[AD] JusticeMu 97d99i Exp: 10x Drop: 70%


New Member
Mar 21, 2015
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Server Link : Justice-Mu | Best Oldschool MuOnline 97d Server


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350 x 20 = 7000 stats points

How is the ballance between the heroes with that stats (think) Did you test that?

Btw aren't the rates way too high for such hard server? People will have items +11 in no time...
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MG has 25 points per level
Soul Master Manashield increased and has more stronger set levels
Bk heal decreased.

Tested ? Yes ! Result %90 balanced. %10 Player skills and items :)

It's not that much hard server even not like global style. Maded for Pvp

Chaos machine and jewel success rates are not much hight.

Excellent and non-excellent items are also usefull
You must put 30 points per level dude.. or make max resets 2 and add 500 points per reset, cause its too low 7k points for pvp. I have already test it and its rly low... Less than 40% balance at this points.. and you talking about 90% kiddin?