[Release] DarksTeam MuServer 0.99.60/62T (1.0M) Beta 15

[Beta 4 Changelog]
Added ability to disable monsters push in Chaos Castle event
Fixed Kundun boss ancient items drop count option
Added custom Land of Trials entrance npc with ability to set min level, resets, price to enter (npc id 234)
Added ability to set per room rewards in Chaos Castle event
Added ability to redirect all kalima gates to gate 1
Added Sky Event (entrance npc id 247) - Download the new client patch
Fixed Happy Hour event item drop issue
Added ability to disable Ice Arrow skill effect on specified mobs
Fixed Prices.ini not being read correctly

Added ability to redirect all kalima gates to gate 1 --->To what does this refer?
hi I DarkMaster like to make some suggestions for MuServer

1 - put command / zen
2 - Enable OPTION EXE 63 ItemDropRate NO DROP ITEMS FULL
3 - put offtrade
4 - put ANTAFK
5 - set the premium at the end devil square (like the one with the chaos and blood castle castle)

Thank you for your attention to this MuServer very good, thank you for releasing it
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server master eso debes configurarlo vos las invaciones adentro de data eventmanager algo assi se llama ai estan los horarios
darkteam hello help plz /marry Command does not work
Coordinates devias 2 13/25 it does not work
so that's mean you missed up something !

Original server download + update 4.1 change IP, password sql, and start, wait golden Dragon, not appear in game not announce wich golden invasion, in tarkan,devias,noria, lorencia , ( no exist golden )

sorry for my bad english
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Original server download + update 4.1 change IP, password sql, and start, wait golden Dragon, not appear in game not announce wich golden invasion, in tarkan,devias,noria, lorencia , ( no exist golden )

sorry for my bad english

check your eventmanager,monster.txt, monstersetbase.txt, commonserver
What editor edit Item.bmd without error File Corrupted?

I can not use skills

TwistingSlash = 80 ; Twisting Slash min use level
RagefulBlow = 170 ; Rageful Blow min use level
DeathStab = 160 ; Death Stab min use level
Impale = 28 ; Impale min use level
GreaterFortitude = 120 ; Greater Fortitude min use level
Penetration = 130 ; Penetration min use level

In muserver/DTData/skill.ini