[AD]JINIMU Global+korea Server[season4(FULL)+3DCAM+MINIMAP]!!
JINIMu Server Open Days : 2003-02-13
JINIMu Server All Reset New Open Days : 2009-03-06
Website - http://www.jinimu.com
Average Online user => 290 ~ 760
Mu online season4 full!!
1. Global JINIMU Server!!
-> First Main Server korean
-> Second Main Server English
-> PVP Server!!
2. Experience rate
-> 5~300*
-> Higher Experience rate for High Map!!!
Party gain
Party of Character2=220%
Party of Character3=240%
Party of Character4=250%
Party of Character5=300%
Party of SET Character3=250%
Party of SET Character4=280%
Party of SET Character5=450%
3. Level Up Point
Dark Knight -> 33 Up Point
Quest 2 = +1 up
Quest 3 = +1 up
+1 up POINT to DS/CC/BC
Dark Wizard -> 33 Up Point
Quest 2 = +1 up
Quest 3 = +1 up
+1 up POINT to DS/CC/BC
Fairy Elf-> 33 Up Point
Quest 2 = +1 up
Quest 3 = +1 up
+1 up POINT to DS/CC/BC
Summoner -> 33 Up Point
Quest 2 = +1 up
Quest 3 = +1 up
+1 up POINT to DS/CC/BC
Magic Gladiator -> 35 Up Point
Quest = +1 up
+1 up POINT to DS/CC/BC
Dark Lord -> 36 Up Point
Quest = +1 up
+1 up POINT to DS/CC/BC
4. Item drop rate : 80%
ExItem drop rate : 20%
JINI GOLD BOX drop rate : 410% [drop = Kundun box1~5,Jewel of Chaos,zen]
Jewel Of Bless drop rate -> 210%
Jewel Of Soul drop rate -> 150%
Jewel of Chaos drop rate -> 100%
Jewel Of Life drop rate-> 80%
Jewel Of Creation drop rate-> 60%
Jewel of Guardian drop rate -> 20%
Gemstone drop rate-> 100%
JINI Special Box1 drop rate -> 130% [Drop Map=Atlans&LostTower]
JINI Special Box2 drop rate -> 130% [Drop Map=Atlans&LostTower]
JINI Special Box3 drop rate -> 130% [Drop Map=Aida&Kanturu]
JINI Special Box4 drop rate -> 130% [Drop Map=Aida&Kanturu]
Lost in LuckyBOX1 -> ExITEM Options =3
Dungeon 90%, Elbeland 120%, Raklion 200%, HappyTime Event.
Lost in LuckyBOX2 -> ExITEM Options =3
Atlans90%, LostTower120%, Tarkan 150%, Icarus 190%
Lost in LuckyBOX3 -> ExITEM Options =3
Aida 90%, Kanturu 120%, KanturuRelic 200%
Horn of Fenrir -> Claw of Beast : Aida 90%
Piece of Horn : Aida 80%
Broken Horn : Kanturu 90%
5. Jewel Sale From The Shop
Jewel Of Bless Price = 50,000,000 ZEN
Jewel Of Soul Price = 40,000,000 ZEN
Jewel of Chaos Price = 810000 ZEN
Jewel Of Life Price = 70,000,000 ZEN
Jewel Of Creation Price = 60,000,000 ZEN
Jewel of Guardian Price = 100,000,000 ZEN
6. Command
/Party: To set up a party
/Guild: To join a guild
/Trade: To start a trade
/Request : Declines or accepts any request
/Buy: Opens personal store
/Duel: Begins/Ends a duel with opposing player
/war <guild name>: Declare Guild War
/<item's name>: item info
/warp <world>: Warp to another world
/filter word1 word2: View Chats with word
/post <message> : Shows Global Message
/addstr <number> : Adds Defined Amount of Strength
/addagi <number>: Adds Defined Amount of Agility
/addvit <number>: Adds Defined Amount of Vitality
/addene <number>: Adds Defined Amount of Energy
/addcmd <number>: Adds Defined Amount of Command
/skin <number> : mob skin 1~499
/PartyPvP => Declare Party pvp
/online => Shows online players & game masters
7. Character Reset!!
1000 Level
Level up point = 10000*reset
8. Guild
The guild above level 20 creates and GuildMember 50 the above it is the guild warehouse creation
Guild warehouse Command
/guildware => Guild warehouse Open
=> All GuildMember person is serviceable
=> Item sale or joint ownership.
9. Character
The normal character making = level 1 and LevelUp Point 500 and 10,000,000 zen
The Magic Gladiator character making = level 220 and LevelUp Point 8420 and 10,000,000 zen
The Dark Lord character making = level 230 and LevelUp Point 8920 and 10,000,000 zen
10. Items Level up rate
Jewel Of Bless Price = 100%
Jewel Of Soul Price = 50%
Jewel Of Life Price = 50%
Items Level10 = 90%
Items Level11 = 85%
Items Level12 = 70%
Items Level13 = 60%
Jewel of Harmony : 60%
Lower Refining : 40%
Higher Refining : 55%
11. Fruit Points
- Strength Fruit
- Agility Fruit
- Vitality Fruit ( Stamine Fruit )
- Energy Fruit
- Command Fruit
- NO Limit
12. Auto warehouse
The warehouse auto changes and every click it is opened
7 warehouse
Blood Castle
Devil's Square
Golden Dragon Invasion
Skeleton Invasion
White Mage Invasion (Ring Event)
Chaos Castle
sky event
Happy time event
Castle Siege
Kantru (Maya and Nightmare Event)
PK's Attack
Website - http://www.jinimu.com/eng/
muonline Advertisements
JINIMu Server Open Days : 2003-02-13
JINIMu Server All Reset New Open Days : 2009-03-06
Website - http://www.jinimu.com
Average Online user => 290 ~ 760
Mu online season4 full!!
