This is 3 punishment for dupe scipt.
-- Lock WareHouse, change password (pw=????), 4 number only
UPDATE warehouse SET pw=5555 WHERE accountid=@al_acid
-- Ban Character
UPDATE Character SET CtlCode=1 WHERE accountid=@al_acid
-- Ban Account
UPDATE MEMB_INFO SET Bloc_Code=1 WHERE memb___id=@al_acid
-- Ban Disconnect Account
Who cand help me to make one punishment for caracter . I need one punishment what disconnect automatic account who have dupe on account or iventori .
Who can write the punishment which disconnect ccount which have dupes.
If cand someone hellp me . I want to fix a dupe script.
-- Lock WareHouse, change password (pw=????), 4 number only
UPDATE warehouse SET pw=5555 WHERE accountid=@al_acid
-- Ban Character
UPDATE Character SET CtlCode=1 WHERE accountid=@al_acid
-- Ban Account
UPDATE MEMB_INFO SET Bloc_Code=1 WHERE memb___id=@al_acid
-- Ban Disconnect Account
Who cand help me to make one punishment for caracter . I need one punishment what disconnect automatic account who have dupe on account or iventori .
Who can write the punishment which disconnect ccount which have dupes.
If cand someone hellp me . I want to fix a dupe script.