[Release] MuServer Season 4 Repack FULL

i have no internet so i can't run fixscfdb3 and my scfdb3 run with error about netframe, can't anyone help me about this problem, and plz give me Czfeditor with ss4 item and skill
Yes... :) but Wings 4lvl have small visual bug... when you put it on you, you must logoff and logon again to fix it :D . This is only visual bug!
Arena castle, Noria Castle and etc is working correctly and have very powerfull Monsters :p
I translate almost all Text.bmd but it still have work to do :)

The Cleint files bro does it have sound on ur version?
No you need to add ^^ just copy from another S4 cliet --> Music and Sounds
аре някой да помогне да оправя глупавия краш....
ok, have me question, is hard to change lvl max 400 to lvl max 450??

SCFMaxLevel = 400 //Change it to 450
1. The best OS for Mu Online server is --> Windows XP SP3
2. Your GS_CS just freez on move :p .... you can do nothing, wait for next release (if there will be another) :)

P.S: killar4eto :p

The best OS for Apache --> Windows 95 (chuckle)

Wrong wrong... The best OS for Mu Online server is Windows Server ;]
Windows XP is for desktop computer not for server.

And i have one note for you guys.
Please do not release server files, when you don't test them with 200 - 300 online.
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The best OS for Apache --> Windows 95 (chuckle)

Wrong wrong... The best OS for Mu Online server is Windows Server ;]
Windows XP is for desktop computer not for server.

And i have one note for you guys.
Please do not release server files, when you don't test them with 200 - 300 online.

Sorry dude... but Windows Server have a lot of bugs ^^... and most of the time GS_CS freez espeshally on Season 4 :) .... And another thing is: "Most user can't work with Windows Server. So like i say it.. when i release something, my first job is testing ^^... For this release i say what i have to SAY! Capish?
thx for help about lvl, codrez are right, no need change in gs, only in SCF_Common.ini.

now i need program of mu that support 65k, Mu Maker dont support 65k :(
The best OS for Apache --> Windows 95 (chuckle)

Wrong wrong... The best OS for Mu Online server is Windows Server ;]
Windows XP is for desktop computer not for server.

And i have one note for you guys.
Please do not release server files, when you don't test them with 200 - 300 online.

Well FeliX i have about 150 people on mine and by end of the Month i should have a hell of a lot more coming when my website goes Global so far i have a very small amount of people on mine my last count of people on my server was 138 people and thats account not players and i got this amount in just 2 weeks.

Имам проблем!Пуснах сървър с тия файлове и сега като бият и животните не им дават ХП смисал бия 10-20 животни и нито 1 левел пък хп-то е 700 и тряа да бия докато зацепи...от какво може да е това? :x
try to add devias monster's in lorencia spawns :) i have this problem before time ago
plz someone give me czfeditor with ss4 item and skill. My SCFDB3 can't run without internet and my computer have no internet so can someone help me about this