Server files don't have any virus... it's just unpacked .dll files
Turn off your antivirus program and download the files
I give you 100%, server files don't have any virus !!!
^^ here >
To beginning with the search in \'C: \\ documents and settings \\ papa \\ desktop \\ MuServer 98c fixed by n00by.rar \ ' C: \\ documents and settings \\ papa \\ desktop \\ MuServer 98c fixed by n00by.rar [0] archive types: SCARCE-> MuServer \\ CS \\ CS.exe
[FINDING] Containing recognition pattern of the Windows virus W32 / Sality. L-> MuServer \\ DataServer1 \\ Dataserver.exe
[FINDING] Containing recognition pattern of the Windows virus W32 / Sality. L-> MuServer \\ DataServer1 \\ WZ_AutoUpdater.exe
[FINDING] Containing recognition pattern of the Windows virus W32 / Sality. Q-> MuServer \\ DataServer2 \\ Dataserver.exe
[FINDING] Containing recognition pattern of the Windows virus W32 / Sality. L-> MuServer \\ DataServer2 \\ WZ_AutoUpdater.exe
[FINDING] Containing recognition pattern of the Windows virus W32 / Sality. Q-> MuServer \\ ExDB \\ Exdb.exe
[FINDING] Containing recognition pattern of the Windows virus W32 / Sality. L-> MuServer \\ GameServer \\ GameServer.exe
[FINDING] Containing recognition pattern of the Windows virus W32 / Sality . L-> MuServer \\ JoinServer \\ JoinServer.exe
[FINDING] Containing recognition pattern of the Windows virus W32 / Sality. L-> MuServer \\ MU2003_EVENT_SERVER \\ WZ_MU2003_EVENT_SERVER.exe [FINDING] Containing recognition pattern of the Windows virus W32 / Sality. L-> MuServer \\ MUServerStartUP.exe
[FINDING] Containing recognition pattern of the Windows virus W32 / Sality. L-> MuServer \\ ranking server \\ DevilSqure_EventServer.exe
[FINDING] Containing recognition pattern of the Windows virus W32 / Sality. L [POINT OUT] the file was extinguished.