[Release] MuServer Season 4 Repack FULL

i can't run sv ss4 from serial 7.xx
i only change ip in mapserverinfo.dat and cs...dat in cs folder and loader's shortcut. i have no internet so i use network apdapter!!
@diablo2: u change your ip in all file but the gs display ip!! i think you don't make a change in commonserver.cfg and iplist.dat but your guide say change!!!
Who can help me to run sv!!i need all your help
Srr for my bad E

Change Ips in server


You also need to changed these with your IP( Don't change any :
8-client\main.exe (Remember check for serrial by MainCracker)

P/S: If it still don't work...You can upload your server and I will download to config for you...Remember tell me what IP and pass sa you want...
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2 ма човека са писали, че ги дисконнектва като цъкнат да си пишат accout и парола и няма отговор някой ще ми каже ли от кое е ... кое ип не е сменено ...
i can't run sv ss4 from serial 7.xx
i only change ip in mapserverinfo.dat and cs...dat in cs folder and loader's shortcut. i have no internet so i use network apdapter!!
@diablo2: u change your ip in all file but the gs display ip!! i think you don't make a change in commonserver.cfg and iplist.dat but your guide say change!!!
Who can help me to run sv!!i need all your help
Srr for my bad E

read guide i make 100% how to make ip rights so problem is not mine its yours with bad ip config :D
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Забрайх да питам ExDB-то има ли защита от inject ?
абе вие не сте добре мога да ви каза от самото на4ало съм сас тези филес и са супер които не мозе да ги подкара е нооб които иска да тества тези филес във този сървър влиза и да видим да ли 6те намери да се хване за не6то
вие сте неблагодарни си4ките как мозе да правите мизерииии и да слагаъе баннн на мом4ето си4ки сте такива неблагодарни!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
If i send some 1 my Server files and my ip adresses and my sql Password can some 1 help me fix my GS CS files because i just need to some how figure out y people cannot go to crywolf like i can or any GS CS maps My email to msn is stan47uk@hotmail.com please add me and lend me a hand with this problem.

To anybody who needs differnent monsters in places like Arena and Lorencia because you are useing Low Exp for your members use this MonstersSetBase file i made it alot better for people useing Low Exp Rates Please Enjoy and remember to say thanks.


  • MonsterSetBase.txt
    146.4 KB · Views: 28
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You also need to changed these with your IP( Don't change any :
8-client\main.exe (Remember check for serrial by MainCracker)

P/S: If it still don't work...You can upload your server and I will download to config for you...Remember tell me what IP and pass sa you want...

This mite make me sound bit dumb but in the AllowableIPList Part where do i put my ip i think it mite be y people get disconneted when they warp to GS CS Maps like CryWolf the AllowableIPList looks like this can some 1 show me how my IP would go in because i not suppose to change so where do i put my ip in ?

127 0 0 1 255
This mite make me sound bit dumb but in the AllowableIPList Part where do i put my ip i think it mite be y people get disconneted when they warp to GS CS Maps like CryWolf the AllowableIPList looks like this can some 1 show me how my IP would go in because i not suppose to change so where do i put my ip in ?

127 0 0 1 255

just adding ip look like is:
127 0 0 1 255
71 201 10 241 255

if u have use Microsoft Loopback Adapter for global ip add in
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Само аз ли имам този проблем при писането на account и парола бе ?
само аз ли имам този проблем при писането на account и парола бе ?
имам го аз и още 1 човек но вече е бан диабло21 и няма да кажа пусах му 2 пъти за това и не ебава ...
In ur Version of Mu Server files how is it that that people can warp to CryWolf and Loren Deep but in these files in this Topic all the people who play my Game cannot always get Disconneted i have tryied everything and i know that my setup if fantastic and only i can go to those maps with these new server files When Darkav from DarkSide MU gets back from Holiday can't w8 til he helps me with this because i have tryied absolute everything.
1) Monster HP Bug (die with 1-2 hits ) (For example DK - all stats 100 - Elite Yeti die with 1-2 hits) =\
2) If the 4-5 person is resp , then there is no experience! (0) and 0 zen!
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1) Monster HP Bug (die with 1-2 hits ) (For example DK - all stats 100 - Elite Yeti die with 1-2 hits) =\
2) If the 4-5 person is resp , then there is no experience! (0) and 0 zen!

this is can be becouse low def or hp ot monster's check monster.txt MuServer/Data/Monster.txt
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