[AD] MuPlayring 99.60XT Exp: 150x Drop: 100%


Well-Known Member
Apr 30, 2014
Reaction score

We are ready to restart our server on
Saturday 12/12/2015 at 20:00 (Server Time)

All existing accounts will be cleared and the new registrations opened on Wednesday 09/12/2015


The most important changes are:
Experience: x 150
Max Resets: 150
Drop Rate: x 100 and
VIP System: +100 Exp, less zen for resets + 2 credits for one online hour

All the rest is almost the same as before:


Server Name: Mu Playring
Version: 99.60XT +Glow Update +Fog +3d Cam +Mini Map
Experience: 150x up to 350x (Party, VIP and other)
Premium Anti cheat System and Launcher with built in AutoClicker
Drop rate: 100x
Server Hardware: Ram 64Gb-ECC SSD-Raid
Proccesor: 8 Cores!
Location: London , England
Max level: 400
Max reset: 150
Max stats: 32767

Reset System:
Reset Level: 350 - 400
Bonus Points Per Reset:
Level 360 = 5 Bonus Points
Level 370 = 15 Bonus Points
Level 380 = 25 Bonus Points
Reset Points Per Reset: SM,BK,ELF - 500 points per reset
Reset Points Per Reset: DL,MG - 600 points per reset
Zen For Reset: 20 million x Reset Number
Stat Points Per level: DK/DW/ELF : 5 - MG/DL: 8

Grand Reset System
Grand Reset Rewards:
Permanent Points: +5000
Credits: +1000
Rena: +100
Item: Any Item+13+Luck +2Excellent options +2

No Webshop! No Donation Items!
Bless Bug: OFF
Shadow Bug: OFF

Marry Info
MinLevel = 50
Price = 50,000,000
Map = Devias
HusbandPosX = 13 ; Husband X Coordinates
HusbandPosY = 25 ; Husband Y Coordinates
WifePosX = 13 ; Wife X Coordinates
WifePosY = 26 ; Wife Y Coordinates
Syntax = /marry
AcceptSyntax = /accept
DivorceSyntax = /divorce
StatusSyntax = /marrystatus
TraceSyntax = /tracemarry
GetMarrySyntax = /getmarry
/Post (Level 10, cost 10.000.000 zen)
/Online - See total on-line players
/Time - See the current server time
/QuestInfo - See your current quest number and information
/BuyVip - Buy VIP in the game
/VipInfo - See your current VIP status and time expired
/ItemName - Show Information about the item
/#msg - Your msg will appear longer
/filt erWord1 Word2 - Show only chat including filtering words in the Chat Window.
/View store on - Can view personal store window
/View store off - Cannot view personal store window


SkipQuest: Tired , stacked or get bored in a single quest? No worry`s! Now you can skip it but you loose the rewards for this quest!

Web Market: Buy/Sell All you want while drinking coffee somewhere!

Playring Auction System: Bet with Rena for server chosen items

Web Bank: Store all your Zen/Jewels/Stone/Rena in Web Bank.

Vip System: Do you have enough time to play? If not... No problem! And get some extras!

Weekly Rewards for Top 10 BC/DS/Reset stats during the week!

Level Up your Jewellery for up to +9 with 50 Stones cost! Get resistance from Ice, Poison, Lighting and etc

Gambles: You Feel Lucky ? Try our Zen/Credit Gambles ! Chance to win 2:1 !

Item Gambling: Get 1 Ancient Weapon +luck+9 +2 Random Excellent options! Cost = 500 stone

Clear Inventory: Have Bugged slot in your inventory? No problem! You can clear your inventory for free!

Web Chaos Machine: Increase chance to 100% upgrading Items for up to +11

Dual Stats: Change PvM or PvP stats with a single click!

Online Time Exchange for Credits

Free Web Market Auction! Sell your items each other with all possible resources. No credits Require!

And many more usefull things in our WebSite such a Lost Password , Change Password , Transfer Character , Change Account and Hero Names , Live Chat and many many more things!


