience - 9999x
Drop - 100%
Ppl - 50/70/70
Excellent items drop - 90%
Chaos Machine - 90% - 100%
Server location - Latvia
Max stats - 65000
Reset information:
Reset limit - unlimited
Reset level - 400lvl
Reset price - 50kk
Max level - 400lvl
In shops - all jewels , 1lvl and 3lvl wings and more items+13 , quest items
Good Spots in all maps!
More info in the server tt1:
Join now and start to play .. (online time 24/7 now for the long term)