[Release] DarksTeam MuServer 97d+99i Beta 43.3

hello, I also have a small problem, I managed to make the subserver work but I see number 3, how can I change it to number 2 ?

what exactly needs to be changed in the client ?


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hello, I also have a small problem, I managed to make the subserver work but I see number 3, how can I change it to number 2 ?

what exactly needs to be changed in the client ?
do you know how to change the text DemonuMu :D


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do you know how to change the text DemonuMu :D

I don't know if you understand what I want to do subserver DemonuMu 3 Connect I would have liked to change it with DemonuMu 2 Connect

only here it needs to be changed, but it doesn't show anything with no. 3

it is not from Text.bmd must be changed from somewhere else


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does anyone have a solution related to the sky event ? respawn monsters don't appear after 1 minute


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add the password to your trunk. Fix u invasion
I don't understand anything anymore, wasn't it fixed by bro DarkMaster ? The Invasion

what's with the password that I don't understand you, what do you want to explain to me ?

- Fix u
- WarePassSend
I'm not trying to be mean to you,I tested on a subserver and I have the same problem as on the old patch 43.3

I don't know exactly what test you did when you uploaded these files


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I'm not trying to be mean to you,I don't know if you are trying to pretend to be a scammer, but it doesn't work with me,I tested on a subserver and I have the same problem as on the old patch 43.3

I don't know exactly what test you did when you uploaded these files
I don't like having to always make a video for you.

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I don't like having to always make a video for you.

Hmm so my mistake was that I didn't put the item in the vault ? after 12 hours of work you get tired,I corrected the topic about what I said and I will redo the test when I have time
a small tutorial how it can affect your game [this DevilSquareEvent] if it is not configured correctly
DevilSquareEvent = 1

DevilSquareEventServer =

DevilSquareEventConnect = 0 try add 1 we will think that it is [enabled but it is not] you will not receive points when you finish the event [fixed add 0 enabled]

EyesOfDevilSquareDropRate/KeyOfDevilSquareDropRate = 99 you can add depends on how you want it from 1% to 99% etc,if you add 0 to stop falling from monsters, it will affect your gameserver and it won't start​
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hello everyone, has anyone had this problem before ? I received a rather aggressive error,

I closed the server and then reopened it and I see that the error no longer appears


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I need to completely remove the following gems from monster drops: chaos, bless, soul and life. I already tried from itemdroprate but many are still falling. Any solution?
I need to completely remove the following gems from monster drops: chaos, bless, soul and life. I already tried from itemdroprate but many are still falling. Any solution?
there is no other solution, the only solution is to put itemdrop 1% to drop quite hard
no hay otra solución, la única solución es poner itemdrop 1% para que caiga bastante fuerte
Sí, lo configuré al 1% y con muchas restricciones mínimas, pero aún así cae muy a menudo :(