Mu-Iportals Season 6 Ep 3
Website: Mu.Iportals.Lv
Server Information:
- Version: Season 6 Episode 3
- Exp: 1000x
- Drop: 50%
- PPL: 5/6/7
- Reset lvl: 400lvl
- Max stats: 32767 (Recommended 32000
- Stats after reset: Save stats
- Max res: 200res
- Grand reset: 100res (Reward 15000 Free -Credits)
- DMN Premium WebShop
- Market system
- Referal system
- Vote reward
- Skill tree max lvl: 150lvl
- Rage Fighter Bug Fix
- Zen Drop Balanced
- Chatacters Balanced
- Party Exp Balanced
- Bot Buffers
- Bot Traders
- Guild create lvl: 300lvl
- Magic Gladiator create lvl: 220lvl
- Dark Lord create lvl: 250lvl
- Summoner create lvl: 300lvl
- Rage Fighter create lvl: 350lvl
Referal system: Invite your friends from your referal link here: MU-IPORTALS Season 6 Ep 3 (and press f5 to reload page) and get 100 free credits and your friend 50 free credits for each reset!