[Release] DarksTeam MuServer 97d+99i Beta 43.3

Има бъг с инвазийте.
След всяка инвазия, инвазийте се раждат 1сек. по-късно.
Така след 1 ден почват да се раждат 24 сек. ако не се спира сървъра.
след 1 седмица стават 3 мин. по късно
и след 1 месец 15мин. по-късно ако не си спирал сървъра.

Ако може даркмастер да го оправи ето и логове от GameServera:
GameServer text logs

Както виждате с всяка инвазия стават с 1сек. повече като почва от 30:00 до 30:13.

тук има логове как са стигнали до 38мин. (+8мин. от обикновенното) след като сървъра не е спиран от 15+ дена:
GameServer text logs2

Това за сега може само да се оправи ако спреш сървъра и го пуснеш на ново.
Така почват да се раждат пак точно и в 30:00

Предлагам инвазийте да се пускат от EventManager.dat (както е в по-новите версий.)
Защото в 97d версията само е бъгаво това, щото се пускат от CommonServer.cfg

Това е много голям проблем, който трябва да се оправи, защото хората са свикнали инвзийте да почват точно в 30:00, но ако сървъра не е спиран от 1 месец почват в 45:00.
BC и DS си почват на време винаги ама златните се бъгват след известно време..

Също ще е хубаво ако се сложи лог на кой GM (Game Master) е ползвал /disconnect командата, защото играчите се оплакват, че някой ги дисконектва и не се знае дали е GM или интернета им.
Ако е GM трябва да бъде изгонен ама не се знае със сигурност..
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Има бъг с инвазийте.
След всяка инвазия, инвазийте се раждат 1сек. по-късно.
Така след 1 ден почват да се раждат 24 сек. ако не се спира сървъра.
след 1 седмица стават 3 мин. по късно
и след 1 месец 15мин. по-късно ако не си спирал сървъра.

Ако може даркмастер да го оправи ето и логове от GameServera:
GameServer text logs

Както виждате с всяка инвазия стават с 1сек. повече като почва от 30:00 до 30:13.

тук има логове как са стигнали до 38мин. (+8мин. от обикновенното) след като сървъра не е спиран от 15+ дена:
GameServer text logs2

Това за сега може само да се оправи ако спреш сървъра и го пуснеш на ново.
Така почват да се раждат пак точно и в 30:00

Предлагам инвазийте да се пускат от EventManager.dat (както е в по-новите версий.)
Защото в 97d версията само е бъгаво това, щото се пускат от CommonServer.cfg

Това е много голям проблем, който трябва да се оправи, защото хората са свикнали инвзийте да почват точно в 30:00, но ако сървъра не е спиран от 1 месец почват в 45:00.
BC и DS си почват на време винаги ама златните се бъгват след известно време..

Също ще е хубаво ако се сложи лог на кой GM (Game Master) е ползвал /disconnect командата, защото играчите се оплакват, че някой ги дисконектва и не се знае дали е GM или интернета им.
Ако е GM трябва да бъде изгонен ама не се знае със сигурност..
Коригирано. (thumbsup)
EventManager с възможност за управление на инвазиите е наличен в Plus версията.
Work in progress
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Default Stats
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// [1] Class (0=Wizard, 1=Knight, 2=Elf, 3=Gladiator)
// [2] Starting level up points
// [3] Starting zen
// [4] Starting strength
// [5] Starting agility
// [6] Starting vitality
// [7] Starting energy
// [8] Starting resets
// [9] Starting grand resets
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9]
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0 0 0 18 18 15 30 0 0 // Wizard
1 0 0 28 20 25 10 0 0 // Knight
2 0 0 22 25 20 15 0 0 // Elf
3 0 0 26 26 26 26 0 0 // Gladiator
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Default Equipment
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// [1] Class (0=Wizard, 1=Knight, 2=Elf, 3=Gladiator)
// [2] Slot (0=Weapon, 1=Shield, 2=Helm, 3=Armor, 4=Pants, 5=Gloves, 6=Boots, 7=Wings, 8=Pet, 9=Pendant, 10=Left ring, 11=Right ring)
// [3] Item group (0-15)
// [4] Item index (0-32)
// [5] Item level (0-11)
// [6] Item durability (0-255)
// [7] Item skill (0-1)
// [8] Item luck (0-1)
// [9] Item add (0-7)
// [10] Item excellent options (0-63)
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10]
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 // Small Axe

