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Start date: Official start date: 17.06.2016 18:00 (GMT + 3:00)
Server Rates
* Version: Season 6 Episode 3
* Experience: 100x
* ML Experience: 5x
* Item Drop: 60%
* Max Level: 400
* Max Master Level: 100
* Max Resets: 30
* Keep Stats: No
* Reset points: 500 x Reset Number
* Reset Zen: 10M x Reset Number
* Stat Points Per level:: BK/SM/ME/SU - 5 MG/DL/RF - 7
* Chaos Machine Succes Rates: Normal
* Jewels Success Rates: Normal
* Bless Bug: OFF
* Reset Level System:
* Reset: 1-3 = 300 level
* Reset: 4-6 = 350 level
* Reset: 7-30 = 400 level
Server Features
* 99.95% Uptime
* Paid server files with 100% NO BUGS
* Most online was - 259
* Max Resets are 30 and will be raised with 2 every week after event Hall of Fame
* Unique events like: (PVP Last Man Standing, Scramble Words, BringMe, Hunt and Kill , Jewel Gamble and others that work 100%)
* We have made a new market system that is easy to sell items in the game
* Personal Store in the game works with credits instead of Zen
* No webshop, only ingame found items
* Xshop: Enabled
* Sockets + Excelent = Disabled
* Balanced character that are equally powerful
* Multiple Automated Events
* Professional Anti Cheat Client-Server Side (Paid License)
Best Regards,

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