[Help] How to config in commonserver.cfg


New Member
Aug 5, 2018
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UseCharacterAutoRecuperationSystem = 1 ; regenerate HP system switch - 0/1
CharacterRecuperationMaxLevel = 100 ; maximum level to adjust regenerate HP system
AttackSpeedTimeLimit = 0 ; attack speed hack check maximum limit
MinimumAttackSpeedTime = 0 ; attack speed hack check minimum limit
IsIgnorePacketHackDetect = 1 ; ignore hack detect packet from client - 0/1
HackCheckCount = 0
DecTimePerAttackSpeed = 0
SpeedHackPenalty = 0 ; speed hack penalty value when detected
IsKickDetecHackCountLimit = 0 ; do kick when hack detect count reach limit switch - 0/1
DetectedHackKickCount = 0 ; detect hack kick limit count
EnableServerDivision = 0 ; server divide option switch - 0/1
HackLogServer =
WriteChatLog = 0 ; write chat log switch - 0/1
DisconnectHackUser = 1 ; disconnect hack user switch - 0/1
UseNPGGChecksum = 0 ; use game guard checksum

Anyone tell me the value means?

I changed UseNPGGChecksum to 1 ,them i was disconnected after 5sec in game, what's it means?
For that option you need to generate checksum file and paste in lang/???/ directory.
That option only to prevent change main.exe with different one. This is not enough secure.

You need to download checksum generator and after that add main.exe on it and it generate to you new file checksum.dat for server side lang/???/ dir.
UseNPGGChecksum = nProtect GameGuard (anti-cheating software). It is not used in private servers and should not be confused with the regular main checksum.