- Joined
- Apr 8, 2008
- Messages
- 2,465
- Reaction score
- 11,175
+ Added ability to enable/disable monster explosions in Chaos CastleGold Edition changelog (work in progress)
Patched a good amount of Webzen gaps (including crash and dupe bugs)
Tweaked 65,535 life/mana/bp/level up points limit/damage limitation - now showing real values
Tweaked item drop system
Added Golden Archer system with ability to exchange renas for items
Tweaked /add command to update character stats without relog
Added new VIP system with ability to create multiple vip packages with different exp/drop/points per level
Added Dynamic Exp system (per level/resets/grand resets)
Tweaked Happy Hour event
Added Happy Level Up event
Tweaked GM system
Added new Reset System (without relog)
Added /resetstats command (without relog)
Added advanced Grand Reset system
Added ability to control pvp damage while in a duel
Added ability to limit Swell of Life additional life & time
Added ability to limit Mana Shield additional defense & time
Tweaked elf additional damage & defense skill duration
Added new Sky Event with ability to set custom cell
Fixed some Webzen bugs
Implemented advanced anti speed hack system
Added ability to limit some skills in pvp and pve, as well as preventing them from moving players/monsters
+ Added ability to change points per class/level/resets/grand resets
+ Added ability to limit max stats per class/level/resets/grand resets
+ Added ability to create /skin blocked zones
+ Added ability to create /tracemarry blocked zones
+ Tweaked VIP system to support additional chaos machine success rate
+ Added ability to control Jewel of Bless success rate
+ Added ability to limit killers from killing players/monsters
+ Added ability to reduce gs_cs logs
+ Added /combo on/off command
+ Ported some features /including hack-checks/ from newest versions
+ Added ability to control (increase/decrease) pvp damage /per class/
+ Added ability to limit pvp between party members
+ Tweaked gm system to support some of the regular commands like !global message, /move <map> <x> <y>, /trace, /disconnect, /guildmove, /guilddisconnect
+ Tweaked item drop system with ability to limit some items to VIPs only
+ Decreased dataserver (from ~100 to ~3mb), gameserver (from ~250 to ~110mb), gameserver_cs (from ~220 to ~80mb) memory usage
+ A good amount of small fixes & additions