[Release] DarksTeam MuServer 97d+99i Beta 43.3

actually you need to block some packets darkmaster because all this dupe can be done because of some packet that you can send..
But be carefull some of this packets for example the trade cancel packet exist on the server is the original cancel packet when someone press the cancel on trade...
but when you trade someone and you send this packet you make the trade bug and your items are duplicated (1 way is this)
The second is on vault by opening the devilsquare/bloodcastle npc window when you have the vault opened, so your items 'stack' on vault and on your inventory after receiving them, so they are duplicated.
OR you can make the server to block all packets from third programs like WPE/or any packet sender..OR make some packet encryption or or or think something :p


  • packet codes.txt
    29.7 KB · Views: 65
[Beta 30 Changelog]
Option to check if inventory is empty before reset - added (2 types, 1 = check equipment only, 2 = check whole inventory)
Option to clear inventory after reset - added
Elf greater damage & defense buffs duration options - added
Drop command can drop kris
Party exp options fixed (party bonus event should also be working correctly now)
Reduced sql queries
Testing /pet command and found too much bugs... It is hard to explain but I am using a main that supports new monsters (152 - 199) and new npcs (201 - 255) and when I use /pet with any of it (new monsters of ANY npc) then I can't delete it. So I have to quit and enter again, monster is still there but at least I can summon another one with /pet.
The point is, it is better to make configurable which monsters are allowed instead of which ones are forbidden to summon with /pet, so it won't be that hard to solve this problem...
@DarkMaster whats these sql errors on beta 25?
[Error] SQLSTATE:24000, Diagnosis:[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver]Invalid cursor state
[Error] SQLSTATE:24000, Diagnosis:[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver]Invalid cursor state

and this on 28 29 i think
30.01: [Error] SQLSTATE:23000, Diagnosis:[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Violation of PRIMARY KEY constraint 'PK_EVENT_INFO_BC'. Cannot insert duplicate key in object 'EVENT_INFO_BC'.
30.01: [Error] SQLSTATE:01000, Diagnosis:[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]The statement has been terminated.
Previous betas are no longer supported. We are on beta 30 now.

Make white list of pets instead of black list
The blacklist does its job perfectly.

have problem:
blood castle cloaks cant see in shop.
what to do?


and screenshot in game:

Reload your shops.


  • Screen(02_03-14_51)-0000.jpg
    780.9 KB · Views: 65
darksteam this project is really fabulous , this version is the best of all no doubt, I thank you for being the only one that has been dedicated to customize and enhance this release.
Beta 32 hint:
AwardPartyMembers = 0 // 1 = Award party members, 0 = Award only the player who completes the quest
Another hint:
// www.DarksTeam.NET
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// [1] - NPC Id
// [2] - Type (1 = Swell of Life, 2 = Mana Shield, 3 = Elf Defence, 4 = Elf Attack)
// [3] - Map Number
// [4] - Map coords X
// [5] - Map coords Y
// [6] - NPC Direction
// [7] - Usage price (zen)
// [8] - VIP players only (1 = Yes, 0 = No)
// [9] - Min Level
// [10] - Max Level
// [11] - Min Resets
// [12] - Max Resets
// [13] - Min Grand Resets
// [14] - Max Grand Resets
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14]
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
249 1 0 166 129 1 100000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 // Swell of Life buffer in Lorencia
249 2 0 167 129 1 100000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 // Mana Shield buffer in Lorencia
249 3 0 168 129 1 100000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 // Elf defence buffer in Lorencia
249 4 0 169 129 1 100000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 // Elf attack buffer in Lorencia
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
249 1 3 171 107 3 100000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 // Swell of Life buffer in Noria
249 2 3 171 108 3 100000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 // Mana Shield buffer in Noria
249 3 3 171 109 3 100000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 // Elf defence buffer in Noria
249 4 3 171 110 3 100000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 // Elf attack buffer in Noria
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Planned changes / changelog for beta 32

Brand new VIP System
Advanced npc buffers configuration file (+ability to add them in every map, change npc's ids, ability to limit them to vips only, min/max level, resets, grand resets)
Added ability to disable /questinfo command
Added ability to change how blood castle award players (all party players or just the player who completes the quest)
All player commands now works with the brand new vip system. You can now limit the commands to vips only.
Advanced map system with safe zones! Yes, you can finally create non pvp, pk free zones.
Game Masters can move using /move <map name>

