- Joined
- Feb 13, 2017
- Messages
- 25
- Reaction score
- 0

аз съм нов във Вашата общност, но реших с помощта на някои приятели и идеи от моя страна да ви представя един проект, разработван няколко месеца. Файловете са благодарение на @DarkMaster, сайта с изключителното съдействие на @Dea7h
Сървъра е стартиран в тестов период за Вас от този момент! С радост очаквам вашите мнения и предложения тук и във форума на сървъра.
Официалния старт на сървъра е на 18.03.2017. 17:00ч. (UTC +2)
За тестовия период exp ще бъде 1000

I'm new in your community, but decided with the help of some friends and ideas of me to introduce you to a project developed several months. The files are due to @DarkMaster, site with exclusive support of @Dea7h
Server is running in test period for you from this moment! Gladly welcome your comments and suggestions here and in the forum of server
Official start of the server is at 05:30PM on 18/03/2017 (UTC +2)
For the test period exp will be 1000

* WebSite: GpLayMu
* Forum: GpLayMu Forums
* Skype: [email protected]
* Facebook: GpLayMu Facebook
* Version: 99.6XT (1.0M)
* Experience: 50x (weekend dynamic)
* Drop rate: 30% (weekend dynamic)
* Anti-Hack system - LiveGuard
* Box in shop: No
* Max level: 400
* Max reset: 10 (dynamic - in end of each mounth will up with 3)
* Stat Points Per level: DK/DW/Elf - 5 MG/DL - 7
* Reset level: 370
* Points per reset
*** SM Points: 490 (bonus vitality per reset 40 * Reset nummer)
*** BK Points: 420
*** ELF Points: 500
*** MG Points: 520
***DL Points: 530
* Reset points: Reset Stats
* Check for equipment: On (can`t res with items)
* Guild create level: 100
* Mana shield formula: 1% = 550 Agi or 350 Ene, Max 75%
* Swell of Life formula: 1% = 100 Vit or 40 Ene
* Jewel Of Soul Success Rate (No Luck): 75%;
* Jewel Of Soul Success Rate (With Luck): 85%;
* Jewel Of Life Success Rate: 75%;
* Item +10 Success Rate (No Luck): 80%;
* Item +10 Success Rate (With Luck): 70%;
* Item +11 Success Rate (No Luck): 65%;
* Item +11 Success Rate (With Luck): 75%;

* Blood Castle Event
* Devil Square Event
* Golden Dragon Event
* Sky Event - every 2 hours, duration 15 mins
* Chaos Castle
* Castle Siege
* Happy Hour
* Kalima
* Mystic Chest (collect 30 Rena and get random item)
* Mystic Chest Level 2 (collect 75 Hear and get random the best item)

* Market (with History)
* Jewel Bank (Depositer)
* Web Warehouse
* Dual Stats (soon)
* Change Class
* Change Name


GpLayMu except for you to join with us to defeat the Golden Dragon!

* /pkclear
* /addstr
* /addagi
* /addene
* /addvit
* /questinfo
* /charinfo
* /post
* /marry
* /questinfo
* /vipinfo
* /exit
* /offtrade
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