We are excited to welcome you to our MuOnline server, where the adventure begins anew! While the server has been up and running, we're thrilled to announce a host of exciting events and features for you to enjoy.
Server Details:
Server Version: Season 6 Ep 3 Exp: 9999x (FAST / EASY) Drop: 60% Max Level: 400 Max Stats: 32727 Max IP Connection: 3 CashShop: Enabled NO RF
In Website: Game Panel In-Game: /reset or /reset auto Reward: 50 Wcoins Stats: Stay Skills: Stay Items: Stay Stay on Spot: On Max Reset: 99999
Required: 50 resets In Website: Game Panel Stats: Stay Items: Stay Skills: Stay Reward: 5000 WcoinsC HP Bonus Reward: 200 (max 100,000) Max Grand Reset: 10,000 Master Level Settings / Offattack Max ML: 200 Points per Level: 1 ML Exp: 10x Reset ML: In Website - Game Panel
Max Attack Time: 24 hours Offattack Exp: 2500x
Max IP connections are 3. We recommend playing no more than 2 accounts simultaneously.