Added a check if the player will exceed the maximum amount of zen (2000000000) when selling, being rewarded in event or when picking up zen). No more bugged zen.
NPC's can no longer be killed using hacks
Added ability to set (and show) Sky event's required item name
Fully translated message_kor.wtf file with additional correction
Completely rewritten GM system. All known bugs fixed
Advanced character stats system. Now you can limit strength, agility, vitality, energy per class
Drop system completely recoded. Working way better now
Improved /add command, integrated to work with the new character stats system
Attack Speed is wrong log removed
Added ability to completely disable gameserver logs
Potions usage delay added
Zombie pvp hack blocked
Added ability to allow killers to enter devil square, blood castle and use shops
Anti twisting slash use without weapon check added

Changelog updated on March 10, 2015 23:15 GMT+2
can someone upload register.php fixed with no charge info on mucore 97d servers ?
Last edited:
can someone upload register.php fixed with no charge info on mucore 97d servers ?


$get_config = simplexml_load_file('engine/config_mods/register_settings.xml');
if($get_config->active == '0'){
	echo msg('0',text_sorry_feature_disabled);
$register_method = $get_config->method;

$verification_config = simplexml_load_file('engine/config_mods/human_verification.xml');
	if($verification_config->human_verification_type == 'reCAPTCHA'){
		$is_reCAPTCHA = '1';
		$privatekey = $verification_config->reCAPTCHA_private_key;
		$resp = recaptcha_check_answer ($privatekey,$_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"],$_POST["recaptcha_challenge_field"],$_POST["recaptcha_response_field"]);

echo '
<script type="text/javascript">    
load_image= new Image(16,16); 

function Ajax(div,id, page, form, append, data){

    document.getElementById(div).innerHTML = \'<img src="template/'.$core['config']['template'].'/images/load.gif" width="16" height="16"> Please wait...\';
	var veri = \'\';
	if( typeof(data) == "string")
		veri = data;
		veri = $(form).serialize();
   type: "POST",
   url: page,
   data: veri,
   error: function(html)
   success: function(html)
    	if( typeof(append) == "boolean")
  return false;

<script type="text/javascript">
function cs_ua_a(){
	if (document.sign_up_frm.userid.value.length < 4){
		alert(\'User ID, 4-10 characters\n(letters and numbers only)\');
		uss = document.getElementById(\'userid\').value;
		url_p = "get.php?aA="+uss;
		Ajax(\'c_uss\',\'#c_uss\',url_p, null, \'data=c_uss\');


function csm_uam_am(){
	if (document.sign_up_frm.email_address.value.length < 2){
		alert(\'Please enter an valid mail address \n(e.g: [email protected])\');
		uss = document.getElementById(\'email_address\').value;
		url_p = "get.php?aMl="+uss;
		Ajax(\'c_mss\',\'#c_mss\',url_p, null, \'data=c_mss\');


function parse_inputs(){
	if (document.sign_up_frm.userid.value.length < 4){
		alert(\'User ID, 4-12 characters\n(letters and numbers only)\');
		return false;
	if (document.sign_up_frm.password.value.length < 6){
		alert(\'Password, 6-12 characters\n(letters and numbers only, passwords are case-sensitive.)\');
		return false;
	if (document.sign_up_frm.confirm_password.value.length < 6){
		alert(\'Confirm Password, 6-12 characters\n(letters and numbers only, passwords are case-sensitive.)\');
		return false;
	if (document.sign_up_frm.password.value != document.sign_up_frm.confirm_password.value){
		alert(\'Passwords did not match.\');
		return false;
if($get_config->pers_id_active == '1'){
	echo 'if (document.sign_up_frm.pers_id.value.length < '.$get_config->pers_id_length.'){
		alert(\'Please enter an valid Personal ID number \n(12 digits, numbers only.)\');
		return false;

echo '
	if (document.sign_up_frm.email_address.value.length < 2){
		alert(\'Please enter an valid mail address \n(e.g: [email protected])\');
		return false;
	if (document.sign_up_frm.country.value ==  \'x\'){
		alert(\'Please select country.\');
		return false;
	if ((document.sign_up_frm.gender[0].checked==false)&&(document.sign_up_frm.gender[1].checked==false)){
		alert(\'Please select gender.\');
		return false;
	if (document.sign_up_frm.question.value ==  \'x\'){
		alert(\'Please select question.\');
		return false;
	if (document.sign_up_frm.answer.value.length < 4){
		alert(\'Please enter the answer to your secret question.\n(letters and numbers only)\');
		return false;
if($is_reCAPTCHA != '1'){
	echo '	if (document.sign_up_frm.verify_int.value.length < 6){
		alert(\'Please enter the code from verification image.\');
		return false;

echo '
	if ((document.sign_up_frm.terms.checked==false)){
	    alert(\'Please read the Terms of Service.\');
	    return false;


