d00k13 Member Joined Mar 5, 2009 Messages 87 Reaction score 11 Oct 22, 2009 #1 Здравейте даркове...Пусках си сървър на DeathRun обаче ме пуска с USP!Не мога да купувам нищо друго!Как могад а го махна това УСП?
Здравейте даркове...Пусках си сървър на DeathRun обаче ме пуска с USP!Не мога да купувам нищо друго!Как могад а го махна това УСП?
d00k13 Member Joined Mar 5, 2009 Messages 87 Reaction score 11 Oct 22, 2009 #3 Налага ли се ? защото мода наистина ми харесва...а трудно го намерих
DarkMaster Administrator Staff member Joined Apr 8, 2008 Messages 2,465 Reaction score 11,174 Oct 22, 2009 #4 .: Cvars :. < 1 = on || 0 = off > Turn on/off the plugin deathrun_toggle 1/0 <default: 1> Turn on/off the spray blocker deathrun_spray 1/0 <default: 1> Turn on/off the radio commands blocker deathrun_radio 1/0 <default: 1> Turn on/off giving USP for CT's deathrun_giveusp 1/0 <default: 1> Turn on/off removing buyzone deathrun_removebz 1/0 <default: 1> Turn on/off remove money and timer from hud deathrun_hidehud 1/0 <default: 1> Turn on/off blocking money, if yes, player always will have 0$ deathrun_blockmoney 1/0 <default: 1> Block or enable 'kill' command for CTs (1 - blocked, 0 - enabled) deathrun_blockkill 1/0 <default: 1> Turn on/off the semiclip deathrun_semiclip 1/0 <default: 1> Turn on/off the life system, if set to 2, terrorist for winning team will get also 1 life point. deathrun_lifesystem 2/1/0 <default: 1> If 1 then gamename will be changed to 'Deathrun v3.0' deathrun_gamename 1/0 <default: 1> Turn on/off block no fall damage for terrorists deathrun_terrnfd 1/0 <default: 1> Reactions: dragonbs and d00k13
.: Cvars :. < 1 = on || 0 = off > Turn on/off the plugin deathrun_toggle 1/0 <default: 1> Turn on/off the spray blocker deathrun_spray 1/0 <default: 1> Turn on/off the radio commands blocker deathrun_radio 1/0 <default: 1> Turn on/off giving USP for CT's deathrun_giveusp 1/0 <default: 1> Turn on/off removing buyzone deathrun_removebz 1/0 <default: 1> Turn on/off remove money and timer from hud deathrun_hidehud 1/0 <default: 1> Turn on/off blocking money, if yes, player always will have 0$ deathrun_blockmoney 1/0 <default: 1> Block or enable 'kill' command for CTs (1 - blocked, 0 - enabled) deathrun_blockkill 1/0 <default: 1> Turn on/off the semiclip deathrun_semiclip 1/0 <default: 1> Turn on/off the life system, if set to 2, terrorist for winning team will get also 1 life point. deathrun_lifesystem 2/1/0 <default: 1> If 1 then gamename will be changed to 'Deathrun v3.0' deathrun_gamename 1/0 <default: 1> Turn on/off block no fall damage for terrorists deathrun_terrnfd 1/0 <default: 1>
d00k13 Member Joined Mar 5, 2009 Messages 87 Reaction score 11 Oct 23, 2009 #5 Благодаря ДАРК....Направих го и всичко е перфектно
N NooBSaYBo7 New Member Joined Oct 7, 2009 Messages 28 Reaction score 0 Dec 17, 2009 #6 може ли да го споделиш в релийз секцията.Защото и на мен ми харесва ДийтРън