[AD] MuLeria 97d Exp: 20x Drop: 40%
From the old head administrators of MU Nοοbwars and MU The Game, we give you MuLeria The X Gaming!
English Website : http://mu.thexgaming.com
Server name: MuLeria The X Gaming
Forum: http://www.thexgaming.com/
Register: http://mu.thexgaming.com/MuLeria-Register.html
Client Download :http://mu.thexgaming.com/MuLeria-Downloads.html
Version: 0.97d
Exp & Drops: 20x & 40%
Bless Bug: OFF
Reset Lvl: 350 (you can reset from 330 if you like but that's 330 points)
Max Resets: 25
Reset style: Clear stats, skills and items and receive 350 points
Shops: As much as usefull (no jewels at the shops)
Online: 24/7 Dedicated Host
GM's and Admins are very helpful, friendly and experienced since their old servers are the oldest in Europe (more specific, in Greece)
Blood Castle
Chaos Castle
Golden invasion
WARNING: we have nothing to do with the Muleria server. We named ours MuLeria *SLASH* The X Gaming due to the original myth about the continent.

From the old head administrators of MU Nοοbwars and MU The Game, we give you MuLeria The X Gaming!
English Website : http://mu.thexgaming.com
Server name: MuLeria The X Gaming
Forum: http://www.thexgaming.com/
Register: http://mu.thexgaming.com/MuLeria-Register.html
Client Download :http://mu.thexgaming.com/MuLeria-Downloads.html
Version: 0.97d
Exp & Drops: 20x & 40%
Bless Bug: OFF
Reset Lvl: 350 (you can reset from 330 if you like but that's 330 points)
Max Resets: 25
Reset style: Clear stats, skills and items and receive 350 points
Shops: As much as usefull (no jewels at the shops)
Online: 24/7 Dedicated Host
GM's and Admins are very helpful, friendly and experienced since their old servers are the oldest in Europe (more specific, in Greece)
Blood Castle
Chaos Castle
Golden invasion
WARNING: we have nothing to do with the Muleria server. We named ours MuLeria *SLASH* The X Gaming due to the original myth about the continent.
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