[AD] HellYeahMU Season 1, Classic, Auto Off-Level


May 14, 2016
Reaction score


Season 1 | Low Rate | Non-Reset
EXP: 6x & Drop: %40 Max Level 370
Stats per level: DK/DW/ELF:5
Blood Castle (Every 2 hours)
Devil Square (Every 2 hours)
Golden Invasion (Every 8 hour starting from 04:00)
White Wizard (Every 3 hours starting from 00:45)
Happy Hour (Every 6 hours starting from 03:00)

HellYeahMU Website
Facebook - Twitter - Instagram

E-Mail & Skype: hellyeahmu@hotmail.com





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Added vote reward to website (multi-acc allowed)
Added extra vaults now /ware command works fine.
Increased heart of love and medals drop rates. Testing and fixing DL raven damage for PvM and PvP fix in maintenance.
Website player rankings will be modified to AP>ML>LVL priority after Raki gets home from vacation.
It is now working ML>LVL>AP
*AP : Activity Point
Experience Update
Old Experience(master) 18x(12x)
New Experience(master 15x(9x)

Old VIP Bonuses Exp(master)

New VIP Bonuses Exp(master)
Illusion Temple start times are 05:00-11:00-17:00-23:00 and Golden Fenrir upgrade is currently disabled.
Potion stack bug when switch/select server is fixed, will be effected after next server reboot.
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First castle siege date is 23.09.2018 server time 16:00-18:00
[Client Update 1.04.52 & Web/Server Updates]
and enabled scrolls in cashshop
Modified Statue of Goral and Hawk in cashshop
Modified some texts in client side
Fixed a wrong information in DL skill tree
Fixed no drop archangel sword
Fixed potions stack bug when relog/switch
Fixed moonstone pendants drop rates
Fixed website vote reward error
Removed activity points system from player rankings for the reason online players activity points can't be updated. More than 15 days inactive players will not seen in website > Player rankings page.
Tested RF and reported AGI/VIT inc. buffs not working
Added remember password via e-mail in website
Scheduled server reboot on August 27 at 18:00~18:30 server time and estimated 30 minutes offline.
[27/08/2018 Reboot Completed Successfully]
every 10 minutes +1 GP reward to 5 minutes
Modified some prices in cashshop > GP section
Increased GP rewards from in game events
Enabled /trade for Talisman of Luck
Enabled /trade for Talisman of Chaos Assembly
Removed Talisman of Luck from cashshop
Fixed Divine Scepter of Archangel doesn't drop
Decreased exc rate from moss the gambler

Added VIP informations to website > Account page
Enabled skill tree reset in website > Characters page
Skill reset module requires master levels.
Increased 3x flowers drop rate from cherry blossom boxes
Decreased 3x drop rate cherry blossom boxes
Started GM events everyday at 02:00, 10,:00 or 18:00 server time if any game master is available
Server is online after 10 hours downtime at 09:00 server time. 10 hours added to all VIP users.

Added level rewards to Characters page in website

Level 400 Rewards: 10000 WCoin( C ) + 1000 Goblin Points
Master Level 330 Rewards: 25000 WCoin( C ) + 5000 Goblin Points
[Added] Terms of Use > Game Masters
-We have game masters with purpose of guide players and apply scheduled events in our server.
-Game masters are members of Admin or GMaster guild.
-Game masters can not request account ID, password or e-mail information from any player in game.
-Game masters can not trade/party any player for any reason in public servers and they can not help to kill any monster.
-Same rule is valid for all characters in game master account.
-Game masters can not join siege during the castle siege for any reason.
-Game masters can not join game master managed events except jewel drop event with their gameplay accounts.
-Every GM gets amount of WCoin(P) for one gameplay account every month.
-Game master must apply events just in announced server times of the day.
-GM events are everyday 02:00, 10:00 and 18:00 server time if any game master is available

Please read all rules in Terms of Use in Register page.
[Server is offline]
Launcher server started to fail connecting to auto-update system and our server shutdown on 22/09/2018 and all players disconnected after 22/09/2018 at server time 23:30. We created support ticket in IGCN services for solution and we're trying to solve issue. We hope they will fix our problem at any time on 23/09/2018.

Databases are backed up when we shutdown our game server for players don't lose seal and VIP durations.
We will start experience and drop events just after we resolve issue. Sorry for inconvenience.