[AD] Mu BattleZone Rage | 1.0M | Exp 250x | Max Resets 10


Nov 23, 2012
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More information available at https://rage.mubz.bg

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Official start date: 20.10.2023 18:00 (GMT + 3:00)

Server Rates
* Version: 1.0M (No Downgrades)
* Experience: 250x
* Item Drop: 40%
* Max Resets: 10 (After 1-2 months - Every 1 week max resets will be raised with +1 reset)
* Max Level: 360
* Reset Level: 330~360
* Reset Zen: 30 mil. x Reset Number (Max Zen for reset: 300 mil. zen)
* Reset points: 330~400 x Reset Number
* Keep Stats: No
* Clear PK Zen: 10 mil. x Kills
* Stat Points Per level: BK/SM/ME - 5 MG/DL - 7
* Chaos Machine Succes Rates: High
* Jewels Success Rates: Normal
* Bless Bug: OFF
* 3D Camera: ON/OFF
* WebShop and Item Shop: OFF
* Ancient Items: OFF
* Combo Skill: OFF
* Monster Spawns: No (meaning only 2-3 monsters per spot) - BC, DS and Sky Event will have monster spawns
* Server Location: Europe

Server Features
* Twisting Slash and Death Stabs Visual Bugs fixed (Unique for this version)
* Dinorant bug fix (Unique for this version)
* Items Max Excellent options: 2
* Vote and Get Reward
* Auto Attack System (Your character can attack without using a clicker)
* Auto Party System
* Market System
* No Need Switch Character to add stats with command
* In game zen bank
* Ignore player chat command
* you disconnect your character from the website
* Lorencia AFK for credits
* Professional Anti Cheat Client-Server Side (Paid License)
* More information here

Server Events
* Blood Castle
* Devil Square
* Sky Event (Mass PK)
* Chaos Castle (Mass PK)
* Castle Siege
* Trivia Event
* Scramble Words Event
* Bring Me Event
* Dungeon Race Event

In-game commands
/reset - Quickly reset character in game
/autoattack on/off - by typing this command your character will start auto-attacking without auto-clicker program.
/marry <name> - Marry in davias church 209/16 | 210/16 cost: 10M each
/accept - Accepts when someone offers to marry you.
/tracemarry or /tm - Trace to your wife / husband (cooldown: 60 sec)
/marrystatus or /ms - Check if your wife/husband is online
/divorce - Removes your marriage
/post or /p - Post a global message. Cost: 200,000 zen, Delay: 30 sec
/questinfo or /quest - Shows what kind of quest you have
/skipquest or /skip - Skip quest from the game
/setparty <password> or /set <password> - Set auto-party password (min 4 symbols)
When someone whispers you the password auto-joins your party
If you are not party leader people will still join your party if they whisper you the password
/keepmsg <message> or /k <message> - Set keep message
That message will be above your head the whole time
/removemsg or /rem - Remove /keepmsg message
/autoparty 350 or /ap 350 - You will auto-accept party invites
/autoparty 0 or /ap 0 - You no longer auto-accept party invites
/partyon or /pton - when you type it the game types you

automatically those commands:
/setparty 1234
/autoparty 350
/keepmsg Party Pass: 1234 Auto Party: ON

/partyoff or /ptoff - when you type it the game types you

automatically those commands:
/setparty will be removed
/autoparty 0
/charinfo or /coord - Shows your resets, coordinates, marry and VIP status
/buyvip - gives 50 exp bonus for 1 day cost: 30 cr.
/buymorevip 1 - Add 1 more day to your VIP time. If you are already VIP.
/exit - Exit from the game
/time - Shows server current time
/clearinv - Deletes all items in inventory, without equipped items
/addstr /addagi /addvit /addene - Add stats in game
/addstr 100 or /str 100 - Add strength stats in game
/addagi 100 or /agi 100 - Add agility stats in game
/addvit 100 or /vit 100 - Add vitality stats in game
/addene 100 or /ene 100 - Add energy stats in game
/trade - Make a trade
/party or /pt - Form a party
/guild - Join a guild
/move <map> or /go <map> - Move to another map
/re (on/off) - Toggles requests for deals, party and trade on and off
/whisper (on/off) - Whisper function on/off
/changeleader <name> or /leader <name> - Changes party leader
/setdcpassword <password> - Change your dc password to be diffrent from your account password
/becomepk - Become Killer, useful for PK Events
/totalkills or /kills - shows your total kills
/credits or /cr - Shows your credits
/deposit, /withdraw and /zenbank - For Game Bank, diffrent from the one in the website, you can transfer zen between banks here
/deposit <amount of zen> - Deposit Zen from your character to Game Bank
/deposit all - Deposit all your character's Zen in Game Bank
/withdraw <amount of zen> - Withdraw Zen from Game Bank to your character
/withdraw all - Withdraw all Zen from Game Bank to your character
/zenbank - Shows how much Zen you have in your Game Bank
/trivia <answer> or /t <answer> - Command to answer in Trivia Event. Delay: 10 seconds.
/scramble <answer> or /s <answer> - Command to answer in Scramble Words Event. Delay: 10 seconds.
/triviaoff or /toff - You will no longer see Trivia messages
/triviaon or /ton - You will see Trivia messages
/triviaenonly on or /en on - You will no longer see Bulgarian Trivia questions & messages. You will see only english questions.
/triviaenonly off or /en off - You will see BG & EN Trivia questions.
/scrambleoff or /soff - You will no longer see Scramble Words messages
/scrambleon or /son - You will see Scramble Words messages
/postoff or /poff - You will no longer see /post messages
/poston or /pon - You will see /post messages
/exp or /toggleexp - Turn on/off exp messages in game
/offlevel or /off - by typing this command the Client will exit out of the game and your character will remain in fighting
/stayofflevel or /stay - With this command if you happen to be
disconnected from the game (your internet stops for example) your character will stay in and continue to fight on /offlevel

If you are in safe zone your character will not stay on offlevel

You can stop this command if you type /cancelofflevel or just /cancel
/bringme - It will show you what item you need to find during Bring Me Event
/dungeonrace or /race - Sign up for Dungeon Race event
/ignore <name> - by writing it you will no longer receive personal messages, normal messages, POST, guild and party messages from the name you write
/unignore <name> - you will stop ignoring a character

Best Regards,

Check our other servers here: https://mu.mubz.bg






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