Mu Vita Season 6 x100 ep. 3
Custom Spawns , Zen drop , Zen economy working.
Server Open 12/01/2023
New Players : Each new character will receive 1000 points at start
--->> Links <<---
- Website:
Discord :
--->>Basic Server information<<----
-Exp Regular | Master: 100x | 100x
-Starting points: 1000
-Max Level / master | 400 | 400
-Max Account connections per 1 IP: 3
-Monsters & Bosses power adjusted
-Auto helper(bot) 100 % works
-Mini Map , Whole map
-xShop in game
-FPS 30 - 60
-offline mode (we know electricity in this days is expensive) https://forum.********.com/images/smilies/wink.gif
-offline trade
-Web Market (we made it like old school times , trade with your items and earn zen ) - server economy-zen.
-Web time trade
-quest system
-blood castle drops at end custom
-web credits = zen
-every map have custom spawns for mobs , so you will be never bored of getting some spawn.!
-MG, DL, Sum, Rf , = level creation from 1 lvl . (No need do quests or epic things to start with them) https://forum.********.com/images/smilies/lol.gif
--->>Resets Information<<----
-Level to Reset: 350 Zen to Reset: 1kk * resets
-Stats after Reset: Burn
-Stats after Reset: 500 Free Points * resets
-Total Stats with Max Resets, Grand Resets: 65 535 Points
--->> About server <<---
We made this special project since I made my first stable project in earlies 2003 , and now im back with big bang . Based on old school gaming , game is hard not easy but when you reach top you are the king of the hill !
So info about server it self .
- There still will be a lot of updates and new things , events , items , set items . Each month we do massive update for players after they vote for things the want to see in game world .
-no bugs
- Professional administration and stuff.
- Project is made for next at least 5 years +++
- There coming soon subservers like 10x 1000x and max but main will be this one .
Grand reset system will be activated when first player reach 100 resets . And gets nice present from project for whole time .
- keep in mind there is still a lot of things updating same like web page , we coding new web page , for the moment we have old web page but its coming soon.
-only reason we launching project before all is finished 100% (is 90% done of server (web,forum) wee need you to tell what we need improve more !
-there is coming (items action house - so thats mean you can bid items , charecter action house, lottery, )
Ps: We searching for expereanced Game Masters (if you are interested pm me at discord and we make for you interview- Arthur.)
!Good luck player , and see you in our WORLD!