Faith Mu-Online
We are here to introduce in new era of mu!
Are tired of old mu-online which is only afk and again afk! Now is Faith Mu online server you will be able to see new times in mu! That mean new quests, new events, new items and last but not less important is bugfree! If server is configured good and server is bugfree than there is fun to play!
Faith Mu-online team present Seson4 Bugfree server with Faith team modification which allow you to be the best of bests!
More info you will be able to find in forum where you will be able to make your suggestion and together we will make server perfect!
With honor Mu-Faith team!

We are here to introduce in new era of mu!
Are tired of old mu-online which is only afk and again afk! Now is Faith Mu online server you will be able to see new times in mu! That mean new quests, new events, new items and last but not less important is bugfree! If server is configured good and server is bugfree than there is fun to play!
Faith Mu-online team present Seson4 Bugfree server with Faith team modification which allow you to be the best of bests!
More info you will be able to find in forum where you will be able to make your suggestion and together we will make server perfect!
With honor Mu-Faith team!
Server Configuration
Experience is 500 it`s mean this is medium server!
Item drop per is 65% that means you have big chance to receive good items from monster!
Guild Creation lvl is 300!
Can you tell me about Success rates in server?
Chaos Machine:
Chaos Mix+10 Rate Normal = 60
Chaos Mix+10 Rate Special = 50
Chaos Mix+10 Rate Socket = 40
Chaos Mix+11-12 Rate Normal = 60
Chaos Mix+11-12 Rate Special = 50
Chaos Mix+11-12 Rate Socket = 40
Chaos Mix+13 Rate Normal = 55
Chaos Mix+13 Rate Special = 45
Chaos Mix+13 Rate Socket = 35
Chaos Mix+10 Rate With Luck = 75
Chaos Mix +11 - +13 Rate With Luck = 75
Chaos Mix Rate Increase With Lick = 20
Dark Lord Pets:
Dark Spirit Mix Success Rate = 60
Dark Horse Mix Success Rate = 60
Wing Mix Lvl 1 Success Rate = 90
Wing Mix Lvl 2 Success Rate = 60
Wing Mix Lvl 3 Success Rate = 40
Condor Mix Success Rate = 60
380 Level Mix Success Rate = 80
Dinorant Mix Success Rate = 70
Soul Success Rate Normal = 60
Soul Success Rate Special = 50
Soul Success Rate Socket = 40
Soul Success Rate Increase With Luck = 20
Life Fail Rate = 50
Do you have spots?
Spots are in all maps but not in arena! That means no spot in arena!
Spots are in Lorencia, Noria, Elbelnad, Dungeon, Diungeon3, Atlans, Atlans3, Losttower, Losttower6, Losttower7, Tarkan, Icarus, Kantru ! There are diferent kind of spots! For Sm and for Bk! Which mean every class is similar chance to lvl up!
What about shops?
In shops you can find basic magic and potions! All invation for Blood Castle and Devil Square, Illusion Temple you need to make by you own! This make game more intresting! There is special shops for Dk,DW and DL in Lorencia! In Devias are Sm and BK shop with greater items! Mg can use both shops dk and dw and chose what he will be!
What kind of events we have?
Now on server with grand opening is enabled Fire Cracker Event, Box Of Gold, Medal Event, Heart Of Love Event, Dark Lord Heart, Kundun event and all which you can read above!
Blood Castle event is every 1 hour what means you have got good chance to lvl up in here! If you win Blood Castle you receive Jewel of Bless!
Devil Square event is very good place where to lvl up and get nice items from monster which are here!
Chaos Castle hapens every hout from 16:00 till 24:00 and there is minimum player required! Minimum players are 2! IF you win in Chaos Castle you receive different kind of jewels which depend of chaos castle lvl!
Raklion event is one of the Season 4 events which have entrance in Raklion map! There are 3 stages in this quest! You need to fell it on your own skin to tell more! Just try it!
Of course we have all basic events like Red Dragon, Golden Invasion, White Wizard, Budge Dragon invasion and much more!
You will ask why to chose this mu?
I can answer you! We produce you Season 4 server with working skill tree, socket system, new maps, new monsters, new friends and much more!
How you can play it?
You need to fallow this steps!
1.Register in our page
2.Download client
3.Install Client
4.Launch by clicking start and finding faith mu launcher!
5.Let launcher to update client!
6.Start to lvl up and be the strongest!
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