	$elems[] = array('name'=>'userid','label'=>text_register_error1, 'type'=>'text','uname'=>'true', 'required'=>true, 'len_min'=>4,'len_max'=>10, 'cont' =>'alpha');

	$elems[] = array('name'=>'password', 'label'=>text_register_error2, 'type'=>'text', 'required'=>true, 'len_min'=>6,'len_max'=>12, 'cont' =>'alpha');
	$elems[] = array('name'=>'confirm_password', 'label'=>text_register_error3,'type'=>'text', 'required'=>true, 'len_min'=>6,'len_max'=>12, 'cont' =>'alpha','equal'=> array('password'));
	if($get_config->pers_id_active == '1'){
		$elems[] = array('name'=>'pers_id', 'label'=>str_replace("{pers_id_length}",$get_config->pers_id_length,text_register_error4),'type'=>'text', 'required'=>true, 'len_min'=>$get_config->pers_id_length,'len_max'=>$get_config->pers_id_length, 'cont' =>'digit');
	$elems[] = array('name'=>'email_address', 'label'=>text_register_error5, 'type'=>'text', 'required'=>true, 'len_max'=>50, 'cont' => 'email');
	$elems[] = array('name'=>'country', 'label'=>text_register_error6,'type'=>'text', 'required'=>true, 'len_max'=>3, 'cont' =>'digit');
	$elems[] = array('name'=>'gender', 'label'=>text_register_error7,'type'=>'text', 'required'=>true, 'len_max'=>1, 'cont' =>'digit');
	$elems[] = array('name'=>'question', 'label'=>text_register_error8,'type'=>'text', 'required'=>true, 'len_max'=>2, 'cont' =>'digit');

	$elems[] = array('name'=>'answer', 'label'=>text_register_error9,'type'=>'text', 'required'=>true, 'len_min'=>4,'len_max'=>20, 'cont' =>'alpha');
	$f = new FormValidator($elems);
	$err = $f->validate($_POST);
	if ( $err === true ) {
		$valid = $f->getValidElems();
		foreach ( $valid as $k => $v ) {
			if ( $valid[$k][0][1] == false ) {
				if ( empty($valid[$k][0][2]) ) {
					$msg_error = msg('0',$valid[$k][0][2]);
					$msg_error = msg('0',$valid[$k][0][2]);
	} else {
		$userid = safe_input($_POST['userid'],'');
		$password = safe_input($_POST['password'],'');
		$email = safe_input($_POST['email_address'],'\_\@\.\-');
		$country = safe_input($_POST['country'],'');
		$gender = safe_input($_POST['gender'],'');
		$question = safe_input($_POST['question'],'');
		$anaswer = safe_input($_POST['answer'],'');
		if($get_config->pers_id_active == '1'){
			$pid = safe_input($_POST['pers_id'],'');
			$pid = trim($get_config->pers_id);
		if($is_reCAPTCHA == '1'){
				$bot_check = '1';
			if($_SESSION['SID_code'] != md5($_POST['verify_int'])){
				$bot_check = '1';
		if($bot_check == '1'){
			$msg_error = msg('0',text_register_error10);

