We are pleased to inform you that our server Sunrise x250 opens on January 27 at 19:00 Riga time.
We have prepared many useful features so that you don't lag behind others and have access to Premium content for free. Events, quests, bosses and locations - with our help you won’t get lost.

Version: Season 6 Unique
Experience rate: x250
ML experience rate: 5%
Drop rate: 30%
Max Level: 400
Max Level ML: 200
Max stats: 32767
Mu Helper: from level 1
Guild creation: level 250
Max count players in the guild: 20
Max count guild alliance: 3
Elf assistant up to: 5 reset
Max Reset: 50
Max Grand reset: 20

New maps until season 18.
New sets of items until season 18.
New Wings 2.5 - 3.5 - 4 - 5 - 6 levels.
New crafts to create - new stones, pets, pentograms, sets, weapons, wings.
New Ancient sets all sets of 5 parts Helm, Armor, Pants, Gloves, Boots.
New Socket sets of weapons and shields.
New Munn system with pets, horses, wolves, birds.
New shields for season 18.
New bosses, events - Evomon Evolves, Demons, Eggs, Arca War, Acheron Guardian, Lord Silvester, Core Magriffy, Ferea Crystal Orb, Crystal Stone, God of Water, Bloody Witch Queen Gray, Abyss King Bahamut Boss.
New game panel with sections - Event Time, Ranking, Command, Jewel Bank.
New effects of new things, weapons, wings, bosses.
New Pvp event Team vs Team.
New Marriage System.
Party Search system.
New event timer system.
Golden Archer
Lucky Coin System
Reward for online
Supports right-clicking to move items.
Four additional chests.
Displaying spots on Minimap.
Support for Ancient + PvP + Harmony + Excellent options.
Socket things up to 5 options + PvP + Excellent.
Support for pvp options on all items.
OffExp - AFK system, offline pumping.
OffHelper - AFK system, offline leveling with picking up items.
Game quest system with more than 300 tasks.
All valuable WC game currency is available for completing quests and various events.
You can get all the valuable things in the game without donating!
VIP system with increased exp drop and for cooking items.
Party support for up to 5 people.
Description of the reset system:
Our server has a reset system.
A reset is a reset of all distributed points, level, and experience.
After the reset, your character will be level 1, but with additional points to distribute.
Easy start:
Lightweight 5 first resets, 1 reset: from level 350, 2 resets: from level 360, 3 resets: from level 370, 4 resets: from level 380, 5 resets: from level 390, 6 resets and all subsequent ones: from level 400.
IMPORTANT! Easy start will be available when the administration decides, it is intended for new players.
Reset stats:
DK/BK, DW/SM, FE/ME receive 550 distribution points for the reset, MG, DL receive 600 points.
Those. With each new reset, this number of points is multiplied by the number of resets.
For example, at reset 10, MG will have 600*10=6000 points to distribute.
A reset on the x30 Origin server is done in the game, through the Game Menu in the city of Lorencia.
To enter the game menu you need to press the “D” button and scroll to the right with the arrow, then press the “Reset” button.

Bless Success Rate = 100%
Soul Success Rate = 65%
Life Success Rate = 55%
Harmony Success Rate = 60%
Items with Luck = +20%
Mix Item Level +10 = 70%
Mix Item Level +11 = 65%
Mix Item Level +12 = 60%
Mix Item Level +13 = 55%
Mix Item Level +14 = 50%
Mix Item Level +15 = 70%
Items with +Luck = +25%
Socket Items have -5% chance on any mix

• Blood Castle
• Devil's Square
• Chaos Castle
• Crywolf
• Castle Siege
• Acheron Protector
• Nightmare
• Gaion Renewal (Varka)
• White Wizzard Invasion
• Red Dragon Invasion
• Golden Invasion
• Muun Invasion
• Santa Village Invasion
• Skeleton King
• Illusion of Kundun
• Kundun
• Medusa
• Selupan
• Erohim
• Lord Silvester
• Core Magriffy
• God of Water

Web: https://musunrise.com/index.php?id=register&fi=strauss
Discord: https://discord.gg/Fkx4SpnN