News 8/12/2010. Lol.
Hello everyone,
InfinityMU User Gallery is our new place to share pictures online in easiest and fastest way. After simple registration you are able to upload, browse, comment and rate photos.
InfinityMU User Gallery is on address:
Home - InfinityMU User Gallery
Here's one event just for the opening of our gallery:
1. Register your account at our gallery with name of your main character in-game.
2. Upload photos from game or your real life
3. At the end of August your account will receive good amount of credits depending on your count of photos upload. (Formula: 1 photo = 10 credits / If your photos count is over 50 you will start getting x 15 credits for every next photo).
1. Do not abuse it. We will count only the pictures from your real life and screen shots from game with your character on it. (sense photos only, not randomly taken)
2. Upload only sense pictures with good quality (at least 80%)
3. Remember to register your account at gallery with the name of your main character in-game so we can add the web shop credits to your in-game account.
Suggestions about photos:
1. Take screen shots with your friends in-game.
2. Take screen shots with your guild as well (friends, omg same thing.. yeah.

) or simple upload some good photos of you in Infinity Girls/Boys section of our gallery.
3. Remember to have fun of it. (The most important) Do not accept it like tournament just because we will give reward to everyone who participated of the population of our gallery.
P.S. Photos upload is unlimited. You can upload much as you want.
Thank You,
The InfinityMU Team