			if(check_account($userid) === true){
				$msg_error =  msg('0',text_register_error11);
				if(check_mail($email) === true){
					$msg_error = msg('0',text_register_error12);
					if($register_method == '1'){
						$confirmed = '1';
						$blocked = '0';
						$activation_need = '0';
						$activation_id = md5($userid);
					}elseif ($register_method == '2'){
						$confirmed = '0';
						$blocked = '1';
						$activation_need = '1';
						$activation_id = md5($userid);
					if($core['config']['md5'] == '1'){
						$make_me_acc = $core_db2->Execute("INSERT INTO MEMB_INFO (memb___id,memb__pwd,memb_name,sno__numb,bloc_code,ctl1_code,mail_chek,mail_addr,appl_days,modi_days,out__days,true_days,SecretQuestion,SecretAnswer,Country,Gender,confirmed,activation_id) VALUES (?,[dbo].[fn_md5](?,?),?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)",array($userid,$password,$userid,'test',$pid,$blocked,'0','1',$email,date('m/d/Y'),date('m/d/Y'),'2005-01-03','2005-01-03',$question,$anaswer,$country,$gender,$confirmed,$activation_id));
					}elseif($core['config']['md5'] == '0'){
						$make_me_acc = $core_db2->Execute("INSERT INTO MEMB_INFO (memb___id,memb__pwd,memb_name,sno__numb,bloc_code,ctl1_code,mail_chek,mail_addr,appl_days,modi_days,out__days,true_days,SecretQuestion,SecretAnswer,Country,Gender,Confirmed,activation_id) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)",array($userid,$password,'test',$pid,$blocked,'0','1',$email,date('m/d/Y'),date('m/d/Y'),'2005-01-03','2005-01-03',$question,$anaswer,$country,$gender,$confirmed,$activation_id));
						$make_me_acc_ = 1;
						$make_me_acc_ = $core_db2->Execute("INSERT INTO VI_CURR_INFO (ends_days,chek_code,used_time,memb___id,memb_name,memb_guid,sno__numb,Bill_Section,Bill_value,Bill_Hour,Surplus_Point,Surplus_Minute,Increase_Days )  VALUES ('2005','1',1234,'$userid','$userid',1,'7','6','3','6','6','2003-11-23 10:36:00','0' )");  
						if($activation_need == '0'){
							$msg_error = msg('1',str_replace("{userid}",$userid,text_register_success1));
							$complete = 1;
						}elseif ($activation_need == '1'){
							$smtp_config = simplexml_load_file('engine/config_mods/smtp_settings.xml');
							$mail = new SMTP($smtp_config->smtp_server,$smtp_config->smtp_username,$smtp_config->smtp_password);
							$header = $mail->make_header($core['config']['master_mail'],$email,'Account Activation for '.$core['config']['websitetitle'].'');
							$header .= "Content-Type: text/html; charset=\"iso-8859-1\" \r\n";
							$header .= "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit \r\n";
							$header .= "MIME-Version: 1.0 \r\n";
							$body = str_replace("{user_id}",$userid,mail_register_t1);
							$body = str_replace("{website_title}",$core['config']['websitetitle'],$body);
							$body = str_replace("{activation_url}",$core['config']['website_url'].'/'.ROOT_INDEX.'?'.LOAD_GET_PAGE.'='.REGISTER_CMS_PAGE.'&activation_id='.$activation_id,$body);
							$body = 'Dear '.$userid.',<br><br>
							Thank you for registering at the '.$core['config']['websitetitle'].'. Before we can activate your account one last step must be taken to complete your registration.<br><br>
							Please note - you must complete this last step to become a registered member. You will only need to visit this URL once to activate your account.<br>
							To complete your registration, please visit this URL:<br>
							<a href="'.$core['config']['website_url'].'/'.ROOT_INDEX.'?'.LOAD_GET_PAGE.'='.REGISTER_CMS_PAGE.'&activation_id='.$activation_id.'">'.$core['config']['website_url'].'/'.ROOT_INDEX.'?'.LOAD_GET_PAGE.'='.REGISTER_CMS_PAGE.'&activation_id='.$activation_id.'</a>
								All the best,<br>
								'.$core['config']['websitetitle'].' Team.';
							if($core['debug'] == '1'){
				define('DISPLAY_XPM4_ERRORS', true);
				define('DISPLAY_XPM4_ERRORS', false);
			$get_config = simplexml_load_file('engine/config_mods/smtp_settings.xml');
			$m = new MAIL;
			$m->Subject('Contact Us - '.$subject_set.'');
			if($get_config->smtp_connection == 'none'){
				$c = $m->Connect(trim($get_config->smtp_server), intval($get_config->smtp_port), trim($get_config->smtp_username), trim($get_config->smtp_password)) or $smtp_connect_fail = '1';			
			}else {
				$c = $m->Connect(trim($get_config->smtp_server), intval($get_config->smtp_port), trim($get_config->smtp_username), trim($get_config->smtp_password), trim($get_config->smtp_connection), 10, 'localhost', null, 'plain') or $smtp_connect_fail = '1';
			if($smtp_connect_fail != '1'){
					$msg_error = msg('1',str_replace("{userid}",$userid,text_register_success2));
					echo msg('0',text_register_error13);
			}else {
				echo msg('0',text_register_error14);
						$msg_error = msg('0',text_register_error15);

