- Joined
- Sep 13, 2016
- Messages
- 50
- Reaction score
- 6

* WebSite: JudgePlayMU 97d-99i
* Forum: JudgePlayMU 97d-99i Forum
* Facebook Page: JudgePlayMU In Facebook
* Version: 97D+99i
* Experience: 70x (Weekend: 100x)
* Drop: 40%
* Max Level: 350
* Max Reset: 10 (Every week resets will be raised + 2)
* Reset Level: 350
* Reset Cost: 10 000 000 * reset
* Reset Points:
***** BK - 460
***** ELF - 500
***** MG - 580
***** SM - 560
* Level Up Points: BK/SM/ELF - 5 | MG - 7
* Reset Points: Reset Stats
* Bless Bug: Off
* Pk Clear: 10 000 000 * Pk Count (From WebSite or in game with /pkclear only for VIP)
* Trade: Trade system avaible in all maps
* Spawns: All Maps
* Zen Spawns: In arena Cordinates: 99 4
* Success Rates:
***** Jewel of Soul(No Luck): 45%
***** Jewel of Soul(With Luck): 75%
***** Jewel of Life: 50%
***** Chaosmix +10: 65%
***** Chaosmix +11: 60%
* Events: Golden Invasions,BC/DS/Sky/Happy Hour/Party Bonus/Lucky Jewels
* Custom Events: HoF PK Every Week, Guild HoF Every Week
* Boss: After 10 week from start, will be released Sea Worm Boss!
* Commands: /post, /addstr, /addagi, /addvit, /addene, /marry, /divorce, /vip, /charinfo, /questinfo, /pkclear, /tracemary etc.

* Blood Castle Event
* Devil Square Event
* Sky Event - Every 2 hours duration 10 minutes
* Happy Hour (Weekend) Event - Bonus 30x and 10% Drop
* Lucky Jewels - Every 2 hours, bonus 5% success rate
* Party Bonus Exp - 2 players - 75x, 3 players - 80x, 4 players - 85x, 5 players - 95x
* Quest system with 50 Quest for now!

Blood castle - BC1 - 2xBoK +1 , BC2 - 3xBoK +1 , BC3 - 2xBoK +2 , BC4 - 2x Jewel of Chaos , BC5 - 3xBoK +2 , BC6 - BoK +4
Sky Event - Plate Item of set , Sphinx Item of set , Spirit Item of set , Crystal Sword , Legendary Staff , Crossbow , Serpend Shield , Legendary Shield

Account options:
* Change Email
* Change Password
* Reset Character
* Add Stats
* Clear Kills
* Buy Credits
* Buy VIP
* Change Name
* Change Class
* Double Stats
* Exchange for Credits
* Zen Bank
* Jewel Bank
* Weekly Reward (BC, DS, Sky)
* Market (With History)
* Warehouse
* Storage
* Black-Red Game
* Transfer character in another account
* Upgrade Item Option
* Character Market
* Dual Inventory
* Web Warehouse
* Hide Info (Hide location/inventory from others)
* Chaos Machine
* Referral System
* Exchanger (Exchange Web Credits to Zen)
* Advanced support ticket system
* Notification system
And more....
Client will be upload in website at Friday