- Joined
- Jan 3, 2012
- Messages
- 56
- Reaction score
- 3

Official Start
3.07.2015 18:00 (GMT+2)
3.07.2015 18:00 (GMT+2)
Open Beta Test
22.06.2015 - 02.07.2015
22.06.2015 - 02.07.2015
- Homepage: DarkMu Website
- Downloads: DarkMu - Downloads
- Registration: DarkMu - Registration
- Forum: DarkMu - Forum
..::Server Information::..
- Version: Season II
- Experience: 3x
- Drop: 30%
- Monster HP: 100%
- Points Per Level: 5(6)/7
- Max Level: 400
- Resets: No
- MG Unlock: 220lvl
- DL Unlock: 250lvl
- Soldier Elf Buff Till: 200lvl
- SD Shield: On
- Harmony: On
- Bless Bug: Off
- Jewels in Shops: No
- Box in Shops: No
- Items Max add: +28
- Items Max level: +13
- Character Delete Max Level: 100
- Alliance Required Members: 5
- Guild Create Level: 100
- BK Combo: Off
- Shop Sell Bless Price: 1,500,000 zen
- Shop Sell Soul Price: 1,000,000 zen
- Shop Sell Chaos Price: 270,000 zen
- Shop Sell Life Price: 5,000,000 zen
- Shop Sell Creation Price: 3,000,000 zen
- Shop Sell Guardian Price: 3,000,000 zen
- Soul: 50%
- Soul+Luck: 75%
- Life: 70%
- Item+10: 90%
- Item+11: 80%
- Item+12: 70%
- Item+13: 60%
- Dark Horse: 60%
- Dark Spirit: 60%
- Party2: 160%
[*]Party3: 180%
[*]Party4: 200%
[*]Party5: 220%
[*]Set Party3: 230%
[*]Set Party4: 250%
[*]Set Party5: 280%
..::Box of Kundun drop::..
- BoK+1: Leather, Pad, Vine Sets, Rings
- BoK+2: Scale, Bone, Silk Sets, Pendants, Shields
- BoK+3: Brass, Sphinx, Wind Sets
- BoK+4: Plate, Sphinx, Spirit, Light Plate Sets
- BoK+5: Dragon, Legendary, Guardian, Storm Crow, Adamantine Sets
- Dungeon1: 98 221 Skeleton ; 82 231 Larva
- Dungeon2: 236 106 Cyclops ; 178 122 Skeleton Archer
- Dungeon3: 8 56 Poison Bull; 41 55 Poison Bull
- Devias: 240 85 Worm
- Devias2: 35 25 Assassin
- Devias3: 200 240 Elite Yeti; 225 214 Assassin; 200 210 Elite Yeti
- Devias4: 75 175 Assassin
- LostTower1: 195 109 Shadow ; 195 129 Shadow
- LostTower2: 203 222 Poison Shadow ; 213 190 Poison Shadow
- LostTower3: 98 171 Death Cow; 87 244 Death Cow
- LostTower7: 54 91 Death Knight; 54 115 Death Knight ; 51 135 Death Gorgon ; 44 171 Death Gorgon; 54 199 Death Gorgon
- Atlans: 64 44 Bahamut; 45 67 Bahamut
- Atlans2: 215 64 Great Bahamut; 226 83 Great Bahamut;
- Atlans3: 49 177 Great Bahamut; 27 167 Great Bahamut;
- Tarkan: 127 43 Bloody Wolf; 95 31 Bloody Wolf; 110 90 Bloody Wolf;
- Tarkan2: 100 150 Tantallos ; 120 205 Vim Knight; 75 180 Vim Knight;
- Aida: Doubled the number of monsters.
- Kalima 1-5: 36 18 Aegis; 97 13 Bloody Soldier
- Kanturu, Icarus, Valley of Loren, Crywolf, Valley of Trial: No changes.
..::Ingame Commands::..
- /post (Minimum level: 50, Zen: 100k)
- /time
- Weekly Castle Siege
- Blood Castle
- Devil Square
- Kanturu Event
- Chaos Castle (06:00, 10:00, 14:00, 18:00, 20:00, 24:00 everyday)
[*]White Wizard Invasion (08:00, 12:00, 16:00, 20:00, 24:00 everyday)
[*]Crywolf Event (20:00 everyday)
[*]Castle Deep Event (11:30; 23:30 everyday)
[*]Golden Invasion (12:00, 24:00 everyday)
[*]Red Dragon Invasion (08:00, 12:00, 16:00, 20:00, 24:00 everyday)
[*]Skeleton King (04:00, 08:00, 12:00, 16:00, 20:00, 24:00 everyday)
PS. The info on this thread can be changed until the OBT is finished!
PSS. Vote for server and get 5000 credits in-game. For testing purposes we added all kind of boxes in lorencia bar! (only during OBT)!
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