[AD] MoronMu S9 Exp: 50x Drop: 20%

If you choose to introduce your MU to a bigger audience than Argentina you should consider that Moron Mu is not the one that will pull into your game. I would never play in Moron MU. Cheers.

Maybe you are a little shy but want to do it, otherwise why are you still in my server thread? ^_^ thanks for giving me and my server the importance we deserve, regards.

Moron-MU Home :) :)
Reset Limit uptaded from 30 to 40, with the following Dynamic Exp System:
Until reset 30 Exp: 50x Master EXP : 10x
from reset 31 to 36 Exp : 10x Master EXP : 5x
from reset 36 to 40 Exp : 5x Master EXP : 2x

Moron-MU Home :) :)