[AD] HellYeahMU Season 1, Classic, Auto Off-Level

Increased party experience to let players level up faster with their friends in parties
You can get free 10 credits for your daily logins in website.
Credits can be used for vip membership in game and stat reset module in website.
We're on twitter now! Follow us and get latest news from the server
Ring of Honor and Darkstone added to Lumen The Barmaid in Lorencia
PvP Leaderboard feature is enabled. You can duel with class leaders in Server-2 and if you win over a leader, your name will be replaced in Leaderboard!
Scheduled maintenance for December 23, 2018 at server time 10:00 a.m.(UTC-5)
Estimated downtime is 1 hour
New year events will start after maintenance
Cheaters will be warned automatically in game letters everyday.
Also admins will be informed by automated e-mail about daily cheat logs and detected player names
New year events are ongoing. Level up fast and get the best items of the server!
New autoban system will be enabled on 01/01/2019. Please don't use bots/programs which edits client files.
Scheduled maintenance for January 13, 2019 - 12:00 a.m. (UTC+1)
We will move our server from US to new hosting located in EU.
Estimated downtime will be up to 4 hours.
Patch will be required after maintenance!
We moved our server to EU location successfully!
You must download patch or full client to be able to connect game.