MuRekord Revolution
of MuOnline Serwer
Season 3 Episode 1
Planned start - 1 July ( maximum 5 July - read a forum )

You have opportunities to deatch from everyday occupations of, boredom and maybe problems even and to transfer in world where you can win everything .. or to bear defeat and in one moment to lose all. You want to your emotions reached zenith and near this to survive unforgettable moments ... ? We are giving You this chance !
We have honour to invite You on next edition of legendary server, you will think, that then sale overbearing words ... , however the heavy baggage of many years experience permit us on use this, and not different definition.
- 4 years of existence on Polish arena server MUO
- Last edition lasted year of time ( in Poland little which server can be proud with such result )
- Continuous, trouble-free, game and what the most important in the wonderful atmosphere.
This and several different things should assure You in conviction, that is PROPER to trust us.
Servers about LOW RATE status are today enough popular, however we ventured and went step further, the same guaranteeing very long, force in and failure-free game.
We took care about this, to about MuRekord Revolution heard whole world MUO !
MuRekord Statistics:
MuRekord Revolution
Experience Rate: 7x
Drop Rate: 25x
NO - Reset system : PvP
- NO items for donation
- NO sell items for money
- NO vips accounts
Full-free game - Enjoy TODAY !
Soul Succes Rate: 60% ( + luck 85% )
JoL Succes Rate: 60%
Chaos Machine Rate:
+10+11+12+13 - 55 / 50 / 45 / 45 % ( + luck 75 / 70 / 70 / 70 % )
Golden Invasion every: 8h
MuRekord information & client download:
MuRekord Revolution Season 3 Episode 1 Client:
MuRekord website: Main Site MuRekord serwer
MuRekord Registration mode: Registration Site MuRekord serwer
Client without sound:
MuRekord - NoSound (FileFactory)
MuRekord - NoSound (Dump.ro)
MuRekord - NoSound (Plikus)
MuRekord - NoSound (BitRoad)
MuRekord - NoSound (FlyUpload)
MuRekord - NoSound (WikiUpload)
MuRekord - NoSound (FileFront)
MuRekord - NoSound (SendSpace)
MuRekord - NoSound (MegaUpload)
Client+music and sound:
MuRekord +Sound (FileFront)
MuRekord + Sound (Plikus)
MuRekord + Sound (Dump.ro)
MuRekord + Sound (FlyUpload)
MuRekord + Sound (WikiUpload)
MuRekord some pictures:
Combination of Wings 3 rd

IT event


MuRekord Staff :
- MySoulCry - Head Admin
- Helden - Left hand of the administrator
- Efrem - Right hand of the administrator
- Cerses & Mayeczka - INDesigne & OUTdesigne
- Marduk & Executor - Game Master Protection
Publication Created by Cerses for MuRekord Revolution - All rights reserved.