Unique Anti-Cheat System! Play without any hackers only here! Block all kind of Hacks/Clickers/Autobuffers and etc. without slowing down your PC or affect game fps !!! Play Fair - Say Bye To Cheaters!

Vip System: Vip Bonus Exp:50x, Exchange 2 credits for 1 online hour ( normally you get 1 credit for online hour)

Custom Party Experience
PartyExp3 = 310x ; 3 players exp %
PartyExp4 = 420x ; 4 players exp %
PartyExp5 = 570x ; 5 players exp %
SetPartyExp3 = 330x ; 3 players set exp %
SetPartyExp4 = 450x ; 4 players set exp %
SetPartyExp5 = 550x ; 5 players set exp %

Quest System With 100 Unique Balanced Quests!
Every Quest give 10,000,000 Zen + 25 Points that you keep after reset or reset stats and a special different reward for every quest!

3 New Jewels - Jewel of Luck (Add Luck) , Jewel of Mystical (Add Level to Rings/Pendants) , Jewel of Dragon (Make a simple item - Excellent)

New Shield for All Races - Predator Shield
New Skin Set for all Naruto Fans - Jiraya Set(Bronze Set)


Hunt Event: All registered players have to hunt a random selected monster!
The first one who kills it - WINS
Event Time: Every 2 hours
Event Reward: Credits,Rena,Stone

Sky Event

Happy Hour

Custom Arena: New hidden Spots , Duel and Guild War Rooms!

Added Kundun Boss in Battle Soccer Duel-Arena!
Gate From Tarkan to Arena is Opened at level 200!

Custom Lorencia: New Design + PvP Ring and more features!
Lorencia Boss = Death King Boss is Located in Lorencia`s Graveyard!
Required Resets to hunt = 4+
Reward = Level 1 Wings
Respawn = Every 6 Hours

Devias Update: A little textures added in Devias + Worm Boss!
Worm Boss in Devias:
Drop: Excellent Knight Blade , Staff of Kundun , Great Reign CrossBow , Great Lord Scepter , Dark Reign Blade!
Respawn: Every 2 Hours!
Required Resets to hunt: 35+ In party , 45+ Solo Reid!

Atlans Hydra Boss:
Drop:Great Dragon Set, Dark Side Set, Nature Set, Dark Master Set, Adamantine Set!
Required Resets to hunt: 45+ In Party , 55+ Solo Reid!
Respawn: Every 3 Hours!

Devil Square
Devil Square 1: Golden Goblins x 2
Devil Square 2: Golden Taikans x 2
Devil Square 3: Golden Dragons x 2
Devil Square 4: Golden Lizards x 2
Devil Square 5: Golden Tantals x 2
Devil Square 6: Kundun Boss , Hydra Boss
All Devil Square Zen Rewards Increased!!!
Double Chance to drop Jewel of Luck!
Loch`s Feathers Drop increased by 15%

Blood Castle
Blood Castle Rewards:
Blood Castle 1: Jewel of Chaos
Blood Castle 2: Jewel of Chaos
Blood Castle 3: Jewel of Chaos
Blood Castle 4: Jewels of Chaos x 2
Blood Castle 5: Jewels of Chaos x 2
Blood Castle 6: Jewels of Chaos x 3
Blood Castle 7: Jewels of Chaos x 3
Bless/Soul/Life/Chaos/Creations Drop in All BC`s Increased By 30%
Blood Castles Gate and Statue HP increased!

