[Release] Free IIS Website for 0.97d+99i / 1.0M / S6EP3 and more versions


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Sep 14, 2019
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Hello! We decided develop a free IIS website and share with DarksTeam forum members. There are only PHP websites are developed for mu online servers. There are advantages and disadvantages between PHP and IIS web applications. You don't need to set up a PHP server for this web application. You can just install IIS in your VPS/Dedicated server and install microsoft .NET packages to latest version available. You can also take free support for that all from your hosting company to be able to run this website.

This website is coded in C# programming language in codebehind and can be used for harmful purposes. We share our source codes with DarksTeam on this case and please beware of any copies of our website project out of muservers.org and this topic. Because traps and holes can be located inside the codebehind and you never know how they explode you.

I always made my private mu server websites by myself and never had hack issue before. It's very weak with available modules at start and we will improve them upon server owners who uses our web application. You can post here any bug report and contact us organization@muservers.org for new modules requests.

MuWeb 1.0M (0.99.60/62T)

MuWeb 0.97d+99i

This website is compatible with non-md5 databases only.
More Informations & Downloads: http://muservers.org/Home/MuWebs
Guides: http://muservers.org/Home/Guides

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"We share our source codes with DarksTeam on this case and please beware of any copies of our website project out of muservers.org and this topic. "

That is funny! Why don't you just say the truth that you are providing a free trial version for testing purposes before the paid version comes up? I did not see source code inside the archive but only already compiled files, am I missing something? If you share your source code (which is not the case here) why should be bothered for any eventual copies, edits, sells, resells and so on?

Regarding the second sentence: " Because traps and holes can be located inside the codebehind and you never know how they explode you. ". Well, threatening of having back doors in the code is really frivolous and does not speak well for you.

Also, the title is ridiculous, because there is no such thing like "IIS website". IIS is a webserver as many others. Your website is written in C# /ASP and can be started in any webserver even under Linux. It's not part of IIS, dedicated or depending on it in any way. So again, the title name is out of a sense for me.

Call me a hater and prove me wrong!

Best of luck with your commercial product.
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Thank you :)

"We share our source codes with DarksTeam on this case and please beware of any copies of our website project out of muservers.org and this topic. "

That is funny! Why don't you just say the truth that you are providing a free trial version for testing purposes before the paid version comes up? I did not see source code inside the archive but only already compiled files, am I missing something? If you share your source code (which is not the case here) why should be bothered for any eventual copies, edits, sells, resells and so on?

Regarding the second sentence: " Because traps and holes can be located inside the codebehind and you never know how they explode you. ". Well, threatening of having back doors in the code is really frivolous and does not speak well for you.

Also, the title is ridiculous, because there is no such thing like "IIS website". IIS is a webserver as many others. Your website is written in C# /ASP and can be started in any webserver even under Linux. It's not part of IIS, dedicated or depending on it in any way. So again, the title name is out of a sense for me.

Call me a hater and prove me wrong!

Best of luck with your commercial product.
Hello r00tme,
Yes, we have premium project plans, but we want to see feedbacks from mu server owners first. Thanks for your comment.

Best regards.
@r00tme anyway, if he shares the .dll files, you can easily decompile them (there are a lot of free tools for that), so this basically can be considered as "free". With a little knowledge in C# you will be able to also remove the "license" functionality. About the "holes" topic I agree with you. He can't even prove that he is not using such things (to the basic user/non-programmer)
@muservers probably you will have to think for some kind of cryptation of your binaries. If I was your customer, I would buy the website (pay once), decompile and edit the source and remove the license, so I wouldn't need your services anymore, which I believe is not matching with your plans.
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@muservers probably you will have to think for some kind of cryptation of your binaries. If I was your customer, I would buy the website (pay once), decompile and edit the source and remove the license, so I wouldn't need your services anymore, which I believe is not matching with your plans.

Thanks for your feedback my friend. You're right and I'll consider your advice for sure.

Best regards.
@r00tme anyway, if he shares the .dll files, you can easily decompile them (there are a lot of free tools for that), so this basically can be considered as "free". With a little knowledge in C# you will be able to also remove the "license" functionality.

I wanted to mention that the source is not shared as @muservers claims in his first post, not whether it is possible or not to decompile the files.
And no one have problems with this?

It's kinda shady thing to do.. How much you paid webzen for license? Basically scam to get attention to their project lol. No one benefits from it just them :p
How much you paid webzen for license? Basically scam to get attention to their project lol. No one benefits from it just them :p
We don't provide webzen license. It's our organization license for private mu online servers.

Best regards.
[10.10.2019 Update v0.1]
Added Donation Module

Modified Files in 01. Database Scripts
Removed Tables From MuOnline Database
Added New Tables to MuOnline Database
Modified Files in 02. Website
Added Files to 02. Website\bin\
Removed Files from 02. Website\bin\
Added Files to 02. Website\Content\images\
Modified Files in 02. Website\Views\
Added Files to 02. Website\Views\Home\
Added Files to 02. Website\Views\Owner\
Modified Files in 02. Website\Views\Owner\
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[25.01.2020 - Added Donation Module to Season 6 Episode 3 Website]
Donate.cshtml to ~Views\Home\
Added Donate links to ~Views\_Layout.cshtml
Added Donations page to ~Views\_OwnerLayout.cshtml
Added AllDonations page to ~Views\_OwnerLayout.cshtml
Added ProcessDonation page to ~Views\_OwnerLayout.cshtml
Added EditDonation page to ~Views\_OwnerLayout.cshtml
Added ManageCurrencies page to ~Views\_OwnerLayout.cshtml
Added EditCurrency page to ~Views\_OwnerLayout.cshtml
Added MW_DonationCurrency table to database
Added MW_Donation table to database
Added paypal.png to ~Content\images\
Added western-union.jpg to ~Content\images\
Removed Ticket links from owner panel ~Views\_OwnerLayout.cshtml
Removed MW_PayPalDonate table from database
Removed MW_ContactMessage table from database
Removed MW_ContactTicket table from database​

You can download latest version here: https://muservers.org/Home/MuWebs
Released MuWeb Free DarksTeam 0.97d+99i for darksteam forum members.