Server Rates:
*Exp 200x Normal account
*Exp 250x Bronze account
*Exp 300x Silver account
*Exp 350x Gold account
*Master Level exp 25x Normal account
*Master Level exp 30x Bronze account
*Master Level exp 35x Silver account
*Master Level exp 50x Gold account
New 9999x Server will be open on 25 feb 2016 20:00 GMT+00
*Exp 9999x
*Master Level exp 9999x
Server Specifications :
Processor :Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5420 @ 2.50GHz (8 CPUs), ~2.5GHz
Connection: 1GB
Hosting Location: Bucharest ,Romania.
Name of Host: LGHOST
Website link:
News - Welcome to CocaineMu
Forum link:
~Server Specifications:
*CocaineMu Season 8 Ep 3
1st Server 50x :
*Exp 50x Normal account
*Exp 60x Bronze account
*Exp 70x Silver account
*Exp 80x Gold account
*Master Level exp 30x Normal account
*Master Level exp 40x Bronze account
*Master Level exp 50x Silver account
*Master Level exp 60x Gold account
*Drop 60%
*Item Duration 30 sec.
*Reset at lvl 400
*Grand Reset at 80 Resets
*Max status 32767
*PPL 5,6,7
*Monster HP 100%
2nd Server 999x :
*Exp 9999x
*Master Level exp 9999x
*Drop 60%
*Item Duration 30 sec.
*Reset at lvl 400
*Grand Reset at 100 Resets
*Max status 65535
*PPL 5,6,7
*Monster HP 100%
~Comands in game:
*/reset in game (no credits added)(reset on website 10 Credits Reward)
*/post (minimum lvl 50)
~Special Drops:
*Chaos Castle Reward is jeweles: bless,soul ,chaos
*Blood Castle Reward is CocaineMu Special Case (drops 1 bundle of jeweles random)
*Crywolf Event Reward is Shiny Jewelery Case (drops 3 jeweles random if you are Bk,Dl,Mg,Rf,Sum,Sm)
and if you are Elf drops items for elf with exe options and socket slots
*White Wizard Reward is CocaineMu Special Case (drops 1 bundle of jeweles random)and 5 WCoins
*Cursed Santa Reward is 10 WCoins
*Meduza Reward is 10 WCoins and drops items Boots with exe options and socket empty slots
*Kundun Reward is 10 WCoins and drops items Weapons and Shields with exe options and socket empty slots
*Erohim Reward is 10 WCoins and drops items Weapons and Shields with exe options and socket empty slots
*Balgass Reward is 10 WCoins and drops items Armors with exe options and socket empty slots
*Dark Elf from Crywolf Event drops items Helms with exe options and socket empty slots
*Nightmare Reward is 10 WCoins and drops items Pants with exe options and socket empty slots
*Maya Hands drops items Gloves with exe options and socket empty slots
*Selupan Reward is 2 WCoins and drops items Swords,Sticksand Shields with exe options and socket empty slots
*Goldens monsters Reward is 2 WCoins and 1 Box of Kundun
*Golden dragons Reward is 2 WCoins and 5 Box of Kundun
*Eggs invasion Event Reward is 5 WCoins and one egg that drops 1 new pet
*Skeleton King invasion Reward is 1 jewel random
*Red Dragon invasion Reward is 1 jewel random
*Double Goer Event Reward from every chests is 2 items with exe options and socket empty slots
*Imperial Guardian Event Reward from every side boss is 2 items with exe options and socket empty slots
*Golden and Silver Box drops random Pet Rudolf,Spirit of Guardian,Demon,Small wings and Cape
*Summon Scrool lvl1,2,3,4 when you throw on the ground is invoking 1 snake thats drop 1 jewel random
*Pandoras Mining : Buy one pandora Pick from webshop and Start mining in :Lost Tower 1,Tarkan,Aida,Swamp of Peace,Raklion and get Reward jeweles
*Acheron Drop :
.Mithril fragment
.Elixir fragment
.Spirit Powder
.Jewel of combination frame
.Talisman of Luck
.Talisman of Chaos Assembly
.Jewel of Extension
.Jewel of Elevation
.Elemental Talisman of Luck
.Elemental Talisman of Chaos
* Vulcanus Drop:
.Sphere lvl1,...,lvl5
~Events Schedule: GMT + 00
*00:00 CastleDeepEvent every 8 hours
*00:05 DevilSquare every 2 hours
*00:20 Skeleton King every 4 hours
*00:30 Blood Castle every 2 hours
*00:45 Red Dragons every 4 hours
*00:50 White Wizard every 2 hours
*01:00 ChaosCastle every 2 hours
*01:15 Golden Dragons every 2 hours
*02:40 Fire Flame Ghost egg every 4 hours
*02:50 Moon Rabbits eggs every 4 hours
*02:50 Cursed Santa every 4 hours
*02:55 Golden Goblin egg every 4 hours
*03:25 Pouch of Blessing egg every 4 hours
*03:50 MossMerchant every 6 hours
*07:05 Medusa every 12 hours
*Custom Event Drop Lorencia , 10:00 , 18:00 Server 50x
*Custom Event Drop Lorencia , 10:00 ,14:00, 18:00 ,22:00 Server 9999x
*10:10 Crywolf Event every 12 hours
*Castle Siege Every Sunday at 18:00 Server 50x
*Castle Siege Every Sunday at 15:00 Server 9999x
*Exp 200x Normal account
*Exp 250x Bronze account
*Exp 300x Silver account
*Exp 350x Gold account
*Master Level exp 25x Normal account
*Master Level exp 30x Bronze account
*Master Level exp 35x Silver account
*Master Level exp 50x Gold account
New 9999x Server will be open on 25 feb 2016 20:00 GMT+00
*Exp 9999x
*Master Level exp 9999x
Server Specifications :
Processor :Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5420 @ 2.50GHz (8 CPUs), ~2.5GHz
Connection: 1GB
Hosting Location: Bucharest ,Romania.