Chaos Castle
Minimum Players to Start = 1
Monster Will Push You Down = 1
Chaos Castle Rewards: Jewel of Dragon

Land of Trials
Now you can farm in Land of Trials without own The Castle Siege! But of course you have to prove you are worthy for it! Meet the requirements and go to the NPC located next to Devias WareHouse!
Land of Trials Requirements:
Reset Requirement: 50
Zen Requirement : 50,000,000
Level Requirement: 200
Land of Trials Drop: Ancient Sets+Rings+Weapons!
Land of Trials NPC: Devias at 220 - 65

Kalima Gate from atlans removed! Hunt your Lost Map and prove you are worthy to farm in Kalima! Good Spawns/Spots to LvLUp!
Kalima Normal Monster Drop: Box +5 Excellent Items
Kundum Boss Drop: Mace of King , Blade of Fire , Grand Viper Staff , Arrow Viper Bow , Shining Scepter
Kundum Boss Item Drop Count: 3
Required Resets to hunt:70+ in party , 80+ Solo Reid!
Respawn: Every 6 Hours!
Enjoy Kalima!
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The registrations are opened

Server starting Saturday 12/12/15 at 20:00 (Server Time)
ако е като на ево ще е много интересно! ;)
добави към css-a :
Има неприятен за мен текст, който се подава от дясно на Google Translate select-a.
Попринцип е желателно логото в хедъра да бъде линк който да води до началната страница.
При неуспешен вход в user panel-a съобщението 'Wrong Account or Password!' би могло да бъде с малко 'margin-top'.
За 'Some fields are empty!' важи същото.
Можеш да направиш валидацията на логин-а и client side (ajax).
В конзолата на баузъра можеш да видиш, че има пътища които водят към несъществуващи изображения ('http://muplayring.com/themes//playring/template/images/cur.png ' ,'http://muplayring.com/themes//playring/template/images/cur2.png' и 'http://muplayring.com/themes//playring/template/images/sprite-clean.png')
Това се отразява на времето за зареждане на страницата и на SEO.
За слайдъра на началната страница ми се струва логично да се сменя слайда след като прогрес бар-а стигне 100% от дължината на слайда, а не както е в момента ~ 1/3 от него.
Можеш да поработиш малко по въпроса SEO friendly urls.
Hover ефекта който ползваш при страницирането в страницата 'Rankings' също създава проблеми (погледни конзолата на браузъра)
Би могъл да добавиш някъкъв стил на елемента от навигацията когато сме на съответната страница (.current примерно)
Страницата 'PRIVACI POLICY' има скрол, който според мен е излишен.
Логиката за модул 'Lost Password' не е ли след като напишеш своят имейл и акаунт да се изведе въпроса който си задал при регистрация и съответно да имаш поле за отговор. Струва ми се странно да помня и въпросар и отговора които сам съм си задал :) (по-вероятно е да си нацеля паролата :D)
Ширините на полето за логин и менюто под него според мен би било по-добре да бъдат еднакви (стои малко не естествено).

Надявам се да си ме разбрал правилно и да няма сърдити. Успех :)
Смятам да го поразцъкам
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Reactions: dota-sdso
Жалко за добрият сървър ... Няма хора, не защото е с лоша конфигурация, а заради стари грешки на админите. Но все пак успех !
Но за да успее отново тоя сървър мисля че му трябва ново име :D:
Почнах и като цяло до сега не съм видял някой от администраторите он !
Добре е сървъра, интересен е само оправете инфото с точките на левел 5/7 защото пише 8/10 !
Направете така ,че всеки нов герой да започва с 500 статс бонус ... Липсват играчи
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Нищо лошо към сървъра, но нормално да няма хора както каза "ludlud" колко пъти правеха едни и същи грешки админите и не само това.Прекалено претрупано стана и много излишни неща не ми харесва.... Първият плейринг където беше на ево си беше най - добре. Опростено нямаше такива 23523423 неща наблъскани всичко тествано влизаш и играеш. Няколко пъти започвам да го играя и все проблеми все някакви ъпдейти се правят някакви нови лаунчери се правеха и буквално стана мазало и хората затова и избягаха. И откакто се направи това с тези смс-и випове... Наистина ми се играеше, но този път ще пропусна, защото пак ще си изгубя времето и напразно ще играя... Все пак успех :)

P.S Fu33yWu33y
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Reactions: ludlud
Thanks, if you really think so and not joking . But this is a dead project and will be off very soon
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