Ahh, Hello guys!, I've done a little project. It's written by NodeJS and AngularJS. It's not completed yet but it's enough.
I only designed it for DarksTeam 97d+99i server so don't use it on any version else.
I hope you guy enjoy it! please, leave a feedback so I can make it better.
- Registration
- Login
- Dashboard
- Web shop
- Add points
- Reset
- Grand Reset
- Banking System
- PK clear
- Change Name
- Admin Pannel (edit your ctl1_code to 1 to access it)
Download: mediafire
Download Nodejs and install it
Extract MU_Webserver.rar to C:
Start command window (Run -> cmd) run these command
cd C:\MU Webserver
npm install
(wait for it to download some node_modules)
npm start
(edit your dbconnect in MU Webserver\config\dbconnect.js)
(There I set it to:
username: sa
password: 123456
db: MuOnline
so it look like: mssql://sa:[email protected]:1433/MuOnline)
Go to localhost:3000
Richter (me)
Thanks DarksMaster for his great project. I did have a lot of fun with his unique feature.
PS: I also write a little tool on Admin Pannel to custom the QuestSystem. So remember to edit your MEMB_INFO ctl1_code to 1
I only designed it for DarksTeam 97d+99i server so don't use it on any version else.
I hope you guy enjoy it! please, leave a feedback so I can make it better.

- Registration
- Login
- Dashboard
- Web shop
- Add points
- Reset
- Grand Reset
- Banking System
- PK clear
- Change Name
- Admin Pannel (edit your ctl1_code to 1 to access it)
Download: mediafire
Download Nodejs and install it
Extract MU_Webserver.rar to C:
Start command window (Run -> cmd) run these command
cd C:\MU Webserver
npm install
(wait for it to download some node_modules)
npm start
(edit your dbconnect in MU Webserver\config\dbconnect.js)
(There I set it to:
username: sa
password: 123456
db: MuOnline
so it look like: mssql://sa:[email protected]:1433/MuOnline)
Go to localhost:3000
Richter (me)
Thanks DarksMaster for his great project. I did have a lot of fun with his unique feature.
PS: I also write a little tool on Admin Pannel to custom the QuestSystem. So remember to edit your MEMB_INFO ctl1_code to 1

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