Name of Host: LGHOST

Website link:
News - Welcome to CocaineMu
Forum link:
~Server Specifications:
*CocaineMu Season 8 Ep 3
1st Server 50x :
*Exp 50x Normal account
*Exp 60x Bronze account
*Exp 70x Silver account
*Exp 80x Gold account
*Master Level exp 30x Normal account
*Master Level exp 40x Bronze account
*Master Level exp 50x Silver account
*Master Level exp 60x Gold account
*Drop 60%
*Item Duration 30 sec.
*Reset at lvl 400
*Grand Reset at 80 Resets
*Max status 32767
*PPL 5,6,7
*Monster HP 100%
2nd Server 999x :
*Exp 9999x
*Master Level exp 9999x
*Drop 60%
*Item Duration 30 sec.
*Reset at lvl 400
*Grand Reset at 100 Resets
*Max status 65535
*PPL 5,6,7
*Monster HP 100%
~Comands in game:
*/reset in game (no credits added)(reset on website 10 Credits Reward)
*/post (minimum lvl 50)
~Special Drops:
*Chaos Castle Reward is jeweles: bless,soul ,chaos
*Blood Castle Reward is CocaineMu Special Case (drops 1 bundle of jeweles random)
*Crywolf Event Reward is Shiny Jewelery Case (drops 3 jeweles random if you are Bk,Dl,Mg,Rf,Sum,Sm)
and if you are Elf drops items for elf with exe options and socket slots
*White Wizard Reward is CocaineMu Special Case (drops 1 bundle of jeweles random)and 5 WCoins
*Cursed Santa Reward is 10 WCoins
*Meduza Reward is 10 WCoins and drops items Boots with exe options and socket empty slots
*Kundun Reward is 10 WCoins and drops items Weapons and Shields with exe options and socket empty slots
*Erohim Reward is 10 WCoins and drops items Weapons and Shields with exe options and socket empty slots
*Balgass Reward is 10 WCoins and drops items Armors with exe options and socket empty slots
*Dark Elf from Crywolf Event drops items Helms with exe options and socket empty slots
*Nightmare Reward is 10 WCoins and drops items Pants with exe options and socket empty slots
*Maya Hands drops items Gloves with exe options and socket empty slots
*Selupan Reward is 2 WCoins and drops items Swords,Sticksand Shields with exe options and socket empty slots
*Goldens monsters Reward is 2 WCoins and 1 Box of Kundun
*Golden dragons Reward is 2 WCoins and 5 Box of Kundun
*Eggs invasion Event Reward is 5 WCoins and one egg that drops 1 new pet
*Skeleton King invasion Reward is 1 jewel random
*Red Dragon invasion Reward is 1 jewel random
*Double Goer Event Reward from every chests is 2 items with exe options and socket empty slots
*Imperial Guardian Event Reward from every side boss is 2 items with exe options and socket empty slots
*Golden and Silver Box drops random Pet Rudolf,Spirit of Guardian,Demon,Small wings and Cape
*Summon Scrool lvl1,2,3,4 when you throw on the ground is invoking 1 snake thats drop 1 jewel random
*Pandoras Mining : Buy one pandora Pick from webshop and Start mining in :Lost Tower 1,Tarkan,Aida,Swamp of Peace,Raklion and get Reward jeweles
*Acheron Drop :
.Mithril fragment
.Elixir fragment
.Spirit Powder
.Jewel of combination frame
.Talisman of Luck
.Talisman of Chaos Assembly
.Jewel of Extension
.Jewel of Elevation
.Elemental Talisman of Luck
.Elemental Talisman of Chaos
* Vulcanus Drop:
.Sphere lvl1,...,lvl5
~Events Schedule: GMT + 00
*00:00 CastleDeepEvent every 8 hours
*00:05 DevilSquare every 2 hours
*00:20 Skeleton King every 4 hours
*00:30 Blood Castle every 2 hours
*00:45 Red Dragons every 4 hours
*00:50 White Wizard every 2 hours
*01:00 ChaosCastle every 2 hours
*01:15 Golden Dragons every 2 hours
*02:40 Fire Flame Ghost egg every 4 hours
*02:50 Moon Rabbits eggs every 4 hours
*02:50 Cursed Santa every 4 hours
*02:55 Golden Goblin egg every 4 hours
*03:25 Pouch of Blessing egg every 4 hours
*03:50 MossMerchant every 6 hours
*07:05 Medusa every 12 hours
*Custom Event Drop Lorencia , 10:00 , 18:00 Server 50x
*Custom Event Drop Lorencia , 10:00 ,14:00, 18:00 ,22:00 Server 9999x
*10:10 Crywolf Event every 12 hours
*Castle Siege Every Sunday at 18:00 Server 50x
*Castle Siege Every Sunday at 15:00 Server 9999x