[AD] DuelMasterMU|EXP:MAX|DROP:100%|Season2 FULL|NO LAGS|NO BUGS|24/7


New Member
Jun 11, 2009
Reaction score
DuelMasterMU Information:

Basic info:

Experience: 999999x
Drop Rate: 99%
All jewels in shop
Points per level: 5/7
Maximum stats: 32 000
Mobs HP: 80 %

Reset info:

Reset level: 400
Max reset: 2000
Max level: 400
Reset cost: 200 zen
Reset bonus points: None
Stats: Keep
Inventory: Keep
Skills: Keep

Rates info:

Chaos machine rates:

+10+11+12+13 - 100 / 99 / 99 / 99 %

3 level wings combination: 80 % ( + luck 99 %)
2 level wings combination: 99 % ( + luck 100 %)
All Blood Castle, Chaos Castle, Devil Square tickets success rates: 99 %

Jewel's rates:

Soul Success Rate: 99 % ( + luck 100% )
Jewel of Harmony Success rate: 99 %
Jewel of Guardian + Jewel of Harmony rate = 70 % ( + luck 99 %)
Jewel of Life Success rate: 80 % ( + luck 99 %)

* Season 2 events

* Ancient items drops in aida

Game commands:

/post - send message to all players
/online - you will see how much users are online in this side of the server, and how much GM's.
/addstr - Add strength points
/addagi - Add agility points
/addvit - Add vitality points
/addene - Add energy points
/addcom - Add command points
/pkclear - Clear player Pk level
/war guildname - start guild war
@@Text - chat to guild alliance


/addagi 5000 - Add 5000 points to agility


Blood Castle - every 1 hour
Chaos Castle - every 1 hour
Devil Square - every 1 hour
Castle Siege - every week (Sunday) at 16:00
Golden invasion


Owner - BoSS
Admin - Gierek

Version: Full season 2