2 0 4 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 // Arrows
2 1 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 // Short Bow

3 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 // Short Sword
3 1 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 // Round Shield
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Max Stats
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// [1] Class (0=Wizard, 1=Knight, 2=Elf, 3=Gladiator)
// [2] Max Strength
// [3] Max Agility
// [4] Max Vitality
// [5] Max Energy
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0 32767 32767 32767 32767 // Wizard
1 32767 32767 32767 32767 // Knight
2 32767 32767 32767 32767 // Elf
3 32767 32767 32767 32767 // Gladiator
hidden content may not be quoted
This Files Have Bug By Dark Master
Please Fix This Problems
1.Golden Drop Box of Kundun Problem(i Kill 8 Golden Drop Only 4 or 5 Box in Golden )
2 Visual Bug ( I do not see some players sometimes )(i dont making pvp this problem)
3.Visual Bug (I do not see some monsters sometimes )
4.Exp Bar number always only 9
5.Blood Castle award party member giving 2 chaos(i select only chaos in bc reward) Change please 2 winner quest 1 award party members
6.Please Remove in darksteam.dll (powered by darksteam message or add change setting in commons file please )

Please Fix this problem brother

Thank you for your understanding
Now with ability to create dynamic points per level/resets/grand resets and some other tweaks.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Default Stats
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// [1] Class (0=Wizard, 1=Knight, 2=Elf, 3=Gladiator)
// [2] Starting level up points
// [3] Starting zen
// [4] Starting strength
// [5] Starting agility
// [6] Starting vitality
// [7] Starting energy
// [8] Starting resets
// [9] Starting grand resets
// [10] Starting vip package (0 for none)
// [11] Starting vip duration (in days)

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11]
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0 0 0 18 18 15 30 0 0 0 0 // Wizard
1 0 0 28 20 25 10 0 0 0 0 // Knight
2 0 0 22 25 20 15 0 0 0 0 // Elf
3 0 0 26 26 26 26 0 0 0 0 // Gladiator
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Default Equipment
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// [1] Class (0=Wizard, 1=Knight, 2=Elf, 3=Gladiator)
// [2] Slot (0=Weapon, 1=Shield, 2=Helm, 3=Armor, 4=Pants, 5=Gloves, 6=Boots, 7=Wings, 8=Pet, 9=Pendant, 10=Left ring, 11=Right ring)
// [3] Item group (0-15)
// [4] Item index (0-32)
// [5] Item level (0-11)
// [6] Item durability (0-255)
// [7] Item skill (0-1)
// [8] Item luck (0-1)
// [9] Item add (0-7)
// [10] Item excellent options (0-63)
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10]
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 // Small Axe

2 0 4 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 // Arrows
2 1 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 // Short Bow

3 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 // Short Sword
3 1 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 // Round Shield
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Points per Level
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// [1] Class (0=Wizard, 1=Knight, 2=Elf, 3=Gladiator)
// [2] Min Level
// [3] Max Level
// [4] Min Resets
// [5] Max Resets
// [6] Min Grand Resets
// [7] Max Grand Resets
// [8] Points
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8]
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0 1 350 -1 -1 -1 -1 5 // Wizard
1 1 350 -1 -1 -1 -1 5 // Knight
2 1 350 -1 -1 -1 -1 5 // Elf
3 1 350 -1 -1 -1 -1 7 // Gladiator

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Max Stats
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// [1] Class (0=Wizard, 1=Knight, 2=Elf, 3=Gladiator)
// [2] Max Strength
// [3] Max Agility
// [4] Max Vitality
// [5] Max Energy
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0 32767 32767 32767 32767 // Wizard
1 32767 32767 32767 32767 // Knight
2 32767 32767 32767 32767 // Elf
3 32767 32767 32767 32767 // Gladiator
Hello @DarkMaster

When are you going to release the new update?

I'm waiting to see these news.

Congratulations for the good work!
how about customs quests to upgrade PPL?
as example: user should bring 10 renas so he'll receive 6-7 PPL after that and etc
how about customs quests to upgrade PPL?
as example: user should bring 10 renas so he'll receive 6-7 PPL after that and etc

This is already possible.

Meanwhile, some Golden Archer tweaks (ability to exchange stones for items).

// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// [1] 1=Enabled, 0=Disabled
// [2] Required Stones
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// [1] [2]
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1 10
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// [1] Item Group (0-15)
// [2] Item Index (0-32)
// [3] Min Level (0-11)
// [4] Max Level (0-11)
// [5] Durability (0-255)
// [6] Skill (0-1)
// [7] Luck (0-1)
// [8] Add (0-7)
// [9] Excellent Options (0-63 or -1 for random exc options)
// [10] Count
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10]
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
12 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 // Jewel of Chaos
14 13 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 // Jewel of Bless
14 14 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 // Jewel of Soul
Dark така и така си преобърнал всичко, предлагам да пипнеш и Guilds да може да побира повече от 20 човека... По избор да може да се наглася ще е готино :)

+ това пича е прав

how about customs quests to upgrade PPL?
as example: user should bring 10 renas so he'll receive 6-7 PPL after that and etc

тук бях писал преди, че ако след рестарт ти нулирва статса тези точки от куест системата не ти ги зачита и оставаш без тях..
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Hello, I'm testing and this is the best 97d I've seen in my entire life.

I would suggest something useful for some servers, which would be resetday, resetweek and resetmonth for reset rankings for day, week and month.

In case of typing /reset the character would be counting resets in these columns and a function in Common.ini to enable / disable, why not every server uses.

Example sugestion how could it be in the common.ini file


ResetsEnable = 1 // 1 = Enabled, 0 = Disabled
ResetsTable = "Character" // Table name in the dbo.MuOnline
ResetsColumn = "resets" // Column name in the character table

ResetDayEnable = 1 // 1 = Enabled, 0 = Disabled
ResetDayTable = "Character" // Table name in the dbo.MuOnline
ResetDayColumn = "resetDay" // Column name in the character table

ResetWeekEnable = 1 // 1 = Enabled, 0 = Disabled
ResetWeekTable = "Character" // Table name in the dbo.MuOnline
ResetWeekColumn = "resetWeek" // Column name in the character table

ResetMonthEnable = 1 // 1 = Enabled, 0 = Disabled
ResetMonthTable = "Character" // Table name in the dbo.MuOnline
ResetMonthColumn = "resetMonth" // Column name in the character table

QTableCredits = "MEMB_CREDITS" // Table name in the dbo.MuOnline
QColumnCredits = "credits" // Column name in the character table

I'll continue the tests ...

In my analysis this option of manipulating the update querys not only this situation that I mentioned but for other functions, example GrandResetSystem it rewards in MEMB_CREDITS, it would be interesting to be able to choose which table and which column all this in an .ini or .dat file , VipSystem.ini can handle which column is this added in security for some servers, because if I know that some server uses DarksTeam MUServer it is easy to deduce which columns the server uses and which tables the server uses in a possible invasion using sql injection.

Other example sugestion

Enable = 1 // 1 = Enabled, 0 = Disabled
QTableVip = "MEMB_INFO" // Table name of in the dbo.MuOnline
QTableColumnVip = "Vip" // Column name in the character table
MinLevel = 50 // Minimum level requirement
Zen = 50000000 // Zen requirement
Duration = 7 // Duration in days
BonusExp = 10 // Bonus experience rate
Credits = 0 // Required credits
MinResets = 0 // Minimum resets
MinGrandResets = 0 // Minimum grand resets
Type = 0 // 0 = Per character, 1 = per account

Thank you.

PS: Sorry my english :'(
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Reactions: AnDeR
Dark така и така си преобърнал всичко, предлагам да пипнеш и Guilds да може да побира повече от 20 човека... По избор да може да се наглася ще е готино

+ това пича е прав

how about customs quests to upgrade PPL?
as example: user should bring 10 renas so he'll receive 6-7 PPL after that and etc

тук бях писал преди, че ако след рестарт ти нулирва статса тези точки от куест системата не ти ги зачита и оставаш без тях..
DTData\Common.ini -> [Guild] MaxMembers = 20

