[Release] MuServer Season 4 JPN 1.00.90


Well-Known Member
Jun 3, 2008
Reaction score
GameServer is good functionaly but is dumped and he is have large size ( 170 mb )

REMOVED CashShop Becouse some antivirus detect a worm

DB's for SQL 2000 and 2005

Server Files : http://4storing.com/8ep2s9/631251adb6da4209fe9a8277807fe18d.html

Client Download 1.03K - http://dl-gameon.bmcdn.jp/dl-gameon/mu/client/MU1_03K_full_Jpn.exe

Patch - Free large file hosting. Send big files the easy way!

GameServer_CS : http://4storing.com/xo94w2/8c6f0190ec11978a0faa6ee5296d173c.html

BC - 100 %
DS - 100 %
CC - 100 %
Illusion Temple - 100 %
Kanturu Event - 100 %
Skills - 100 %
Summoner - 100 %
3 Quest Evolution - 100 %
Guild Create - 100 %
BattleSoccer - 100 %
Mu Mail - 100 %
Fenrir Creation - 100 %
BK Combo - 100 %
Guild Alianse - 100 %
C Blossom System - 100 %
Swamp Of Calmness - 100 %
Seals - 100 %
Skill Tree - 100 %

All Season 4 Set's and Features Working - 100 %

In this files don't have only Duel System and some new NPC's

Cristmas Event ( TESTED ) - 100 %
Raklion Event ( TESTED ) - 100 %
Cry Wolf ( TESTED ) - 95 %

Credits :
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nqkfi novi itemi ne6to ima li ?!?! ina4e 10/10 (sry 4e pi6a taka )

DarkMaster beta 21 still better than SCF or other season 3 and 4 cos scf still have skilltree bugged.

Beta 21 just lack some custom and fixes on GSCS... i belive soon it will be better bugless Season 3 ep 2

Ps: im testing all those releases out there...
DarkMaster beta 21 still better than SCF or other season 3 and 4 cos scf still have skilltree bugged.

Beta 21 just lack some custom and fixes on GSCS... i belive soon it will be better bugless Season 3 ep 2

Ps: im testing all those releases out there...

hm a scf files is an moded original gs 1.00.18 darkmaster s3ep2 files is original webzen ... and it better than SCF but SCFMT have more custom options and you wrong in my server skill tree works great this files i release Season 4 is good and all think's are working but have BackDoor
DarkMaster please REuploud links MuServer RapidShare please
Като гледам и другите форуми ... бая хора са се хванали да намират offsets... да unpack-ват GS....... Само, че на мен малко страмно ми се вижда .... до преди 2 дни нямаше никакви сървър файлове фикс 100% и ся изведнъж излизат 100% само дето са пакнати ...... Това е доста странно....
this version better EDMT free because add more option on GS
but both no GS_CS :))
Anybody know if it has GomeServer_CS would not. some one would have to post?