[Release] MuOnline WebVirtua 2.2


Staff member
Apr 8, 2008
Reaction score
Specifications Panel [Show the Login]:
How-Online: [Your Login]
-Account Type: [If your account is FREE / VIP / S. VIP]
-Maturity: [FREE = No Expire! , VIP / S.VIP = Date and Time]

Screen: Click Here
Download Link: Click Here

Available Options Panel:
-Reset ............... [FREE / VIP / S. VIP]
-Resetão ............... [FREE / VIP / S. VIP]
Distribute-Points .... [FREE / VIP / S. VIP]
-Change Password ........ [FREE / VIP / S. VIP]
Clear-Pk ............. [FREE / VIP / S. VIP]
-Change Nick ........... [VIP / S. VIP]
Vip-Map .............. [VIP / S. VIP]
Teleport-............ [VIP / S. VIP]
Points-Desbugear .... [VIP / S. VIP]
Bau-Change ............ [VIP / S. VIP]
Class-Change ......... [S. VIP]
Inventory-Reset .. [S. VIP]
Reset-Bau ........... [S. VIP]
Zen-Desbugear ....... [S. VIP]
Specifications Panel Administration:
- Unban Char ............. [Administrator / Game Master]
- Ban Char .................. [Administrator / Game Master]
- View Chars Banned ........ [Administrator / Game Master]
- Unban Account ......... [Administrator / Game Master]
- Ban Account .............. [Administrator / Game Master]
- View Accounts Banned ....... [Administrator / Game Master]
- Add Items ............. [Administrator / Game Master]
- Add VIP ................ [Administrator / Game Master]
- Add VIP Master ...... [Administrator / Game Master]
- View Data Char ............ [Administrator]
- View Account Information ....... [Administrator] - [No Link Set]
- Edit Account ............. [Administrator] - [Fixed]
- Edit Char .................. [Administrator] - [Fixed]
- Delete Account ........... [Administrator]
- Delete Chars .............. [Administrator]
- Remove Vip ................... [Administrator]
- Change Time Facilities ......... [Administrator]
Some of the things you need on the web:
[She's with 3 updates released by Ramonvic + others made by me]

Search and Char-Guild (SHOW GuildMark)
Time-DS, CC, BC
-Options Panel
Recover-Password (No Bug Do OPERA)
Multi-Admin News
GM-Control Panel In-Common
-Quick News
-Quick links
-Resets working normally by the panel
Change-bau included and editable in conf_funcoes
-Index with all local images
-Picture Folder with all
Was rebuilt INDEX AND NOW 97% OF WEB is formed within the PASTA CONFIGS.

DarkADM - Layout used as ORIGINAL BASE
fabricionaweb - Correct Bugs!, He secured the site 90%
Crazy - Main Base and Scripts.
ramonvic - Correct Bugs!, He secured the site 99.9% and add something.
SIKK - Banners
malex - Various Updates functional and useful.
Muhero - Adding new functions to the main menu.
Leandro Daldegan - set the Edit Account and Char.
Other - Several other places, where they were caught scripts and tips.
Raphael Varela (raphael89) - Changed the layout entirely, added functions and fixed some functions added by romonvic, tutorial correct installation of AppServer, among others.
не е зле сайта само някой се заеме да си поиграе с него :d ...
кефи ме много,само ако го използвам требва да го преведа :x
try with another webprogram...hampp, appserv.. etc.
Or better yet, try a different web
The outputted errors stand for. Used IP as a constant which has not been defined, suppose that the quotes are forgotten or the define function is in another file which has not been included, same goes for 'connection. They might be variables with the syntax indication ($) forgotten i just wont download this...i don't see how 'another web pack - which is incredibly retarded btw .. it takes 3 minutes to setup standalone apache and php from their official webs) will help.' Furthermore this web is too salty for my taste ... its "pricKy" .. i suppose that its lamecode like everything else here.. no Objects, no skill .. just CASE-CODING ..
I get why people release these things, they are interested in PHP and showoff their so-called skill.. The second you realize that you know NOTHING about php and ur like WTF when u look at an Abstract or Interface class, the second u will start ur real progress..
For the people that will immediately oppose me i will respond from now: "CAN IT", i am not flaming, i am making a point .. and ofc most of u didnt got it so here it goes;
People release these webs cuz they are still learning, YOU ON THE OTHER HAND: must not use them..cuz of the same reason... cause there are developers and on the other hand there are developers... huge difference ..
There are probably only a few people ( i can count on my single hand ) that actually know what the fuck they are doing .. related to MU ofc.. and guess what .. NONE of them releases stuff anymore..

And yes, i know how to code.. and the only reason i don't release stuff is because i don't need your verbal approval ...

fabricionaweb - Correct Bugs!, He secured the site 90%
ramonvic - Correct Bugs!, He secured the site 99.9% and add something.

Tell me .. how the hell should we understand this ... how do you come up with these numbers ... (rand(900,999)/10).'%' ?. Saying something is secure up to 90% at the first time meaning that u knew exactly where 10% of the holes are (since u can estimate their remaining percentage) .. then tell me.. um ...whats so hard on "securing" something you know the weakness of .. and exactly what and where it is ...

no rly ... 'added something'.. i wouldnt download a web with such a thing that is in the release notes .. 'someone added something' (rofl) ..

im waiting for my bus and i decided to write some notes meanwhile.. think before u put something in ur server, don't whine about getting f-ed in the a- afterwords :O
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тоя web ако се преведе на БГ не на English ще е много добре ;) 10/10 дарк
добър сайт и дизайн 10/10 :p до бре че реализна нещо добро да се радват хората :)
the site it`s good but he need to be translated to english^^ anyway 10q
колко е защитен стабилен ли е или трябва да се поигра е с него?
скоро ще го има и на английски :)
еми дейстаите почвайте да превеждате :d
некой ще каже ли колко security има
доста готин сайт. харесва ми. :)