[Release] Lineage II Server Files


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Aug 22, 2009
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Lineage II [ Download Server Files ]

Lineage II T2 Gracia final Server Files: Download Here:

Lineage II T2 Gracia final New Sheilds Patch: Download Here:

We think that making a small caption to better understand what is being done:

+ Added
- Retrieved
! Set

Our project is done above the L2J Server Team, but our project is called L2J DAG.
Then we give due credit to the excellent team of developers that gave the source code to use.!

A few fixes that have been made

Updt. 11.08.09 - Rev 39
- Corrections in DtaPack (SQL, HTML, XML)
- Fixes in CORE (CTF, WAR TOWN)
- Corrections in DUAL BOX
- CORRECTION in Quest ..
01/08/2009 - Updat Serv Rev. 27
! Correction Quest Crystal Cavern
! Correction Fort
! Corretion Skills / Armor
! Correction Enchant Skills
! Correction Quest Warp Gate
+ Multiplies Damage
+ PvP Color Name
+ Suicide Mod .suicide
27/07/2009 - Updat Serv Rev.10
! Correction quest ( 130, 131, 132 )
! Correction Quest Teleport ( 1108 )
! Correction Sieges
! Correction Npc Buffer ( Folder Opcional )
+ Config , Dual Box ( Edit Archiv, Gameserver/config/l2jdag.propr) { Iam no testing }
! Fixes in quests
! Set inventory and summons
! Fixes in NPC, Armor, Weapon
- Spell Force (See the Journal the new settings, Lineage II - Truly Free)
+ Folder with optional (NPC Shop, NPC Buffer, GK NPC)
+ Folder with installation (Installing Here)
+ added numbering to be able to follow the best updates ( REV 105 )
! Correction Skills Buffs
! Corrections Sieges
+ Developer: Anti Farm - Gracia Final
+ Log Enchant
! fix for gm see the pockets of char
! correction in baium
+ NEW: Add System Vitality ( Edit Gameserver/config/l2jdag.propert )
+ NEW: Add Event Town War ( Edit Gameserver/config/l2jdag.pro )
! Patch on the door of the Castle
! Leader of the Patch Crown Castle
+ Event CTF (Edited in Gameserve/config/l2jdag.prop)
+ New: Now has a new Modem Roti who has it can not leave their friends outside of your network connect to the serve is now possible, so go the folder on the Login / config / loginserver.pro
! Correction Skills 81
+ Facction System
! Fixed Vitality System
! Fixes some Quest
! Areas Gracia Final
+ Vesper Armor Sets
+ New System Protection Hack
- Bug in Drops
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