// --------------------------------------
// Chat Filter
// --------------------------------------
1 // 1=Enabled, 0=Disabled
// --------------------------------------
// [1] Word to censor
// [2] Censored word
// --------------------------------------
// [1] [2]
// --------------------------------------
"fuck" "f*ck"
"pussy" "p*ssy"
"bitch" "b*tch"
Quest System tweaks: New npc, ability to specify item durability & support of Golden (invasion) monsters.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// [1] Subject
// [2] Requirements
// [3] Reward
// [4] Min Level
// [5] Min Resets
// [6] Min Grand Resets
// [7] Price
// [8] Monster Id
// [9] Monster Map
// [10] Monsters Count
// [11] Require item? (1=Yes, 0=No)
// [12] Required Item Group
// [13] Required Item Index
// [14] Required Item Level
// [15] Required Item Durability
// [16] Required Item Skill
// [17] Required Item Luck
// [18] Required Item Add
// [19] Required Item Excellent
// [20] Required Items Count
// [21] Give item reward? (1=Yes, 0=No)
// [22] Reward Item Group
// [23] Reward Item Index
// [24] Reward Item Level
// [25] Reward Item Durability
// [26] Reward Item Skill
// [27] Reward Item Luck
// [28] Reward Item Add
// [29] Reward Item Excellent (0-63 or -1 for random exc options)
// [30] Reward Items Count
// [31] Zen Reward
// [32] Points Reward
// [33] Experience Reward
// [34] Levels Reward
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18] [19] [20] [21] [22] [23] [24] [25] [26] [27] [28] [29] [30] [31] [32] [33] [34]
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
"Kill 50 Spiders" "-" "1 Box of Kundun+1" 1 0 0 500000 3 -1 50 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 14 11 8 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0


  • Screen(08_15-11_13)-0000.jpg
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Buenas noches, vengo siguiendo el tema desde hace tiempo, me gustan estas versiones yestoy interesado en usar estos files para un servidor. lo he estado probando. y configurando para un server Slow. pero tengos dos problemas. al ser server slow. se dan reset semanales. dependiendo del numero de reset. el problema es el balanceo de los personajes. en comparacion con otros files 97d las elfas eran la peor raza porque no cuentan con FixArrowsDecrease. y para ayudar a esto balancearon para que pudieran pegar mas duro a otros personajes. y aparte la vida se le aumento. mi pregunta es. podrian fixear eso. (subirle el ataque a las elfas y la vida) y es posible que le agreguen nuevos mapas? de ante moano muchas gracias @Darkmaster por este aporte .
how about customs quests to upgrade PPL?
as example: user should bring 10 renas so he'll receive 6-7 PPL after that and etc
I mean that u can complete some custom class quest and after that you will receive 6-7-10-20-30 points per every new lvl (P-P-L).
As exmpl: you should bring quest-ring/item (drops from mobs/boxes/etc) and after finishing this quest u'll receive # points per every new lvl.
And after reset u can reset it or save (like default-class quest mechanics in serv configs).
It'll be great if it'll be new NPC and new custom class quest config for this class quests and u can try to import class-skins from another seasons and etc :).
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Hello friend good afternoonIs it possible to leave the item limit up to +15?
Good since no one showed up, I triggered a trigger for those who are laymen in the subject and wish to have a resets ranking by day, week and month

USE [muonline]

/****** Object: Trigger [dbo].[ADD_RESET_RANK] Script Date: 08/17/2017 23:00:02 ******/


ON [dbo].[Character]
UPDATE [Character] SET [Character].resetDay=resetDay+1, resetWeek=resetWeek+1, resetMonth=resetMonth+1
FROM Character JOIN MEMB_STAT ON Character.AccountID=MEMB_STAT.memb___id COLLATE Latin1_General_CS_AS
AND [Character].NAME=(SELECT NAME FROM Inserted)

Is it possible to remove the "Powered by www.DarksTeam.NET" message if you donate to the project, is there a premium version? If there is how much it costs?
Good since no one showed up, I triggered a trigger for those who are laymen in the subject and wish to have a resets ranking by day, week and month

Is it possible to remove the "Powered by www.DarksTeam.NET" message if you donate to the project, is there a premium version? If there is how much it costs?

Who are you to have this right to remove the work add by DarksTeam ? this version is full premium for free thanks to DarkMaster you do not have to pay anything

If you find bugs or have some good ideas announced the creator DarkMaster send private message
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Who are you to have this right to remove the work add by DarksTeam ? this version is full premium for free thanks to DarkMaster you do not have to pay anything

If you find bugs or have some good ideas announced the creator DarkMaster send private message

The Devil's secretary strikes once again (xax)