[AD] FnaticMu S3 Ep1 Exp: 7500x Drop: 80%

Total Accounts: 602
Total Characters: 994
Total Guilds: 52
Online: 43 / 200
Record Online: 47
Server Status: ONLINE
Total Accounts: 660
Total Characters: 1052
Total Guilds: 58
Online: 44 / 200
Record Online: 51
Server Status: ONLINE

We are glad to announce that we have new record online and we continue with 99,9% Uptime, in the new patch there were some very important fixes and pvp changes, and I think it is about time for me to pick up my manners and give one special thanks to :

ivowe3, AnonOps and DarkMaster

For their awesome works and for the fact that they were there when we needed them, keep being awesome guys, really big THANKS from FnaticMu team! :)
Total Accounts: 881
Total Characters: 1373
Total Guilds: 67
Online: 32 / 200
Record Online: 54
Server Status: ONLINE