1. Global JINIMU Server!!
-> First Main Server korean
-> Second Main Server English
-> PVP Server!!
2. Experience rate
-> 5~300*
-> Higher Experience rate for High Map!!!
Party gain
Party of Character2=220%
Party of Character3=240%
Party of Character4=250%
Party of Character5=300%
Party of SET Character3=250%
Party of SET Character4=280%
Party of SET Character5=450%
3. Level Up Point
Dark Knight -> 33 Up Point
Quest 2 = +1 up
Quest 3 = +1 up
+1 up POINT to DS/CC/BC
Dark Wizard -> 33 Up Point
Quest 2 = +1 up
Quest 3 = +1 up
+1 up POINT to DS/CC/BC
Fairy Elf-> 33 Up Point
Quest 2 = +1 up
Quest 3 = +1 up
+1 up POINT to DS/CC/BC
Summoner -> 33 Up Point
Quest 2 = +1 up
Quest 3 = +1 up
+1 up POINT to DS/CC/BC
Magic Gladiator -> 35 Up Point
Quest = +1 up
+1 up POINT to DS/CC/BC
Dark Lord -> 36 Up Point
Quest = +1 up
+1 up POINT to DS/CC/BC
4. Item drop rate : 80%
ExItem drop rate : 20%
JINI GOLD BOX drop rate : 410% [drop = Kundun box1~5,Jewel of Chaos,zen]
Jewel Of Bless drop rate -> 210%
Jewel Of Soul drop rate -> 150%
Jewel of Chaos drop rate -> 100%
Jewel Of Life drop rate-> 80%
Jewel Of Creation drop rate-> 60%
Jewel of Guardian drop rate -> 20%
Gemstone drop rate-> 100%
JINI Special Box1 drop rate -> 130% [Drop Map=Atlans&LostTower]
JINI Special Box2 drop rate -> 130% [Drop Map=Atlans&LostTower]
JINI Special Box3 drop rate -> 130% [Drop Map=Aida&Kanturu]
JINI Special Box4 drop rate -> 130% [Drop Map=Aida&Kanturu]
Lost in LuckyBOX1 -> ExITEM Options =3
Dungeon 90%, Elbeland 120%, Raklion 200%, HappyTime Event.
Lost in LuckyBOX2 -> ExITEM Options =3
Atlans90%, LostTower120%, Tarkan 150%, Icarus 190%
Lost in LuckyBOX3 -> ExITEM Options =3
Aida 90%, Kanturu 120%, KanturuRelic 200%
Horn of Fenrir -> Claw of Beast : Aida 90%
Piece of Horn : Aida 80%
Broken Horn : Kanturu 90%
5. Jewel Sale From The Shop
Jewel Of Bless Price = 50,000,000 ZEN
Jewel Of Soul Price = 40,000,000 ZEN
Jewel of Chaos Price = 810000 ZEN
Jewel Of Life Price = 70,000,000 ZEN
Jewel Of Creation Price = 60,000,000 ZEN
Jewel of Guardian Price = 100,000,000 ZEN
6. Command
/Party: To set up a party
/Guild: To join a guild
/Trade: To start a trade
/Request : Declines or accepts any request
/Buy: Opens personal store
/Duel: Begins/Ends a duel with opposing player
/war <guild name>: Declare Guild War
/<item's name>: item info
/warp <world>: Warp to another world
/filter word1 word2: View Chats with word
/post <message> : Shows Global Message
/addstr <number> : Adds Defined Amount of Strength
/addagi <number>: Adds Defined Amount of Agility
/addvit <number>: Adds Defined Amount of Vitality
/addene <number>: Adds Defined Amount of Energy
/addcmd <number>: Adds Defined Amount of Command
/skin <number> : mob skin 1~499
/PartyPvP => Declare Party pvp
/online => Shows online players & game masters
7. Character Reset!!
1000 Level
Level up point = 10000*reset
8. Guild
The guild above level 20 creates and GuildMember 50 the above it is the guild warehouse creation
Guild warehouse Command
/guildware => Guild warehouse Open
=> All GuildMember person is serviceable
=> Item sale or joint ownership.
9. Character
The normal character making = level 1 and LevelUp Point 500 and 10,000,000 zen
The Magic Gladiator character making = level 220 and LevelUp Point 8420 and 10,000,000 zen
The Dark Lord character making = level 230 and LevelUp Point 8920 and 10,000,000 zen
10. Items Level up rate
Jewel Of Bless Price = 100%
Jewel Of Soul Price = 50%
Jewel Of Life Price = 50%
Items Level10 = 90%
Items Level11 = 85%
Items Level12 = 70%
Items Level13 = 60%
Jewel of Harmony : 60%
Lower Refining : 40%
Higher Refining : 55%
11. Fruit Points
- Strength Fruit
- Agility Fruit
- Vitality Fruit ( Stamine Fruit )
- Energy Fruit
- Command Fruit
- NO Limit
12. Auto warehouse
The warehouse auto changes and every click it is opened
7 warehouse
Blood Castle
Devil's Square
Golden Dragon Invasion
Skeleton Invasion
White Mage Invasion (Ring Event)
Chaos Castle
sky event
Happy time event
Castle Siege
Kantru (Maya and Nightmare Event)
PK's Attack
Website - http://www.jinimu.com/eng/
muonline Advertisements