if($register_method == '2'){
		$activate_md5 = '1';
			header('Location: '.ROOT_INDEX.'');
			$md5_link = safe_input($_GET['activation_id'],'');
			$check_link = $core_db2->Execute("Select confirmed,memb___id from MEMB_INFO where activation_id=?",array($md5_link));
				$msg_error = msg('0',text_register_error16);
				if($check_link->fields[0] == '1'){
					$msg_error = msg('0',text_register_error17);
				}elseif ($check_link->fields[0] == '0'){
					$active_id = $core_db2->Execute("Update MEMB_INFO set bloc_code='0',confirmed='1' where activation_id=?",array($md5_link));
						$msg_error = msg('1',str_replace("{userid}",$check_link->fields[1],text_register_success3));
					}else {
						$msg_error = msg('0',text_register_error18);
	echo '	<table  border="0" cellspacing="4" cellpadding="0"  align="center" width="100%" >
	if($activate_md5 != 1){
		echo '<td align="left" class="curent_step" width="33%">1. '.text_register_complete_form.'</td>';
		echo '<td align="left" class="step" width="33%">1. '.text_register_complete_form.'</td>';
	if($activate_md5 == '1'){
		echo '<td align="left" class="curent_step"  width="33%">2. '.text_register_activate_account.'</td>';
	}else {
		echo '<td align="left" class="step"  width="33%">2. '.text_register_activate_account.'</td>';
	echo '
	echo $msg_error;
if($activate_md5 != '1'){
	if($complete != '1'){
		$userid_post = htmlspecialchars($_POST['userid']);
		$p_id_post = htmlspecialchars($_POST['pers_id']);
		$email_post = htmlspecialchars($_POST['email_address']);
		$country_post = htmlspecialchars($_POST['country']);
		$question_post = htmlspecialchars($_POST['question']);
		$anaswer_post = htmlspecialchars($_POST['answer']);
	echo '
<form name="sign_up_frm" method="post" action="" id="sign_up_frm">
<div id="a"></div>
<table border="0" cellspacing="10" cellpadding="0" width="100%" style="margin-top: 10px;" align="center">
<td colspan="3" align="left" class="iRg_line">'.text_register_t1.':</td>
<td align="left" class="iRg_text" style="padding-left: 24px;" width="130">'.text_user_id.'</td>
<td align="left" class="iRg_inf"><input class="iRg_input" type="text" name="userid" id="userid" maxlength="10" onclick="document.getElementById(\'c_uss\').innerHTML=\''.text_register_req1.'\'" value="'.$userid_post.'"> <a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="cs_ua_a();">'.link_check_available.'</a></td>
<td align="left" ><span class="iRg_inf"><div id="c_uss">'.text_register_req1.'</div></span></td>
<td align="left" class="iRg_text"  style="padding-left: 24px;">'.text_password.'</td>
<td align="left"><input class="iRg_input" type="password" name="password" id="password" maxlength="12"></td>
<td align="left"><span class="iRg_inf">'.text_register_req2.'</span></td>
<td align="left" class="iRg_text"  style="padding-left: 24px;">'.text_cnf_password.'</td>
<td align="left"><input class="iRg_input" type="password" name="confirm_password" id="confirm_password" maxlength="12"> <span class="iRg_inf"></span></td>
<td align="left"><span class="iRg_inf"><em>*'.text_register_req3.'</em></span></td>
if($get_config->pers_id_active == '1'){
	echo '<tr>
<td colspan="3" align="left" class="iRg_line">'.text_register_t2.':</td>
<td align="left" class="iRg_text"  style="padding-left: 24px;">'.text_personal_id.'</td>
<td align="left"><input class="iRg_input" type="text" name="pers_id" id="pers_id" maxlength="'.$get_config->pers_id_length.'" value="'.$p_id_post.'"> <span class="iRg_inf"></span></td>
<td align="left"><span class="iRg_inf"><span class="iRg_inf">'.text_register_req4.'</span></td>

echo '
<td colspan="3" align="left" class="iRg_line">'.text_register_t3.':</td>
<td align="left" class="iRg_text"  style="padding-left: 24px;">'.text_email_address.'</td>
<td align="left" class="iRg_inf"><input class="iRg_input" maxlength="50" type="text" name="email_address" id="email_address" onclick="document.getElementById(\'c_mss\').innerHTML=\''.text_register_req5.'\'" value="'.$email_post.'"> <a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="csm_uam_am();">'.link_check_available.'</a></td>
<td align="left"><span class="iRg_inf"><div id="c_mss">'.text_register_req5.'</div></span></td>
<td colspan="3" align="left" class="iRg_line">'.text_register_t4.':</td>
<td align="left" class="iRg_text"  style="padding-left: 24px;">'.text_country.'</td>
<td align="left"><select name="country" class="iRg_input" id="country"><option value="x">--'.text_select.'</option>';

