- Joined
- Nov 13, 2008
- Messages
- 1,367
- Reaction score
- 509

-Bone Blade
-Explosion Blade
-Sword Dancer
-Flamberge Sword
-Sword Breaker
-Rune Bastard Sword
-Demoniac DayBreak
-Soram Hammer
-Bersek Axe
-Gigantis Axe
-Blunt Beast Axe
-Rabbit Axe
-Werewolf Axe
-Shadow War Axe
-Soley Scepter
-Shining Scepter
-Frost Mace
-Absolute Scepter
-Cabrio Scepter
-NightMare Scepter
-Nife Spear
-Grand Viper Staff
-Platina Wing Saff
-Mistery Staff
-Violent Wind Staff
-Red Wing Staff
-Ancient Staff
-Black Rose Staff
-Aura Staff
-Lilium Staff
-Deadly Staff
-Imperial Staff
-Soul Bringer Staff
-Great Reign Crossbow
-Arrow Viper Bow
-Sylph Bow
-Arbatross Bow
-Dark Stinger Bow
-Crimson Glory Shield
-Salamander Shield
-Frost Barrier Shield
-Guardian Shield
-Cross Shield
-Dragon Knight
-Venon Mist
1. Server = Trade ON , Bau OFF , Chaos Machine OFF
2. SubServer1 = Trade OFF , Bau ON , Chaos Machine OFF
3. SubServer2 = Trade OFF , Bau OFF , Chaos Machine ON
Tools Pack In MuServer:
Launcher Builder
Main Options:
IP in main:
MuServer - Click
MuServer - Цък
Main - Цък
Client - Click
Update 1 !
- Added NPC PkClear
- Confligure in Motto.ini
- Choose GameServers
- GameServer LV400
- GameServer LV1000
- Venom Mist Pants disappear [fix] (for those who had not yet repaired ^ ^)
- Name of NPC PkClear changed in client!
To run the NPC PKClear is need to have
Update 1.0: 4shared.com - online file sharing and storage - download Update1.rar
Microsoft Visual C + + 2008 Redistributable Package (x86): 4shared.com - online file sharing and storage - download vcredist_x86.rar
NPCPkClear (Client): Download - 4shared.com - online file sharing and storage - download NPCClient.rar
Note: Simply download the file update1.0.rar put inside the folder of MuServer
C: / MuServer / <- put and extract here, q will replace all files requests.
If the server by execultar StartUp keep an eye open when GameServer,
since written a message like this: NPC PkClear Init (), then you click OK soon ^ ^
it does not click the gameserver is given as ready then be executed without the startup, whereas this appeared not
connect to the server. It will also have links to click on OK
To run the NPC PkClear and need the Microsoft Visual C + + 2008 Redistributable Package (x86)
Download the NPCPkClear (Client), and place the folder Data \ Local \ the client. to change the name of the guard.

Life - Edit and Fixed
Last edited: