[Help] Help weird glitch with my MU game. (SOLVED IT WAS ROUTER)


New Member
Aug 3, 2020
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Hi guys! I've been playing MU everyday for a few months now and clients have been working normaly but i havent for the past 2 days and today i decided to try out one server my mate send me a 99b spanish one.
So when i tried loading the launcher the updater wouldnt connect to the server so i deleted it.
Immediatly after that i tried playing a few new servers i found but all the clients will load to the LOGIN screen and it wont show a server to select or anything for about 20-30 seconds and i get DC.
I get this error on 4-5 servers i tried to play even on my old one Classic mu season 3 that ive been playing for a while now without issues i get the problem on that server now too.
Not sure what happened and where the problem with that would be i tried reinstalling, restarting pc other clients. I seem to have connection issues with all. I will post a pic with the screen im stuck on. Capture.PNG

The game will stay on this screen for 20-30 seconds and DC always.
If you have any ideas what might be causing this all of a sudden please help.
What ports? This is not my server this happens to every MU i try to download and play these are servers with 400 active players. Keep in mind it was working ok for me until Sunday and now i cant connect to any MU.
UPDATE so ive established that if i connect my pc to my phone hotspot and not use my home Wifi i can connect to servers so must be something with my router? weird