	    $c = getcountry('list');
	foreach ($c as $cc => $v) {
		if($country_post == $cc){
			echo  '<option value="'.$cc.'" selected="selected">'.$v.'</option>';
			echo  '<option value="'.$cc.'">'.$v.'</option>';

	echo '</select></td>
<td align="left"></td>
<td align="left" class="iRg_text"  style="padding-left: 24px;">'.text_gender.'</td>
<td align="left" class="iRg_gender"><label><input name="gender" id="gender" type="radio" value="1">'.text_male.'</label>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<label><input name="gender" type="radio" value="2" id="gender">'.text_female.'</label></td>
<td align="left"></td>
<td colspan="3" align="left" class="iRg_line">'.text_register_t5.':</td>
<td align="left" class="iRg_text"  style="padding-left: 24px;">'.text_register_secret_question.'</td>
<td align="left" colspan="2"><select name="question" id="question"  class="iRg_input"><option value="x">--'.text_select.'</option>
	    foreach ($secret_questions as $sq_id => $sq_name){
	    	if($question_post == $sq_id){
	    		echo '<option value="'.$sq_id.'" selected="selected">'.$sq_name.'</option>';
	    		echo '<option value="'.$sq_id.'">'.$sq_name.'</option>';
   echo '</select></td>
<td align="left"></td>
<td align="left" class="iRg_text"  style="padding-left: 24px;">'.text_register_answer_question.'</td>
<td align="left" colspan="2"><input class="iRg_input" type="text" name="answer" id="answer" maxlength="20" value="'.$anaswer_post.'">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;'.text_register_req6.'</td>
<td colspan="3" align="left" class="iRg_line">'.text_register_t6.':</td>
<td align="left" colspan="3"> ';
   if($is_reCAPTCHA == '1'){
   	$publickey = $verification_config->reCAPTCHA_public_key;
   	echo '<script type="text/javascript">
		var RecaptchaOptions = {
			theme : \''.$verification_config->reCAPTCHA_theme.'\'
			,lang : \'en\'
   	echo recaptcha_get_html($publickey);

   	 echo '
<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="100%">
<td align="left"><img src="get.php?aI" border="0"></td>
<td align="left" class="iRg_inf"><div align="left" style="padding-bottom: 4px; ">'.text_register_type_code.'</div><input class="iRg_input" type="text" name="verify_int" id="verify_int"></td>
  echo '

<table border="0" cellspacing="10" cellpadding="0" width="100%"  align="center">
<td align="center" colspan="2" class="iRg_terms_agree"><label><input type="checkbox" name="terms" value="1"> '.text_register_read_terms1.'</label> <a href="'.ROOT_INDEX.'?'.LOAD_GET_PAGE.'='.TERMSOFSERVICE_CMS_PAGE.'" target="_blank">'.text_register_read_terms2.'</a>.<input type="hidden" name="create_account"></td>
<td align="right"><input type="image" src="template/'.$core['config']['template'] .'/images/submit_btn.gif" onclick="return parse_inputs()"></td>
<td align="left"><img src="template/'.$core['config']['template'].'/images/cancel_btn.gif" border="0" onclick="location.href=\''.$core['config']['website_url'].'\'"></td>
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Reactions: karipidis
Beta 32 hint:
Another hint:
Planned changes / changelog for beta 32

Brand new VIP System
Advanced npc buffers configuration file (+ability to add them on every map, change npc's ids & ability to limit them to vips only)
Added ability to disable /questinfo command
Added ability to change how blood castle award players (all party players or just the player who completes the quest)
All player commands now works with the brand new vip system. You can now limit the commands to vips only.
Advanced map system with safe zones! Yes, you can finally create non pvp, pk free zones.
Game Masters can move using /move <map name>
Added a check if the player will exceed the maximum amount of zen (2000000000) when selling, being rewarded in event and when picking up zen). No more bugged zen.

THAT'S WHAT I'M TALKING ABOUT!! Best release ever seen... :D
But... Can you make configurable the power of elf buff? Like, new players make 500 dmg with basic hits, such as JamaikaMu... And extend the maximum timer a little bit, I think 255 seconds is very little :/
Браво Дарк. Продължавай все така!
d@mn! if everything works ok this will be amazing update and amazing server files...
the only thing that is missing now maybe is something like duel system something life events..but so far great files great job darkmaster