[Server Features]
* Server Name: MuGuatire
* Versions: 1.06B+ (Season 5) & 0.99C+ (Season 1)
* Website: Bienvenido a ..:: MuGuatire Network ::.. - Bienvenido a ..:: MuGuatire Network ::.. - Bienvenido a ..:: MuGuatire Network ::.. - Bienvenido a ..:: MuGuatire Network ::.. - ..:: Mu - Guatire ::.. 0.99C+ 24 Horas Online..!
* Community Forum : Comunidad Mu Guatire! - Powered by vBulletin
* Experience: 1000x Normal & 2000x VIP
* Drop: 80% Normal & 100% VIP
* Bless Bug: Offline
* Reset LVL: Normal 400 & 250 VIP (No Borra Stats)
* Maximum Points: 65000 (Season 5) & 32767 (Season 1)
* Points for Level: 5/7
*Schedules: 24 Horas al dia / 7 Dias a la Semana
* Contact: [email protected]
* Founders: Lunatico, DARYoi & Murderxito
[Section Events by the staff]
* Event would unite Career
* Event Item search
* Event Search By Staff
* Event Of Rain Kunduns +3 +4 +5
* Event Of Gifts To The Users Depending on the day of festivities.
* Event Of Killing
* Event Trivia (Questions)
And much more...
[Server Events]
* Sky event (Season 5)
* Happy Hours (Season 5)
* Hallowen event (Season 5)
* White Wizzar (Season 5)
* Rabbit Event (Season 5)
* Blue Event (Season 5)
* Hit and up Event (Season 5)
* Merchant Moss (Season 5)
* Crywolf (Season 5)
* Blood Castle (100% todos)
* Devil Square (100% todos)
* Chaos Castle 100% todos)
* Red Dragon Invasion (Season 5)
* Skeleton King Invasion (Season 5)
* Golden Troops Invasion (Season 5)
* Kalima Event (Season 5)
* Castle Siege Event (Season 5)
* Castle Deep Event (Season 5)
* Kantru Event (Season 5)
* Cherry Blossom Event (Season 5)
* Raklion Event (Season 5)
* Illusion Temple Event (Season 5)
* Double Goer Event (Season 5)
* Imperial Event (Season 5)
* PC Points System
* SD System
* Skill Tree
* 380 Items System
* Sockets System
* Cash Shop System
* BotPet
And much more...
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MuGuatire Networks! Online more than a year! …Always offering the best services and the best treatment...